«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 2(37), June 2014
Perfection of the education system
From the Imperial Engineering School to the transport industry institutions (1810-1930)
Authors: Smyk A.
Abstract. The paper presents the periodization of the Russian higher technical education history since the dawn of time to the industrialization of the 1930. On the example of the first transport institute in the country – Imperial Institute of Transport Engineers shows the formation of Russian engineering school traditions and their transformation in education reform process. Highlights the negative aspects of the process of creating institutions in the transport sector during 1929-1931and lessons learned.
Keywords: Russian traditions of engineering education, reforms of higher education in Russia, integrated education, transport industry institutions.
1. Klychevskii V. Kurs Russkoi istorii (Course of Russian history), Moscow, 1908, 320 p.
2. Larionov. A.M. Istoria instituta putei soobschenia Imperatora Aleksandra I za pervoe stoletie ego suschestvovania 1810-1910 (History of railway Engineers Insitute Emperor Alexander I the century of its existence 1810-1910), Saint-Petersburg, 1910, 409 p.
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4. Kornilov I. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii, 1998, no. 4, pp.130-139.
5. Smyk A.F. Iz istorii inzgenernogo obrazovania v Rossii, Sbornik statei, Moscow, 2014, pp. 222-228.
6. Boyarskii P.V. Politehnicheskaia shkola v pervoe desyatiletie cvoego sucshestvovania, Sbornik statei, Moscow, 1974, pp.179-189 (245 p.).
7. Istoricheskii ocherk razvitia Glavnogo ingenernogo uchilicsha 1819-1869 (Historical overview of development of the main engineering school 1819-1869), Saint-Petersburg, 1869, 418 p.
8. Artobolevskii I.I., Blagonravov A.A. Ocherki istorii tehniki v Rosii (1861-1917) (Essays the history of technology in Russia (1861-1917), Moscow, Nauka, 1975, 397 p.
9. Voronin M.I., Voronina M.M., Kiselev I.P., Korenev L.I., Lediaev I.P., Suhodoev V.S. P.P.Melnikov – ingener, uchenyi, gosudarstvennyi deiatel (P.P.Melnikov – engineer, scientist, statesman), Saint-Petersburg, Gumanistika, 2003, 472 p.
10. Ershov A.S. O vyshem technicheskom obrazovanii v Zapadnoi Evrope (Higher Technical Education in Western Europe), Moscow, 1857, 31 p.
11. Korolkov N.M. Kratkii obzor deyatelnosti Postoyannoi komissii po tehnicheskomy obrazovaniu (Summary of the activities of the Standing Committee for Technical Education), Saint-Petersburg, 1912, 120 p.
12. III Siezd russkih deyatelei po technicheskomu I professionalnomu obrazovaniiy. Obschaia chast (III Congress of Russian leaders in technical and vocational education. General Part), Saint-Petersburg, 1904, 165 p.
13. Tradicii b svyaz vremen. K 130 Moskovskogo otdelenia Imperatorskogo Russkogo tecnichesogo obschestva (Tradition and connection times. The 130 anniversary of the Moscow branch of the Imperial Russian Technical Society), Moscow, MIET, 2006, 108 p.
14. Encziklopedicheskii slovar Brokgauza i Efrona (Encyclopedic Dictionary by Brockhaus and Efrona), vol. XIII (25), Saint-Petersburg, 1894, 489 p.
15. Polozhenie o Imperatorskom Moskovskom uchilische Vedomstva putei soobschenia (Position of the imperial Moscow Engineering College Office of Communications), Moscow, 1898, 19 p.
16. Vernadskii V.I. Vyshaia shkola v Rossii (Higher education in Russia), Moscow, 1914, pp. 308-325.
17. Kirpichev V.L. Zadachi vysshego tecnicheskogo obrazovania. Rech prouznessenya na publichnom akte Kharkovskogo tekhnologicheskogo institute 15 sentyabrya 1890 goda, Kharkiv, 1890, 18 p.
18. Kirpichev V.L. Vivat, Crescat, Floreat. Rech proiznessennaia na torzhestvennom akte otkrytia Kievskogo politekhnicheskogo institute imperatora Aleksandra II 31 avgusta 1898, Kiev, 1898.
