Perfection of the education system
Alexandra F. Smyk, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Elena A. Guseva, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. In this article are considered the basic questions of education quality increase by using computer testing methods at physics department MADI. The efficiency is shown of application of the input test results, which make it possible to identify the discrepancy with the exam scores in physics from school.
Keywords: testing, diagnostics of knowledge, exam scores, education quality in-crease.
1. Sirenko S.N. Innovazcionnye obrazovatelnye technologii, 2014, no.2, pp. 44-51.
2. Smyk A.F. Trudy mezhdynarodnoy shkoly-seminara ‘’Fizika v systeme vysshego i srednego obrazovania’’, Moscow, APR, 2014, pp. 229-230.
Nina I. Malysheva, Ph.D., expert,,
ZAO “Svyaznoy bank”, 19, ul. Leninskaya Sloboda, Moscow, 115280, Russia,
Tatiana G. Myasoedova, Dr. Sc., professor,,
D. Mendeleyev University, MUCTR, 9, Miusskaya Ploshchad, Moscow, 115280, Russia
Abstract. Analysis of the labor-market of young specialists of technical Russian universities has been carried out. Recommendations for attracting and retaining young specialists at Russian industrial companies using the capabilities of the organizational culture have been proposed.
Keywords: organizational culture, young specialist, industrial company.
1. Demografija na proizvodstve: rezul'taty oprosa rukovoditelej promyshlennyh predprijatij v 4 kv. 2011 g. Centr makrojekonomicheskih issledovanij Sberbanka RF,
2. Rossijskij statisticheskij ezhegodnik, sbornik statei,
3. Social'no-demograficheskij portret Rossii: po itogam Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2010goda. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki, new_site/perepis2010/croc/Documents/portret-russia.pdf
4. Demograficheskij ezhegodnik Rossii 2010 g. Rosstat,
5. Rynok truda dlja molodyh specialistov v 3 kvartale 2011 goda. Issledovatel'skij centr kompanii HeadHunter,
6. Malysheva N.I., Mjasoedova T.G. Kadrovik, 2013, no. 6, pp. 188-197.
7. Mjasoedova T.G., Malysheva N.I., Dmitrieva Zh.A. Problemy jekonomiki i upravlenija neftegazovym kompleksom, 2012, no. 5, pp. 28-32.
Ekaterina I. Makarenko, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, Russia
Abstract. Article is devoted to features of humanitarian preparation in technical universities and the relation of representatives of the technical intelligentsia to this problem. One of the major types of the specified preparation is patriotic education of pupils of higher education institutions. On the basis of sociological research the main tendencies characterizing a patriotic spirit of the technical intelligences are revealed. The short analysis of the term papers on sociology devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War is provided.
Keywords: humanitarian preparation, technical intelligentsia, patriotism, patriotic education, students of technical universities.
1. «Universitetskaja doktrina», prinjataja na Х s#ezde Rossijskogo sojuza rektorov. Materialy Х s#ezda Rossijskogo sojuza rekto-rov, 30 oktjabrja 2014 g., http:
2. Nauchnye shkoly Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta im. N.Je. Baumana. Istorija razvitija [Schools of sciences of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Development history], Moscow, MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana, 2005,
3. Fomichev I.Ju. «Novaja» i «staraja» intelligencija: obshhee i osobennoe, Sbornik statei, Moscow, RGGU, 2012, pp. 209-213.
4. Makarenko E.I. «Novaja» i «staraja» intelligencija: obshhee i osobennoe, Sbornik statei, Moscow, RGGU, 2012, pp. 99-109.
5. Filosofskij jenciklopedicheskij slovar' [Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary], Moscow, Sovetskaja jenciklopedija, 1983, pp. 484.
6. Zhovtun D.T. Sovremennaja politicheskaja sociologija [Modern political sociology], Moscow, RAGS, 2009, 194 p.
7. Sociologicheskie nabljudenija (2002-2004) (Sociological supervision (2002-2004)), Moscow, Institut Fonda «Obshhestvennoe mnenie», 2005, 424 p.
8. Makarenko E.I. Social basis of engineering intelligentsia under crisis conditions, Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 2010, Issue 10, рр. 26-30.
Alexandra F. Smyk, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Lev L. Zimanov, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article analyzes the curricula of training engineers for road transport, which were developed in the context of two reforms of higher education. To understand certain patterns of development of higher technical education and identify landmarks of modern educational policy must appeal to the history of the national engineering educational. It is identified the common features and shows the differences in the curricula of training engineers for the road transport in 1930 and 2013.
