«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Article (manuscript) requirements


Attention! Due to the large number of articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal, the editorial board is forced to introduce a restriction on the acceptance of articles. Currently, papers are only accepted from authors with an H-Index of 6 or higher. Articles of postgraduate students are allowed only in co-authorship with authors who meet this criterion.

The presented material (paper) should correspond to the main subjects, to be original, not previously published in other publications. Edited and proofread by the author. The editors reserve the right to check the text for plagiarism. The originality of the text should be 70% or more.

The scientific article should contain at least 20,000 characters including spaces, in A4 format, portrait orientation, Times New Roman font, color — black, font size — 14; interval — 1,5, field 2.5 cm on all sides. References are to be cited in brackets within the text. Example [1, p.5]. Pagination is not affixed.

The presence of figures (no more than 8), formulas (no more than 15) and tables is allowed only in cases where a process cannot be described in textual form. Figures should be clear, black and white. The text in the figures must be readable. Formulas are typed in the formula editor (Microsoft Equation, Mattype). Insertion of formulas in the form of images is not permitted.

Scientific articles structure is as follows: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (must have an introductory part), the data on the methodology of research, an experimental part, a conclusion and references.

In the upper left corner you must specify the UDC (http://lib.sportedu.ru/UDC.idc).

Page orientation of the article should be a book.

Title of the article: First name, patronymic, family name of the author (s) without abbreviations, academic degree, title, position, name of the institution or the scientific organization, e-mail of the author(s), ORCID ID (in Russian and English).

Abstract. It describes the goals and objectives of the research and its practical application (in Russian and English). The text of the annotation should not contain the title of the article.

Keywords. A set of keywords has to include the concepts and terms mentioned in article, and confirming relevance and novelty of the discussed researches and their results (3-5 words and phrases) (in Russian and English).

Introduction. In the introduction, the relevance of the study is formulated, the value of scientific evidence in theory and practice.

Main part. It must occupy a central place in your article by size. The main part should contain methodology of research, the content of experiment its analysis, synthesis, and an explanation of data or comparison of theories. If the article is theoretical, the thoughts and ideas that will be further analyzed must be stated.

Conclusions and recommendations. This section sums up the results of scientific research. The conclusions should logically correspond to the tasks stated at the beginning of the article.

References. References in Cyrillic script shall be in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100–2018. . In Latin script, references are made in accordance with international standards (http://ru.translit.net).

The composition of the sources should be relevant and contain at least 8 articles from scientific journals not earlier than 10 years, 5 of them — not earlier than 3 years. Among the sources, there should not be more than 20% that were written or co-written by the author himself. When selecting the source it is recommended to consider its availability. It is desirable to have access to the texts from https://www.elibrary.ru. References should contain at least 10 sources.

Information about the authors: First name, middle name, family name of the author(s) without abbreviations, academic degree, title, position, name of the institution or the scientific organization, with postal address and index, in which the work of the author(s) was performed (in Russian and English).

Articles must be signed, contain a review signed and stamped by the reviewer and information about the author (s). The information about the author can specify the number of scientific publications in journals and books (number of books, monographs, teaching aids published in this area). Articles are to be sent in by regular post or e-mail or delivered directly by the author to the publisher, 405н. Registered letters and parcels will not be accepted. Letters rejected by the publisher shall not be returned to sender.

Articles written by graduate students are published free of charge.

The Editorial office encourages authors to subscribe to the magazine in advance.

More information and a sample of an article is posted on the website MADI in the «Vestnik of MADI» section.


Foreign standards do not incorporate the use of the sign // and — (dash) between the year and the page number, and if the Russian-language bibliographic description does not list all the authors (written «and others.»), references that specify all the authors are required.

1. Articles from Russian-language journals and books, conference proceedings:

Articles from journals:

Bochcarev I.A., Fedorov I.I. (All last names are written in the beginning of the reference in regular font) (name of article is not included) Vestnik (title of the journal in italics), 2016, no. 9, pp. 2-8 (year, number, pages with a lowercase letter, regular font, separated by commas).

Articles from a collection of works:

Bochcarev A.I., Fedorov I.I. (All last names are written in the beginning of the reference in regular font) (name of the article is not included) Problemy prava (the name of the collection in italics), Sbornik statei, Moscow (place of publication is to written in English, rather than in Russian, using English letters), 2016, pp. 7-12. (Place of publication, year, pages with a lowercase letter, regular font, separated by commas).

Articles from conference materials:

Bochcarev I.A., Fedorov I.I. (All last names are written in the beginning of the reference in regular font) (name of the article is not included) Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Strategicheskoe upravlenie i controlling», Moscow, 2016, pp. 108-104.

Article from online resources:

Bochcarev I.A., Fedorov I.I. (All last names are written in the beginning of the reference in regular font) (name of the article is not included) Electronny zhurnal «Trudy MAI», 2016, no. 54, available at: http // www / mal / ru / science

2. Books, book chapters:

Bochcarev I.A., Fedorov I.I. (All last names are written in the beginning of the reference in regular font) Obespechenie nadezhnosti system (book title in Latin letters in italics) (Ensuringthe Realiability of system) (in brackets Roman font name in English translation), Moscow (place of publication Roman font in English), Progress 2018, 215, p. (If the article is given, the specified page: pp. 6-12).

3. Patents:

Bochcarev I.A., Fedorov I.I. Patent RU 2230870 C2, 20.06.2004.

4. Standards:

Shum. Obshchie trebovaniya bezopasnosti, GOST 1210033-76 (Neise. General safety reguirements, State Standart 1210033-76), Moscow, standarty, 1992, 9 p.

5. Regulations:

O merakh gosudarstvennoy podderzhki. Posyanovlenie pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 09.04.2010, № 218 (On Measures of State Support. Decree of Russion Federation of 09.04.2010 no. 218), Moscow, 2010.

6. English sources are cited in the original language in full:


Sooper L.P. Status of advanced for space-baced orbital transfer vehicle, Acta Astronautica, 2018, no. 5, pp. 515-518.


Sooper L.P. Status of advanced for space-baced orbital transfer vehicle, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2018, 245 p.

Articles that aren’t written according to the requirements are not accepted.