19. Garaevskaia I.A. Petr Palchinskii (Peter Palchinsky), Moscow, Rossia molodaia, 1996, 175 p.
20. Palchinskii P. Zamechania po povodu prichin maloi podgotovlennosti k samostoyatelnoi rabote, davaemoi spezialnymi shkolami molodym ingeneram, I o sposobah izmenenia takogo polozenia, Kharkiv, 1907, 12 p.
21. Grehem L. Prizrak kaznennogo ingenera. Tehnologia I padenie Sovetskogo Souza (Ghost of the executed engineer. Technology and the fall of the Soviet Union), Saint-Petersburg, Evropeiskii Dom, 2000, 186 p.
22. Kagan-Shabshai I.F. Institut ingenerov-electricov-proizvodstvennikov (Institute of Electrical Engineers manufacturers), Moscow, 1924, 20 p.
23. Kagan-Shabshai I.F. Ingenernyi intelligent ili bezdiplomnyi ingener ("Engineering" intellectual or "bezdiplomny" engineer), Moscow, 1928, 167 p.
24. O podgotovke tekhnicheskih kadrov narodnogo hozjajstva. Postanovlenie CIK i SNK SSSR ot 13.01.1930, № 65 (About preparation of technical shots of a national economy. Decree of the Central Election Commission and SNK USSR of 13.01.1930, no. 65 ), Moscow, 1930.
25. Materiali po reorganizacii vuzov,vtuzov, tehnicumov I rabfakov SSSR (Materials on the reorganization of universities, VTU-call, colleges and rabfaki USSR), Moscow, 1930.
26. Chanbarisov S.X. Formirovanie sovetskoi universitetskoi sistemy (1917-1938) (Formation of the Soviet university system), Ufa, Bashkirskoe knignoe izdatelstvo, 1973, 320 p.
27. Centralnyi Gosydarstvennyi Arhiv Mockvy (Central state archives in Moscow), fond p-347, op. 1, delo no. 6, p. 42.
Motor transport
Comparability of time of reaction of the driver and reaction of the car to steering wheel turn
Authors: Ostashevskiy S.
Abstract. In article proves presence of the fact of delay of reaction of the driver on parametre of lateral displacement concerning angular speed of turn. Proves to be true, in such a manner that for indemnification of the delays and delays of reaction of control systems and the chassis the driver should turn a steering wheel with anticipation.
Keywords: reaction of the driver, time of reaction of the car, system "driver-car-road".
1. Problemy povysheniya urovnya bezopasnosti, komforta i kul'tury dorozhnogo dvizheniya. Mezhdunar. konf., Kharkov, 2013, 244 p.
2. Bundorf R. The use of a variable stability vehicle in handling research, Detroit, GMRLab., GMR, 1965, 455 p.
3. Hoffmann E.R. The interaction between the driver, vehicle and road, Australian Road Res, 1967, vol. 3, no. 2, pp.25-36.
4. Milliken W.F., Milliken D.L. Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1995, 891 p.
5. Litvinov A.S. Upravlyaemost' i ustoychivost' avtomobilya, Moscow, Mashino-stroenie, 1971, 416 p.
Means for mathematical simulation of single-track vehicles
Authors: Plakhotnichenko A., Gaevskiy V., Podolskiy M.
Abstract. In article shown mathematical simulation process by separate phase, given a review of different means of simulation that can be used on different step of modelling single-track vehicles and they comparison.
Keywords: mathematical simulation, CAD, CAE, single-track vehicles.
1. Amosov N.A., Dybinskiy Y.A., Kopchenova N.V. Vichislitelnie metodi dlia ingenerov (Сomputational approach for engineer: tutorial), Мoscow, Vissh. shk., 1994, 544 p.
2. Dementiev Y.V., Schetinin Y.S. SAPR v avtomobile- traktorostroenii (CAD in automobile- tractor production), Moscow, Akademia, 2004, 224 p.
3. Li K. Osnovi SAPR (CAD/CAM/CAE) (CAD basics (CAD/CAM/CAE)), Saint-Petersburg, Piter, 2004, 560 p.
4. Gaevskiy V.V., Podolskiy M.S. Odnokoleinie transportnie sredstva – obobschenaia klassifikacia (Single-track vehicles – general classification), Vestnik MADI, 2012, issue 4(31), pp. 3-6.
Digital filters used in vehicle automation
Authors: Alexandrova І., Alexandrova T., Lazarenko A., Zein A.
Abstract. The possibility of building digital automotive automation. On the example of the automatic fuel control transport diesel engine shows that the required noise immunity of digital systems can be achieved through the use of digital low pass filter.