Keywords: Russian traditions of engineering education, reforms of higher education in Russia, integrated education, transport industry institutions.
1. Smyk A.F. Vestnik MADI, 2014, issue 2(37), pp. 3-14.
2. Fedorova I.B., Baltjana V.K. Stanovlenie I razvitie sistemy universitetskogo tecnicheskogo obrazovania Rossii (Formation and development of system of university technical education of Russia), Moscow, MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana, 2007, 187 p.
3. Kogan P.I. Doroga I Avtomobil, 1930, no. 1, pp. 10.
4. Postanovlenie CZIK SSSR ot 19 sentjabria 1932 “Ob uchebnyh programmah I regime v vysshei shkole I teshnicumah”. Izvestija CIK SSSR i VCIK, no. 261, 20.09.1932.
5. Gosydarstvennyi Arhiv Rossiskoi Federazii, fond 8060, op. 2, delo no. 54.
6. Smyk A.F. Istoria nauki I tehniki, 2014, no. 9, pp. 46-55.
7. Centralnyi Gosydarstvennyi Arhiv Sankt Peterburga, fond 3-9368, op. 1, delo no. 164.
8. Gosydarstvennyi Arhiv Rossiskoi Federazii, fond 8060, op. 3, delo no. 118.
9. Klyachko T.L. Obrazovanie v Rossii: osnovnye problem I puti reshenia (Education in Russia: main problems and possible decisions), Moscow, Izdael'skij dom «Delo» RANHiGS 2013, 48 p.
10. Hohlov N.G., Rachkov M.Y. Problemy ingenernogo obrazovania, 2005, no. 3, pp. 41-51.
Motor transport
Іrina E. Alexandrova, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Tatiana Е. Alexandrova, Ph.D., associate professor,,
National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", 21, Frunze St, Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine,
Dmitriy M. Klets, Ph.D., associate professor,,
Kharkiv National Automobile-Road University, 25, Petrovskogo St, Kharkov, 61002, Ukraine
Abstract. It’s considered vehicle motion automatic control digital system during braking, based on strapdown inertial system principles using and containing vehicle body rotation angular velocity sensors and vehicle center of mass linear accelerations with respect to its associated central axes sensors, the outputs of which are connected to the inputs of the onboard computer, that generates control signals on brake system block hydraulic distribution solenoids.
Keywords: vehicle braking systems, strapdown inertial system, Rodrigues-Hamilton parameters.
1. Alexandrov Y.Y., Volkov V.P., Volontsevich D.O. Povyshenie ustojchivosti i upravljaemosti kolesnyh mashin v tormoznyh rezhimah (Increasing the stability and controllability of wheeled vehicles in brake mode), Kharkov, NTU “НPI”, 2007, 320 p.
2. Branets V.N., Branets V.N. Vvedenie v teoriju besplatfor-mennyh navigacionnyh sistem (Introduction to besplatfor - variables navigation systems), Moscow, Nauka , 1992, 280 p.
3. Panov A.P. Matematicheskie osnovy teorii inercial'noj orientacii (Mathematical foundations of the theory of inertial orientation), Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1995, 279 p.
4. Lebedev D.V., Tkachenko A.I. . Informacionno-algoritmicheskie aspekty upravlenija podvizhnymi ob#ektami (Information and algorithmic aspects of mobile units), Kiev, Tehnika, 1997, 112 p.
5. Klec D. M. Vіsnik NTU «HPІ», 2013, no. 23 (996), pp. 109 - 113.
6. Podryhalo M.A., Korobko A.I., Klets D.M., Feist V.L. Patent UKRAINE 51031, IPC G01P 3/00, 25.06.2010.
Sergey V. Gromov, chief of laboratory,,
Scientific Research and Testing Center of the 3th Central Scientific Research Institute, 10, Proezd Pogonniy, Moscow, 107564, Russia
Abstract. In this paper we propose a method of estimation of the transverse static stability multiaxial special wheeled vehicles in the basis of which the mathematical model, created by means of program-methodical complex EULER.
Keywords: multi-axle vehicles, the transverse static stability, support-chassis module.
1. Gladov G.I., Petrenko A.M. Special'nye transportnye sredstva. Ispytanija (Special vehicles. Tests), Moscow, GRINLAJT+, 2010, 383 p.
