Кафедра «Высшая математика» | Лубашевский Игорь Алексеевич

ФИО: Лубашевский Игорь Алексеевич

Должность: Профессор

Дата рождения: 06.10.1955

Год начала работы в МАДИ: 2023 год

Ученое звание: профессор

Ученая степень: доктор физико-математических наук

Альмаматер: Высшее, специальность «автоматика и электроника» (МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова)

Защита диссертации на соискателя степени кандидата наук:

  • Тема: «Кинетические явления в узкощелевых полупроводниках, физика полупроводников»
  • Научный руководитель: д.ф.-м.н, профессор Рыжий Виктор Иванович, МФТИ
  • Степень: Кандидат физико-математических наук

Защита диссертации на соискателя степени доктора наук:

  • Тема: «Явления самоорганизации в системах со свободными границами, физика конденсированных сред»
  • Степень: Доктор физико-математических наук

Педагогическая деятельность:

Читаемые дисциплины

  1. Интеллектуальные системы;
  2. Теория расписаний и обобщенная транспортная задача;
  3. Системный анализ;
  4. Физика;
  5. Математическое моделирование человеческого поведения и кооперативных социальных явлений;

Научная деятельность: 

    научные исследования и преподавание

Область научных интересов: 

    явления самоорганизации; физика человеческого сознания, случайные процессы



  • с 1998-2010 более чем 15 грантов, роль: руководитель проекта или ключевой исследователь

    Гранты Правительства Москвы:

  • Грант 1.1.133 «Ограниченная пропускная способность дороги и кооперативные явления в транспортном потоке», 2004 г., руководитель проекта;
  • Грант 1.1.258 «Возможность раннего обнаружения заторов в глубоких туннелях», 2005 г., руководитель проекта;

    Федеральная программа «Интеграция» Российской Федерации:

  • Проект А0075 / B0056, «Инновационное компьютерное моделирование в создании новых материалов», 2000–2005 гг., Ведущий исследователь;

    Kakenhi, JSPS, “Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research:

  • Grant 245404100001, “Extended phase space and emergent phenomena in social systems”, 2012-2014, principle investigator

    Fukushima Prefectural Foundation:

  • Project F-23-1, “Hybrid Computer-Human Simulation and Virtual Experiments with Human Actions and Perception in Emergency: Basic Characteristics of Decision-Making”, head of project, 2011

    University of Aizu, Competitive Foundation:

  • from 2010; 8 one year grants aimed at describing cognitive phenomena and experiments based on human-computer interaction, principle investigator

    German Research Foundation (DFG):

  • Project GZ: MA 1508/8-1 “Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions in Driven System”, since 2006, head of Russian team;
  • Personal Grant 436 RUS 17/122/04STCU 1675 “Statistical physics of systems with motivation: Phase transitions in systems with dynamical traps and theory of individual car dynamics”, 2004;

    The International Association for the Promotion of Co-operation with Scientists from the New Independent States (NIS) of the Former Soviet Union (INTAS):

  • Grant 04-78-7185 “Feasibility of Air borne Optical Detectors for Analysis of Traffic flow in Mega Cities”, since 2005, head of Russian team;
  • Grant 00-0847 “Anomalous Non-Linear Random Motions Governed by Fractional Kinetic Equations”, 2003-2004, key investigator;

    Civilian Research & Development Foundation:

  • Grant STCU 1675 “Creation of computer program for monitoring temperate distribution during hyperthermia treatment of tumors”, 2000-2001, head of Russian team;
  • Grant ISTC 1552, “Non-thermal tumor destruction by laser irradiation”, 2001-2002, key investigator;

    International Science Foundation (Soros Foundations family):

  • Grant UI 1000 “Self-organized phenomena in active fractal media” 1994-1995, key investigator.

Список публикаций: 

Полный список публикаций насчитывает более 150 наименований и, в частности, включает: 