Keywords: digital control system, noise immunity, low-frequency digital filters.
1. Ryazancev N.K., Borodin Y.S., Sinelnikova L.B. Uluchsheniye toplivnoy ekonomichnosti I ekspluatatsionnykh kharakteristik dvigateley putem razrabotki sistem upravleniya (Improved fuel efficiency and engine performance by developing management systems), Vestnik NTU "KPI", 2001, issue 7, pp. 183-192.
2. Aleksandrova T.E., Lazarenko A.A., Zane A.V. Recursive filters Rekursivniye filtry Batteruorta i Lanczosha dlya stabilizatsii podvizhnykh obyektov (Batteruorta and Lanczos to stabilize mobility objects), Technicheskaya electrodynamika, 2012, no. 1, pp. 86-89.
3. Ivashko A.V. Metody i algoritmy tsifrovoy obrabotki signalov (Methods and algorithms for digital signal processing), Kharkov, NTU "KPI", 2005, 240 p.
4. Aleksandrova T.E., Kononenko V.A., Lazarenko A.A., Zane A.V. Sravnitelniy analiz tsifrovykh PD-stabilizatorov podviznykh objektov s nizkochastotnymi filtrami Batteruorta i Lanczosha (Comparative analysis of digital PD- stabilizers moving objects with low-frequency filters Butterworth and Lanczos), Electronics. Information. Mgmt., 2011, no. 2, pp. 148-152.
Transportation engineering
The determination of equivalent parameters of the working mixture on the pressure stroke's begin
Authors: Matyukhin L.
Abstract. The article examines an opportunity of the indirect determination of parameters of the residual gases and air-fuel-residual gases-mixture at the top and bottom dead centers and gives the analysis of the influence of fuel composition and excess air ratio on the engine filling and indicator factors of an internal combustion engine.
Keywords: piston internal combustion engine, interchange of gases, fuel mode, volumetric ratios of components in the air-fuel-residual gases-mixture, charging efficiency.
1. Lucanin V.N. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya: uchebnik dlya vuzov (Internal-combustion-engines: manual for Universities), kn. 1, Moscow, Vissh. shk., 2005, 476 p.
2. Matyukhin L.M. Analiz protsessov gasoobmena i sostava gazovogo dvigatelya s vneshnim smeseobrazovaniem (The analysis of the gas exchange and calculation of the composition of the air-fuel-residual gases-mixture in the gas engines), Vestnik MADI (STU), 2007, issue 4 (11), pp. 5-7.
3. Matyukhin L.M. Alternativa koeffitsientu napolneniya (The alternative of the volumetric efficiency), Dvigateli–2007: sb. nauch. tr., Moscow, 2007, pp. 80-85.
4. Matyukhin L.M. Analiz napolneniya i teplovoi rastcheot DVS na baze sostava rabochey smesi (The analysis of the loading and the thermal calculations of the engine on the basis of composition of the air-fuel-residual gases-mixture), Saarbrücken, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH&Co. KG, 2011, 170 p.
Application of ultrasonic technology for the preparation of paint to spray
Authors: Nigmetzyanov R., Sundukov S., Fatyukhin D.
Abstract. The results of studies on the influence of ultrasonic preparation of paint on its properties, the spraying parameters and the quality of the coating.
Keywords: paints, coating, ultrasound.
1. Abramov V.O. Moshhnyj ul'trazvuk v me-tallurgii i mashinostroenii (Powerful ultrasonic in metallurgy and mechanical engineering), Moscow, Janus-K, 2006, 688 p.
2. Rozenberg L.D. Fizika i tehnika moshhnogo ul'trazvuka. T.3. Fizicheskie osnovy ul'trazvukovoj tehnologii (Physics and technology of powerful ultrasonic. V.3. Physical basis of ultrasound technology), Moscow, Nauka, 1970, 689 p.
3. Mjejson T., Lind-li Dzh., Djevidson R., Lorimer Dzh., Gudvin T. Himija i ul'trazvuk (Chemicals and ultrasonic), Moscow, Mir, 1993, 191 p.
Types and features motion multisupporting self propelled heavy vehicles along a curved path
Authors: Gladov G., Demidov L.
Abstract. In this article some types of motion multisupporting self propelled heavy vehicles (MSBTS) and their features are given. Some basic structural components MSBTS are discussed. Methods of calculating the curvilinear motion of couple MSBTS for their use in the control system are proposed.