2. Kornilov V.G., Ustimenko V.S., Pavlov V.A., Strebko O.A., Parhomenko A.N., Demik V.V., Chernyshev V.M. Razrabotka, obosnovanie i aprobacija maketa universal'nogo programmno-metodicheskogo kompleksa dlja provedenija issledovanij i ispytanij voennoj avtomobil'noj tehniki, Otchet o NIR, Bronnicy, 2007, 336 p.
3. Starikov A.F. Metody ocenki poperechnoj ustojchivosti mnogoosnyh shassi i puti ejo uluchshenija (Methods of an assessment of cross stability of multiaxis chassis and way of its improvement), Doctor’s thesis, Moscow, MGTU Bauman, 1985, 260 p.
Vladimir V. Luzgin, Ph.D., professor,,
Alexsandr D. Ulyanov, postgraduate,,
Brgu, 40, ul. Makarenko, Bratsk, Irkutskaya oblast, 665709, Russia
Abstract. The article contains the definition of the resonance method diagnostic ing industrial facilities. The essence of the method. Shows examples of using the resonance method of diagnosing the ignition system and the car's suspension. The values of the structural parameters of diagnosed objects.
Keywords: diagnosis, car suspension, ignition system.
1. Luzgin V.V. Vestnik MADI, 2010, issue 4(23), pp. 67-73.
2. Balagurov V.A. Apparaty zazhiganija (Devices of ignition), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1968, 352 p.
3. Rotenberg R.V. Podveska avtomobilja (Podvesk of the car), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1972, 392 p.
4. Luzgin V.V. Vestnik MADI, 2009, issue 4(19), pp. 25-29.
Transportation engineering
Alexandr N. Neverov, Ph. D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The mechanism of the vibration auto-unwinding of threaded connections is theoretically and experimentally investigated. It is shown that the direction of rotation is determined by the alignment of threaded connection and unit of oscillating mechanical deformations.
Keywords: thread, threaded connection, ultrasound, amplitude, frequency, longitudinal vibrations.
1. Neverov A.N. Vestnik MADI, 2014, issue 4, pp. 54-61.
Maria Yu. Karelina, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article examines the method of working surface wear reduction in tribounits by modifying surfaces in a surface-energy way by means of fluorocarbon surface-active materials. It also describes the technology of applying a protective molecular film, as well as the method of electrolytic fluoridation, and also the copolymerization reaction.
Keywords: service life, technology of surface-energy modification of an area, perfluorocarboxylic acids, electrolytic fluoridation, photochemical copolymerization.
1. Gajdar S.M. Mehanizacija i jelektrifikacija sel'skogo hozjajstva, 2009, issue 12, pp. 20–22.
2. Gajdar S.M. Mehanizacija i jelektrifikacija sel'skogo hozjajstva, 2010, issue 2, pp. 26–28.
3. Gajdar S.M. Gruzovik, 2010, issue 10, pp. 38–41.
4. Kogan L.Ja. Jekspluatacija i remont tramvaev i trollejbusov (Maintenance and repair of trams and trolleybuses), Moscow, Transport, 1979, 272 p.
5. Instrukcija po izmereniju udel'nogo soprotivlenija dvizheniju podvizhnogo sostava gorodskogo jelektricheskogo transporta, Bjulleten' BR-2/13. Ministerstvo zhilishhno-kommunal'nogo hozjajstva RSFSR, Glavnoe upravlenie gorodskogo jelektricheskogo transporta, Proizvodstvennoe obedinenie «ROSREMJeLEKTROTRANS», Moscow, 1985, 5 p.
6. Gajdar S.M., Chumakov A.G. Aviacionno-kosmicheskaja tehnika i tehnologija, 2009, issue 10(67), pp. 12–16.
Economics and management
Elena A. Chirikanova, Ph. D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article describes the main changes in the automotive industry in recent years. The main objectives and activities in the framework of the Strategy of development of the automotive industry until 2020.
Keywords: car market, vehicle.
1. World Trade Organisation. International trade statistics. WTO, 2012,
2. Strategija razvitija avtomobilnoj pro-myshlennosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda. Prikaz Minpromtorga Rossii № 319 ot 23.04.2010 s izm. prikaz Minpromtorga Rossii №2155 ot 27.12.2013.
3. Chirikanova E.A. Vestnik MADI, 2014, issue 2(37), pp. 60-65.
4. Ulickij M.P., Chirikanova E.A Vestnik MADI, 2012, issue 1(28), pp. 85-90.
Valentina A. Podhalyuzina, Ph. D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article discusses and analyzes the measures to increase the volume of foreign investments in the Russian automotive industry in order to increase the competitiveness of the Fatherland tion motoring. The article contains the analysis of statistical data and the automotive industry Rosstat OICA statistics, as well as conclusions about the place of the various countries in the world production of cars. The article also highlighted the global automotive stage localization companies and identifies the main reasons for the low level of investment activity of foreign corporations in the Russian automotive industry.