  1. I. Lubashevsky and N. Plavinska (2021) Physics of the Human Temporality: Complex Present, Springer.
  2. I. Lubashevsky (2017) Physics of the Human Mind, Springer.
  3. R. Mahnke, J. Kaupužs, and I. Lubashevsky (physics textbook) (2008) Physics of Stochastic Processes: How Randomness Acts in Time Wiley-VCH, Manheim.
  4. V.V. Gafiychuk and I.A. Lubashevsky (2001), Nonlinear Theory and Modeling of the Free Boundary Problems Arising in Distributed Media, VNTL Publishers, Lviv, 2001.
  5. I.A. Lubashevsky and V.V. Gafiychuk (1998), Mathematical Description of Heat Transfer in Living Tissue, VNTL Publishers, Lviv.
  6. В.В. Гафийчук, И.А. Лубашевский, В.В. Осипов (1990), Динамика самоформирования поверхностных структур в системах со свободными границами. «Наукова думка», Киев.
  1. I. Lubashevsky and K. Morimura: (2019), Physics of mind and car-following problem, in B. S. Kerner (ed.), Complex Dynamics of Traffic Management, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science Series, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, NY, pp. 559–592.
  2. I. Lubashevsky, A. Zgonnikov, S. Maslov, N. Goussein-zade (2017), Complex Dynamics of Single Agent Choice Governed by Dual-Channel Multi-Mode Reinforcement Learning, 2017, Strategic Innovative Marketing, pp. 561-567, Springer International.
  3. I. Lubashevsky (2016), Human Fuzzy Rationality as a Novel Mechanism of Emergent Phenomena, In: Skiadas, C.H., Skiadas, C. (eds.) Handbook of Applications of Chaos Theory, pp. 827– 878. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, London.
  4. I. Lubashevsky, C. Garnisov, and B. Livshits (2009) Complex Fundamental Diagram of Traffic Flow in the Deep Lefortovo Tunnel (Moscow) in: Traffic and Granular Flow ' 07, C. Appert-Rolland, F. Chevoir, P. Gondret, S. Lassarre, J.-P. Lebacque, M. Schreckenberg (eds.) (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009), p. 365-371
  5. I. Lubashevsky, N. Gusein-zade, D. Klochkov, and S. Zuev (2009) Three-frame Algorithm of Car Path Reconstruction from Airborne Traffic Data, in: Traffic and Granular Flow ' 07, ed.C. Appert-Rolland, F. Chevoir, P. Gondret, S. Lassarre, J.-P. Lebacque, M. Schreckenberg (eds.) (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009), p. 373-379.
  6. I. Lubashevsky, C. Garnisov, R. Mahnke, B. Lifshits, M. Pechersky (2006), States of Traffic Flow in the Deep Lefortovo Tunnel (Moscow): Empirical Data, Traffic and Granular Flow '05, (Berlin, Springer 2006), p. 683-688,
  7. I. Lubashevsky, M. Hajimahmoodzadeh, A. Katsnelson (2005), Toward noise-induced phase transitions in systems of elements with motivated behavior, in Traffic and Granular Flow '03, ed. Hoogendoorn S., Bovy P.V.L., Schreckenberg M. and Wolf D.E. (eds.) (Berlin, Springer 2005), p.124-130.
  8. I. Lubashevsky, R. Mahnke, Order Parameter as an Additional State Variable of Unstable Traffic Flow, in Traffic and Granular Flow'99, ed. D.Helbing, H.J.Herrmann, M.Schreckenberg and D.E.Wolf (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2000), p. 377-382.
  1. Vasily Lubashevskiy and Ihor Lubashevsky, Self-Organized Criticality and Cognitive Control Reasoned by Effort Minimization, Systems, 2023, 11(6), p. 271, doi: 10.3390/systems11060271.
  2. Vasily Lubashevskiy and Ihor Lubashevsky, Evolutionary Approach for Detecting Significant Edges in Social and Communication Networks, IEEE Access, 2023, 11, 58046-58054, doi 10.1109/access.2023.3284906.
  3. I. A. Lubashevsky (2019) Psychophysical laws as reflection of mental space properties Physics of Life Reviews, 2019, 31, 276-303, doi: 10.1016/j.plrev.2018.10.003
  4. A. Zgonnikov, I. Lubashevsky, S. Kanemoto (2015), Double-well dynamics of noise-driven control activation in human intermittent control: the case of stick balancing, Cognitive Processing, 16(4): 351-358.
  5. A. Zgonnikov, I. Lubashevsky, S. Kanemoto, T. Miyazawa, T. Suzuki (2014), To react or not to react? Intrinsic stochasticity of human control in virtual stick balancing. J. R. Soc. Interface 11(99), 20140636.
  6. A. Zgonnikov, I. Lubashevsky (2014), Unstable dynamics of adaptation in unknown environment due to novelty seeking. Advances in Complex Systems 17(3&4), 1450013.
  7. A. Zgonnikov, I. Lubashevsky (2014), Extended phase space description of human-controlled systems dynamics. Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, 3, 033J02.