Keywords: maneuverability, multisupporting self propelled heavy vehicles (MSBTS), control system.
1. Aksenov P.V. Mnogoosnye avtomobili (Multiaxis cars), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1989, 280 p.
2. Katalog firmy Scheuerle, elektronnyi catalog, http://www.scheuerle.de/en/home/downloads/brochures.html.
Economics and management
Risk analysis and maintenance costs optimization for oil refineries by RBI and RCM methodologies
Authors: Pavlov V., Samokhvalov A.
Abstract. The concepts technical risk and associated costs, methods of risk analysis and consideration of the consequences in case of failure in production are examined in the article. The methodology of risk and consequences analysis is considered. The dependency between maintenance costs and risk is analyzed. Development of quantitative methodology for risk and consequences analysis on the base of RCM and RBI methodologies is suggested.
Keywords: refineries, risk, assessment methodology, cost optimization and maintenance.
1. American Petroleum Institute. API RP 581 2nd Ed. Sept. 2008, Risk-Based Inspection Technology, API Publishing Services, Washington D.C., 2008, 607 p.
2. Smith A.M. Reliability-Centered Maintenance, New York McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993, 201 p.
3. SAE JA1011, Evaluation Criteria for Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Processes, Society of Automotive Engineers, 01 AUG 1998, 12 p.
4. SAE JA1012, A Guide to the Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Standard, Society of Automotive Engineers, 01 JAN 2002, 62 p.
Complex of regulators and mechanisms of motor transport business functioning in big cities
Authors: Khmelnitskiy A.
Abstract. The article takes up methodical approach to the formation of complex of regulators and organizational-economic mechanism for motor transport and transport-logistic services market functioning in big cities. Complex of regulators consists of access procedures for providers for particular types of motor transport services’ market segments, norms of accreditation and voluntary certification of companies, expansion of insurance system of civil liability of forwarders, use of telematics and navigation systems.
Keywords: big city, motor transport and transport-logistic businesses, complex of regulators, legal regulations of motor transport services market.
1. Khmelnitskiy A.D. Ob innovatsionnom stsenarii strategii razvitiya avtomobilnogo transporta, Avtotransportnoe predpriyatie, no. 5, 2011, pp.15-28.
2. Khmelnitskiy A.D. Programmnye orientiry razvitiya gruzovogo avtomobilnogo transporta megapolisa, Sbornik statei, Moscow, 2013, pp.13-24.
3. Ulitskiy M.P., Кhmelnitskiy A.D. Modernizatsiya upravleniya obektami transportnoy infrastruktury, Vestnik MADI, 2012, issue 4 (31), pp.16-20.
4. Rosbizneskonsalting, www.rbc.ru.
Economic problems and directions of development of production localization to vehicles
Authors: Chirikanova E.
Abstract. The article considers the problems of the road transport industry in the field of manufacture of vehicles. Discusses the issues in the field of state legislative regulation of the criteria of «industrial assembly» and development of production of car components on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: motor vehicles, automotive components, manufacturing.
1. Chirikanova E.A. Tendencii razvitia proizvodstva avtomobilnih komponentov na territirii Rossii v svyzi so vstupleniem vo Bsemirnyu torgovyu organizaciu (Development Trends in the production of automotive components in Russia in connection with accession to the world trade organization), Avtotran. Predpriatie, 2013, no. 7, pp. 21-24.
2. Ulitsky M.P., Chirikanova E.A. Izmenenie tamogennih poshlin na avtotransportnye sredstva v granicah Tamogennogo souza (Change customs duties on motor vehicles in the Customs Union borders), Vestnik MADI, 2012, issue 1(26), pp. 85-90.
3. Ulitsky M.P., Khmelnitsky A.D. Modernizacia upravlenia obektami transportnoy infrastrukturi (Modernization of management of objects of transport infrastructure), Vestnik MADI, 2012, issue 4(30), pp. 86-91.
4. O vnesenii izmeneniy v Tamogenniy tarif Rossiyskoy Federacii v otnoshenii avtokomponentov, vvozimih dlay promishlennoy zbork. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 29.03.2005, № 166 (On outside Senia changes in the Customs tariff of the Russian Federation in respect of components imported for industrial Assembly-Ki. Decree of the Russian Federation of 29.03.2005 no. 166), Moscow, 2005.
