«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(35), December 2013


Motor transport

Virtual reflect the productivity period operation of the vehicle – system “Mirror”

Authors: Kotov O.

Experiment-calculated method of road vehicle wheels steering angel estimation during road tests performing

Authors: Nguyen Hung Manh, Rementsov A

Experiment-calculated method of road vehicle wheels steering angel estimation during road tests performing

Authors: Shadrin S

Maneuverability system’s improvement for city transport vehicles

Authors: Demidov L.

Stochastic estimate of the vehicle ride

Authors: Alexandrova І., Alexandrova T., Mazmanishvili A.

Transportation engineering

Automation of technological processes of ultrasonic cleaning

Authors: Prikhodko V., Fatyuhin D., Yudakov E.

Method of hydraulic calculation of the diesel sprays distinguished by an arrangement of spray apertures

Authors: Malchuk V., Skorodelov S.

Hybrid power generation systems

Authors: Sidorov K., Yutt V., Golubchik T.

The efficiency and the rational use of truck mixers of various sizes

Authors: Dvorkovoy V., Rouzanova A.

Information technologies

Using tensometrical sensors for estimation of the parameters of carrying out aircraft

Authors: Velicanov А., Zatcepin V.

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels

The possibility of pavement wear valuation at rutting predicting

Authors: Lugov S., Kalenova E.

Methods of determining carriageway width on the curve plan

Authors: Abdunazarov J.

Videoregistration of transportation flow for the registration of traffic volume

Authors: Kotov A., Pospelov P.

Modeling of a frequency range of vibrations of a road design of the highway

Authors: Osinovskay V.

The estimation of the reduction degree of cohesive soils elastic modulus as a result of their spring decompression for the forecast of pavement condition

Authors: Gorjachev M.

Traffic safety

Analysis of indirect traffic management technologies by the example of foreign experience

Authors: Vorobyev A., Subbotin B., Vlasenko G.

About classification of defects of coverings of air stations of rigid type

Authors: Suladze M., Fedulov V.

Development of new approaches to improve the technology dispatching road passenger transport with the development of information and satellite navigation technology

Authors: Efimenko D., Ismailov А., Filatov S., Kuznecov K.

Automation of the production processes

About need of the development of bicycle transport bicycle infrastructure of the city Moscow

Authors: Trofimenko J., Sova A., Burenin V.

Materials of conference

The maximum flow of spring and rain floods in assessing the reliability of hydraulic structures in the future possible climate change

Authors: Kovalenko V., Gaidukova E., Haustov V., Sudakova N.

Cleaning of surface waters from urban areas

Authors: Agranovsky A., Rumyantseva А., Novikov N., Petrov N., Pavlova N., Petrova Н.

Stability of public transport transportation process at the conditions of the emergency weather situation

Authors: Petrov V., Petrov A.

Design of road drainage system entrance section drains water from edge trays

Authors: Vysotsky L., Babkin I.