«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(39), December 2014


Perfection of the education system

Choice of educational technologies: traditional model or innovative approach?

Authors: V. Prusova, V. Beznovskaya

Sociocultural markers of professional student orientation: the image customs official

Authors: L. Ternovaja, K. Zolotareva

Motor transport

The development of a mechanism to assess the working condition of engine oil on the physical-chemical parameters

Authors: A. Khaziev

Theoretical foundations of the development of new corrosion inhibitors for the motor complex

Authors: I. Fadeyev, A. Novoselov, S. Sadetdinov

Evolution of control systems of automotive vehicles

Authors: M. Malinovsky

Transportation engineering

Optimization of the speed mode combined road machines (CDM) and the theory of traffic flow

Authors: K. Mandrovskii

Simulation of the contact coupling layer composite rod in the design adhesives and compounds kleemehanicheskih

Authors: M. Karelin, M. Semin

Galvanization of the surface of structural steels subjected to ultrasonic treatment

Authors: O. Chudina, V. Khachaturian, A. Pimanov

Estimation of particular metrics of operation efficiency and maintenance of construction equipment

Authors: S. Golovin

Dismantling and assembling threaded connections with the aid of the ultrasonic longitudinal vibrations

Authors: A. Neverov

Development of a regenerative volumetric controlled hydraulic drive with a programmable closed path of motion

Authors: P. Filyushkina

System control the rotation of the self-propelled vehicle for transporting heavy cargoes

Authors: L. Demidov

Economics and management

Justification of rational proportions in development of separate types of city passenger transport

Authors: E. Dinges, K. Nigmatulina

Bases of effective strategy of development of the taxi company

Authors: M. Zhidkova

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels

Reasonableness of the length account of movement to the scale of calculated load criterion homogeneousness of received data

Authors: Ma Chao, M. Goryachev

Problems of reliability of water culverts made of metal corrugated materials on transport highways

Authors: V. Altunin, O. Chernich, M. Fedotov

The free vibration of three-layer nonhomogeneous orthotropic rectangular plates on an elastic foundation

Authors: S. Qaraisayev

Traffic safety

Some aspects of directional analysis of road accident rate in the regions (lands) of Austria, Germany and Russia.

Authors: V. Kapitanov, O. Monina, V. Silyanov, A. Chubukov

Development of a conceptual schema management crossroads in terms of an integrated automated traffic control system

Authors: B. Subbotin

Environment safety

Technique of the assessment of efficiency of cycle transport depending on intensity of its use

Authors: A. Galyshev, S. Shelmakov


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