5. Ob utvergdenii poryadka, opredelayuchego ponaytie promishlennay sborka I ustanavlivauchih primenenie dannogo ponaytie pri vvoze na territoriu Rossiyskoy Federacii dlay proizvodstva motornih transportnih sredstv tovarnih poziciy 8701-8705 TN BED, ih uzlov I agregatov. Prikaz Rossiyskoy Federacii ot 15.04.2005 Minekonomenergo № 81 Minekonomrazvitiay № 73 Minfin № 58n (On approval of the procedure, determining the concept industrial Assembly and set-future application of this concept at import on territory of the Russian Federation for production of motor transport vehicles of commodity items 8701-8705 HS, their units and aggregates. Order of the Russian Federation of 15.04.2005 of the Ministry of industry and energy of the Russian Federation no. 81, Ministry of economic development no. 73, Finance Ministry no. 58n, Moscow, 2005.
6. O vnesenii izmeneniy v poraydok opredelayuchego ponaytie promishlennay sborka motornih transportnih sredstv I ustanavlivauchih primenenie dannogo ponaytie pri vvoze na territoriu Rossiyskoy Federacii avtokomponentov dlay proizvodstva motornih transportnih sredstv tovarnih poziciy 8701-8705 TN BED, ih uzlov I agregatov. Prikaz Rossiyskoy Federacii ot 24.12.2010 Minekonomrazvitiay № 678, Minpromtorga № 1289, Minfin № 184n (On amendments in order, determining the concept "industrial assembling" of motor transport vehicles and establishing the application this concept at import on territory of the Russian Federation autokomcomponents for manufacture of motor vehicles-commodity items 8701-8705 HS, their components and assemblies. Order of the Russian Federation of 24.12.2010 Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation no. 678, Ministry of industry and trade N 1289, Finance Ministry no. 58n), Moscow, 2010.
7. Ob utvergdenii strategii razvitiay avtomobilnoy promishlennosti Rossiyskoy Federacii do 2020 goda. Prikaz Minpromtorga Rossiyskoy Federacii ot 23.04.2010 № 319 (On approval of strategy of development of car industry of the Russian Federation to 2020. Order of the Russian Federation of 23.04.2010 Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation no. 319, Moscow, 2010.
Information technologies
Development of automated control system of technological process of production of Sulphur in the tank
Authors: Karim D.A.H., Nikolaev A.
Abstract. The article describes the measuring system of the sulfur level in the tank in the production of Sulphur included in DCS. The system is implemented using proportional-integral-differential (PID) controllers. This approach allows you to create a flexible system that meets specific requirements of a particular object. Estimated critical control parameters of the measuring system, which is a program-technical measuring and computing complex, the core of which are the controllers. The existence of a Central controller allows you to quickly organize system of dispatch control of technological process of production of sulfur. Considered are the issues of transformation of signals in the PID controller. The described algorithm of controlling the sulfur level in the tank.
Keywords: process control, sensor, the level of sulfur, reservoir, production, the controller.
1. Muhammad Sh. Ruchnoe upravlenie i monitoring proizvodstva sery v tret'em bloke (Manual control and monitoring of production are gray in the third block), Sbornik statei, Mishrak, 2011.
2. Gargis T. Rukovodstvo po razrabotke i realizacii tankov sery (Guide to development and realization of tanks of sulfur), Sbornik statei, Mishrak, 2011.
3. Kusaj S.Ja. Promyshlennyj dizajn truboprovodov dlja sery (General principles of creation of SCADA systems), Sbornik statei, Mishrak, 2011.
4. Shankar K.G., Control of Boiler Operation using PLC – SCADA, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong Kong, 2008, vol II. issue
5. Nikolaev A.B., Ostroukh A.V., Zamytskikh P.V., Gubanov A.I. Automated system of oil quantity and quality indexes estimation, European Journal of Natural HistorY, 2011, no. 3, pp. 96-98.
6. Ostrouh A.V., Nikolaev A.B., Sal'nyj A.G., Kuharenko V.N. Obshhie principy postroenija SCADA-sistem, Avtomatizacija i upravlenie v tehnicheskih sistemah, 2013, no. 2(4), pp. 8-12.
Development of guidelines and algorithms for control and accounting regimes of work and rest of drivers of motor vehicles through the use of automated video-identification and satellite navigation
Authors: Vlasov V., Bogumil V., Efimenko D., Konin I.
