«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 1(36), March 2014



Perfection of the education system

Analysis of the Participant Solutions of the First Student International Olympiad on Mechanism and Machine Science

Authors: Krylov E.

Directions of improvement of higher education in Russia

Authors: Yukish V.

Motor transport

Some reliability issues of electric vehicle charging stations

Authors: Yutt V., Sokolov L ., Morozov V., Ospanbekov B.

Programmatic management by motion of car on the set route

Authors: Borisevich V., Ivanov А.

Transportation engineering

Influence of the temperature state of motor-car engines is on their operating indexes

Authors: Nemyj S., Kotsjumbas O.

Combination of purification methods of working fluids for hydraulic systems make it more effective

Authors: Guryanov G.

Fundamentals of construction of high-speed devices recovery voltage networks of objects of the industry

Authors: Burenin V., Polyansky V., Shevchenko А., Philimonov А.

Improving operational properties weld the ultrasonic method

Authors: Babchenko N., Seliverstova O., Sundukov S., Fatyuhin D.

Economics and management

Analysis of the Russian car and auto-service market

Authors: Suleymanov A., Anastasov M.

The methodology to create a programme of modernization for the transport industry

Authors: Bashkatova E.

Prospects of increase of efficiency of development of small and medium enterprises in the market of motor transportation services of the Russian Federation

Authors: Kholodova A.

Transformation of public relations as part of modernization of Russian economy

Authors: Kirova I., Popova T.

Information technologies

Stochastic motion imitation models on graphs and traffic research application

Authors: Yaroshenko A.

Using signals of navigation systems (GLONASS/GPS) for registration of driver time of work and rest

Authors: Ismailov A., Efimenko D., Bogumil V.

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels

Studying the features (characteristics) of the weather and climatic factors for developing vertical road-climatic zoning

Authors: Akhmedov K

Study of the influence of surface characteristics of the mixed catchment areas with terraced plots on the estimated duration of the overland flow (time of concentration

Authors: Soorya Prakash Paudyal.

Quality and reliability of road and airfield constructions made out of limestone concrete

Authors: Aliyev A., Karimov B., Aliyev K.

Аutomobile delivery

Calculation of performance indicators of passenger transport for pre-project analysis

Authors: Talovskaya M., Fadeev A., Kochegurova E.

Traffic safety

Road safety: methodological issues and assessment

Authors: Zolotareva О., Karmanov M.


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