  8. I. Lubashevsky (2013), Equivalent continuous and discrete realizations of Lévy flights: Model of one-dimensional motion of an inertial particle, Physica A: 392, 2323–2346.
  9. I. Lubashevsky (2012), Dynamical traps caused by fuzzy rationality as a new emergence mechanism, Advances in Complex Systems, 15:8, 1250045 (25 pages).
  10. I. Lubashevsky, (2011) Truncated Levy flights and generalized Cauchy processes, Eur. Phys. J. B 82, 189–195 .
  11. I. Lubashevsky, S. Kanemoto (2010), Scale-free memory model for multi-agent reinforcement learning. Mean field approximation and rock-paper-scissors dynamics, Eur. Phys. J. B 76, 69-85.
  12. I. Lubashevsky, A. Heuer, R. Friedrich, R. Usmanov (2010), Continuous Markovian model for Lévy random walks with superdiffusive and superballistic regimes, Eur. Phys. J. B 78, 207-216.
  13. W. Lubashevsky, I. Lubashevsky, and R. Mahnke (2010), Distributed self-regulation of living tissue: Beyond the ideal limit, Phys. Re. E 81, 021922.
  14. I. Lubashevsky, N. Plawinska, (2009) Physics of systems with motivation as an interdisciplinary field of science, Physics of Wave Phenomena, 17, 132-138.
  15. I. Lubashevsky, R. Friedrich, A. Heuer, and A. Ushakov (2009), Generalized superstatistics of nonequilibrium Markovian systems Physica A 388, 4535.
  16. I. Lubashevsky, R. Friedrich, and A. Heuer (2009), Continuous-time multidimensional Markovian description of Lévy walks, Phys. Rev. E 80, 031148.
  17. I. Lubashevsky, R. Friedrich, and A. Heuer, (2009) Realization of Lévy walks as Markovian stochastic processes, Phys. Rev. E 79, 011110.
  18. I. Lubashevsky,Tanja Mues, and Andreas Heuer, (2008) Different routes towards oscillatory zoning in the growth of solid solutions, Phys. Rev. E 78, 041606.
  19. F. Kalischewski, I. Lubashevsky, and A. Heuer Boundary-reaction-diffusion model for oscillatory zoning in binary crystals grown from solution, Phys. Rev. E 75, 021601 (2007)
  20. I.A. Lubashevsky, N.G. Gusein-zade, E.M. Chernigovskaya, L.I. Osipova (2007) Oscillator Phase Transitions due to dynamical traps, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, v. 1, 3.
  21. I.A. Lubashevsky, R. Mahnke, M. Hajimahmoodzadeh, and A. Katsnelson (2005), Long-lived states of oscillator chains with dynamical traps, Eur. Phys. J. B 44, 63.
  22. R. Mahnke, J. Kaupuzs, I. Lubashevsky, (2005) Probabilistic description of traffic flow, Physics Reports, 408, 1-130.
  23. I. Lubashevsky, P. Wagner, and R. Mahnke, (2003) Rational-driver approximation in car-following theory, Phys. Rev. E 68, 056109.
  24. I. Lubashevsky, M. Hajimahmoodzadeh, A. Katsnelson, and P. Wagner (2003), Noised induced phase transition in an oscillatory system with dynamical traps, Eur. Phys. J. B 36, 115.
  25. I. . Lubashevsky, P. Wagner, R. Mahnke (2003), A Bounded Rational Driver Model, Eur. Phys. J. B 32, 243.
  26. I. Lubashevsky, R. Mahnke, P. Wagner, and S. Kalenkov (2002), Long-lived states in synchronized traffic flow: Empirical prompt and dynamical trap model, Phys. Rev. E 66, 016117.
  27. R. Kühne, R. Mahnke, I. Lubashevsky, and J. Kaupus (2002), Probabilistic description of traffic breakdowns, Phys. Rev. E 65, 066125.
  28. I. Lubashevsky, S. Kalenkov, and R. Mahnke, (2002) Towards a variational principle for motivated vehicle motion, Phys. Rev. E 65, 036140.
  29. I.A. Lubashevsky and V.V.Gafiychuk (2001), On the principles of the vascular network branching, J. Theor. Biol. 212, 1.
  30. I. A. Lubashevsky and R. Mahnke (2000), Order-parameter model for unstable multilane traffic flow, Phys. Rev. E 62, 6082.
  31. V.V. Gafiychuk, I.A. Lubashevsky, and Yu.L. Klimontovich (2000), Self-regulation in a Simple Model of Hierarchically Organized Markets, Complex Systems, 12, 103.
  32. I.A. Lubashevsky and V.V. Gafiychuk (2000), Cooperative mechanism of self-regulation in hierarchical living systems, SIAM, J. Appl. Math. 60, 633.
  33. I. A. Lubashevsky and A. V. Priezzhev, (1999) Effect of blood vessel discreteness on necrosis formation during laser induced thermal coagulation limited by heat diffusion, J. Biomed. Opt. 4, 248.
  34. I. A. Lubashevsky and A. A. Zemlyanov, (1998) Continuum description of anomalous diffusion on a comb structure, JETP 87, 700.