Abstract. The problems of control modes of work and rest areas, the analysis of possible solutions to improve the safety of road transportation process. The approaches to reduce accidents on the roads due to the use of automatic identification and video systems, satellite navigation systems, supervisory control of road transport, improving accounting processes and compliance by drivers of motor vehicles regime of work and rest.
Keywords: safety and efficiency of the transport service, automated navigation system for supervisory control, video identification.
1. Vlasov V.М. Razvitie korporativnih system dispetcherskogo upravlenia I obespechenia bezopasnogo funksionirovania nazemnih transportnih sredstv na baze navigatsionnih priemnikov GLONASS/GPS (Development of corporate dispatch control and safe operation of road transport systems based on GLONASS/GPS navigation receivers), Transp. bezopasnosti i technologii, 2008, no. 3 (16), pp. 46-52.
2. Vlasov V.М., Efimenko D.B. Osobennosti ispolzovania na nazemnom transporte telematicheskih bortovih registriruuchih ustroistv (Features of use of telematics on-board recording units onroad transport), Sbornik statei, Мoscow, 2008, pp. 98-108.
3. Globalnaya navigatsionnaya sputnikovaya sistema. Sistemi dispetcherskogo upravlenia gorodskim nazemnim passazirskim transportom.Naznachenie, sostav I charakteristiki bortovogo navigatsionno –sviaznogo oborudovania, GOST R 54024-2010 (Global Navigation Satellite System.Dispatch control systems for passenger transport. Appointment, composition and characteristics of on-board navigation and communication equipment, State Standart R 54024-2010), Moscow, 2010.
4. Pichugin S.A., Еgorov О.О. Problemi soverchenstvovania sovremennih gabitoskopicheskih registrtsionno-poiskovih system subektivnih portretov (Problems of improving modern habitacioes registration and search systems of subjective portraits), Expert-kriminalist, 2011, no. 2, pp. 15-18.
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6. Kompanii «Vocord», http://www.vocord.ru/catalog/products/sistemy-videonablyudeniya/vocord-facecontrol/.
Highways, bridges & transport tunnels
Actual problem of bridge protection against scour
Authors: Andrianov Y.
Abstract. Bridge destructions are as a rule the result of river bed deformations under bridges. However the forecast of a river bed erosion is very much difficult end complex problem. Therefore it is better to protect bases of bridge piers against scour with antiscouring compositions.
Keywords: bridge, river, bed erosion, scour, pier, destruction, protection.
1. Andreev O.V. Proektirovanie mostovih perehodov, Moscow, Transport, 1980.
Assessment of a safe condition of low-head water power development in Moscow
Authors: Altunin V., Chernich O.
Abstract. In this article was done state analysis and an assessment of safety of Moscow hydraulic engineering constructions of pond water-engineering systems. Technical indicators of their operational reliability are also given.
Keywords: water objects, pond hydraulic power system, safety assessment, ground dams, spillway structure, on-site investigation, methods of expert evaluation.
1. Jashkova M.S., Altunin V.I., Altunina A.V., Chernih O.N. Vossozdanije malih prudov na territorii Moskvi (Reconstruction of small ponds in Moscow), Voprosi meliorachii, 2010, no. 3-4, pp. 71-79.
2. Bojkova I.G., Volshanik V.V., Karpova N.B., Pechnikov V.G., Pupirev E.I. Akcpluatachija, rekonsrukchija I ohrana vodnih obektov v gorode (Operation, reconstruction and protection of water bodies in the city), Moscow, ASV; 2008, 255 p.
3. Chernih O.N., Kaganov G.M., Volkov V.I., Altunin V.I. Problemi sistematizachii cvedenij po GTS na malih vodnih objektah Moskvi s cheliju ih inventarizachii (Problems of systematizing information on GTC structures on small water bodies in Moscow with a view to their inclusion in the inventory), Prirodoobustrojstvo, 2011, no. 2, pp. 73-79.
Program for calculation of prestressed concrete beam bridge spans standards AASHTO-LRFD
Authors: Pham Van Thoan.
Abstract. This article describes the program calculation of the cross sections of the main beams of reinforced concrete bridge spans with prestressed reinforcement in accordance with standards AASHTO-LRFD.
Keywords: prestressed reinforcement, loss of tension, creep of concrete, software design systems.
1. Popov V.I. Gorodskie transportnye sooruzhenija, Moscow, MADI, 2007, 352 p.
2. Barker R.M., Puckett J.A. Design of Highway Bridges based on AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, A Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1997, 1169 p.
3. Tiêuchuẩnthiếtkếcầu 22TCN272-05, Việt Nam, 2006, 400 tr.
Placing of cement-polymer wearing course for cement concrete pavements
Authors: Ushakov V., Diakov G.
Abstract. This article describes technology of placing cement-polymer wearing course for cement concrete pavements. The results of technological, mechanical-and-physical properties of cement-polymer compositions.
Keywords: cement concrete, wearing course, pavement wearing, repair.
1. Ushakov V.V., D'jakov G.G. Issledovanie koleeobrazovanija na cementobetonnyh pokrytijah avtomobil'nyh dorog, Sbornik statei, MMoscow, 2013, pp. 138-150.
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Power criterions working capacity of non-rigid pavements
Authors: Gorjachev M.
Abstract. The theoretical patterns of formation and transformation of energy in the pavement structure for modeling of energy metabolism in their layers. Proposed energy efficiency criteria for evaluating non-rigid pavements based on the concept of entropy.
Keywords: pavement, entropy, functionality, energy criterions.
1. Goryachev M.G. Struktura ponyatiya «raboto-sposobnost nezhyostkih dorozhnyih odezhd»: svoystva, pokazateli, kriterii otsenki (The structure of the concept of «capacity for work of non-rigid pavements»: the properties, performance , evaluation criteria), Vestnik MADI, 2012, issue 3(30), pp. 101-108.
2. Goryachev M.G. Energeticheskie sostoyaniya nezhyostkih dorozhnyih odezhd pri imitatsionnom modelirovanii avtotransportnyim vozdeystviem (Energy states of a non- rigid pavements in simulation modeling action of a motor) / M.G. Goryachev // Seysmostoykoe stroitelstvo. Bezopasnost sooruzheniy, 2014, no. 1, pp. 60-62.
3. Smirnov A.V. Teoreticheskie i eksperimentalnyie issledovaniya rabotosposobnosti nezhyostkih dorozhnyih odezhd (Theoretical and experimental studies of performance of non-rigid pavements) Doctor`s thesis, Omsk, 1989, 391 p.
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Automation of the production processes
Combined control dispenser is continuously action
Authors: Iluhin A., Marsov V., Kolbasin A., Dinh An Ninh.
Abstract. We consider a system process automation Continuous cyclic dosing of loose com-ponents concrete mixture with continuous and extended in time submitting them to the mixer , which provides by pre- mixing the material before entering the mixer enhancing qualitative characteristics of the finished mixture . Considered the combined block diagram ATS regulates vaniem flow and control actions on the rate you flax weighing conveyor and feeder performance.
Keywords: continuous action, feeder, builder-tion mixture control system regulation.
1. Marsova E.V., Vorob`ev V.A. Novoe pokolenie doziruyushchikh ustroystv neprerivnogo deystvia, Stroitel`stvo, 1999, no. 1, pp. 87-89.
2. Marsov V.I., Mincaev M.Sh., Bokarev E.I., Golovko V.V. Formirovanie struktury neprerivno-periodicheskih shem dozirovanija (Formation of structure for continuous-periodic circuits of batching), Vestnik MADI, 2010, issue 1, pp. 109-114.
Automation of the production processes
Assessment of influence of various factors on the intensity of the allocation of aerosol particles less than 10 micrometer on the street road network
Authors: Chizhova V.
Abstract. In the article concept definition aerosol particles is given. The main sources of formation of aerosol particles are specified. Emissions of aerosol particles till 2020 are predicted. The percentage ratio of various dimensional fractions of particles from motor transportation complex sources is given. Results of an assessment of influence of various factors on intensity of allocation of aerosol particles on a street road network are considered.
Keywords: aerosol particles, PM10, motor transportation complex, ecology.
1. Bezugly E.YU. Particulate matter, 2011, available at: http://sir35.ru/Vzveshennie-veshestva.html.
2. Trofimenko YU.V., Chizhova V.S. A settlement and experimental technique of an assessment of formation of aerosol particles (PM10) from motor transportation complex, Sbornik statey, Tolyatti, Samara, 2013, pp. 189–194.
3. Chizhova V.S. The factors influencing increase of levels of pollution of atmospheric air by aerosol particles less than 10 micrometers, Science in the central Russia, 2012, no. 1, pp. 7-10.