  35. I. A. Lubashevsky, A.V. Priezzhev, and V. V. Gafiychuk, (1998) Effective Interface Dynamics of Laser-Induced Heat Diffusion-Limited Thermal Coagulation, J. Biomed. Opt. 3, 102.
  36. I.A. Lubashevsky, V.V. Gafiychuk, A.V. Demchuk, (1998) Anomalous relaxation oscillations due to dynamical traps, Physica A, 255, 406-414.
  37. I.A. Lubashevsky and M.G.Cadjan, (1998) Quasistationary theory of pattern formation described by one dimensional Stefan problem, Physics Letters A, 244, 285.
  38. A.K. Zvezdin, R.Z. Levitin, I.A. Lubashevsky, V.V. Platonov, O.M. Tatsenko, (1998) Phase transitions in megagauss magnetic fields, Physics–Uspekhi, 41, (10), 1037.
  39. I. A. Lubashevsky, A.V. Priezzhev, V. V. Gafiychuk, and M. G. Cadjan, (1997) Local thermal coagulation due to laser-tissue interaction as irreversible phase transition, J. Biomed. Opt. 2, 95.
  40. V. V. Gafiychuk and I. A. Lubashevsky, (1995) Variational representation of the projection dynamics and random motion of highly dissipative systems, J. Math. Phys. 36, 5735.
  41. I. A. Lubashevsky and A. G. Cadjan, (1994) Characteristics of spatiotemporal fluctuations of temperature in living tissue, Phys. Rev. E 50, 2304.
  42. I. A. Lubashevsky and V. V. Gafiychuk, (1994) Projection dynamics of highly dissipative systems, Phys. Rev. E 50, 171.
  43. I.A. Lubashevsky, V.L. Alatortsev, A.G. Keijan, (1993) Grain boundary random walks and diffusion in polycrystals, Physica A 193, 259.
  44. V. V. Gafiichuk, I. A. Lubashevsky, and V. V. Osipov, (1992) Theory of autooscillation of front of directed crystallization, Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 37, 447.
  45. I. A. Lubashevsky and V. I. Ryzhii, (1986) Influence of three-electron collisions on the galvanomagnetic properties of an electron gas in longitudinal electric and ultraquantum magnetic fields, Sov. Phys. JETP 63, 1007.
  46. I. A. Lubashevsky, V. D. Pishchalko, V. I. Ryzhii, and V. A. Fedirko, (1984) Influence of inhomogeneous heating of carriers under Auger recombination conditions on the photoconductivity of semiconductors, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 18, 1139.
  47. I. A. Lubashevsky and N. Yu. Mizerina (1984) High-frequency relaxational oscillations in a homogeneous electron-hole plasma heated by Auger recombination, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 18, 147.
  48. I. A. Lubashevsky, V. I. Ryzhii, and V. A. Fedirko, (1984) Influence of electron and hole heating on the intrinsic photoconductivity of semiconductors under Auger recombination conditions, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 18, 119.
  49. I. A. Lubashevsky and V. I. Ryzhii, (1983) Heating of an electron-hole plasma in double heterostructures, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 17, 1295.
  50. I. A. Lubashevsky, V. I. Ryzhii, and N. Yu. Mizerina, (1983) Theory of the threshold current temperature dependence for injection lasers based on Pb1-xSnxTe-type semiconductors, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 17, 1039.
  51. I. A. Lubashevsky, N. Yu. Mizerina, and V. I. Ryzhii, (1982) Special features of the threshold characteristics of semiconductor injection lasers associated with Auger processes, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 16, 1087.
  52. I. A. Lubashevsky, V. I. Ryzhii, and R. A. Suris, (1982) Effect of Auger recombination on the threshold characteristics of semiconductor injection lasers, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 8, 16.
  53. I. A. Lubashevsky and V. I. Ryzhii, (1981) Influence of a quantizing magnetic field on the conditions for generation of submillimeter radiation in narrow-gap semiconductors, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 15, 815.
  54. I. A. Lubashevsky and V. I. Ryzhii, (1981) Possibility of generation of submillimeter radiation in semiconductors with a narrow band gap, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 15, 100 (1981).
  55. I. A. Lubashevsky and V. I. Ryzhii, (1980) Effect of plasmon-phonon interaction on the dispersion of optical phonons in narrow-gap semiconductors, Sov. Phys. Solid State 22, 322.
  56. I. A. Lubashevskyi Theory of a recombination instability in narrow-gap semiconductors in crossed electric and magnetic fields, Sov. Phys. Semicond. 13, 1313 (1979).