Keywords: automotive industry, investment, financing.
1. Minpromtorg Rossii. Publitchnaya deklaraziya na 2014 god I osnovnyie resultatyi 2013 goda,
2. Federalnaya slugba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, Promyishlennoe proizvodstvo,
3. OICA statistics. 2013 Production statistics,
4. Podhalyuzina V.A. Analisys of the state of the russian automotive industry, The First International Conference on Economic Sciences, Vienna, "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2014, p p. 165-169.
5. Podhalyuzina V.A. Automotive industry in developing countries, Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe: Achievements and Perspectives 2nd International symposium, Vienna, "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2014, pp. 153-159.
6. Podhalyuzina V.A. History of the russian automotive industry, The First International Conference on History and Political Sciences, Vienna, "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2014, pp. 75-80.
Murad N. Abdulaev, Ph. D., associate professor,,
MADI Makhachkala branch, 13, Prospekt Akushinskogo, Mahachkala,
Republic Dagestan, 367026, Russia
Abstract. One of possible methods of definition of dynamics of expenses for operation of road cars is given in article taking into account conditions of their functioning at the enterprise.
Keywords: road car, dynamics of expenses, service conditions, economic efficiency.
1. Abdulaev M.N. Vestnik MADI, 2010, issue 2 (21), pp. 34-38.
2. Bobrova T.V. Avtomobil'nye dorogi, 2011, no. 1(950), pp. 148-152.
3. Vilenskij P.L., Livshic V.N., Smoljak S.A. Ocenka jeffektivnosti investicionnyh proektov: Teorija i praktika (Assessment of efficiency of investment projects: Theory and practice),Moscow, Delo, 2002, 888 p.
4. Garmanov E.M., Vozhik K.A Povyshenie jeffektivnosti dorozhnogo hozjajstva v uslovijah intensivnoj avtomobilizacii strany, Sbornik trudov, Moscow, MADI(GTU), 2006, pp. 23-36.
5. Kantorer S.E. Metody obosnovanija jeffektivnosti pri-menenija mashin v stroitel'stve (Methods of justification of efficiency of use of cars in construction), Moscow, Strojizdat, 1969, 528 p.
6. Mishurova I.V. Jekonomika i upravlenie maloj firmoj (Ekonomika and management of small firm), Moscow, Izdatel’skij centr Mart, 2004, 672 p.
7. Perfil'ev M.S. Sovershenstvovanie metodov formirovanija i modernizacii proizvodstvennyh struktur dorozhno-jekspluatacionnyh organizacij (Improvement of methods of formation and modernization of production structures of the road and operational organizations), Omsk, SibADI, 2004.
8. Kantorer S.E. Stroitel'nye mashiny i jekonomika ih primenenija. Detali, konstrukcii i jekonomika primenenija mashin (Construction cars and economy of their application. Detail, designs and economy of use of cars) Moscow, Vysshaja shkola, 1973, 528 p.
9. Avraamov A.I., Avseenko A.A., Garmanov E.N. Jekonomika dorozhnogo hozjajstva (Economy of road economy), Moscow, Akademija, 2012, 400 p.
Olga I. Ganchenko, Ph.D., professor,,
Elena K. Telushkina, Ph.D., senior teacher,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article deals with a methodological approach to optimizing the organization of a city transportation and technological system of snow removal and utilization, based on a two-phase queuing system, in order to cut exploitation costs and socioeconomic losses in sphere of transportation and environmental safety.
Keywords: snow removal and utilization, snow removal costs, dump truck standing time, simulating model, snow-melting station, queuing model, simulation algorithm, distribution histogram of time characteristics.
1. Ganchenko O.I., Telushkina E.K. Finansovo-jekonomicheskie problemy avtomobil'nogo transporta, Sbornik trudov, Moscow, MADI, 2010, issue 16, pp. 42-49.
2. Telushkina E.K. Vestnik MADI, 2013, issue 1(32), pp. 25-29.
Mikhail A. Muravyov, postgraduate,,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. In article the basic principles of work of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT), a geographical framework and work of system of multilateral permissions in this framework are analyzed. The main features of work of transport companies on multilateral permissions in the European market are revealed. The main objectives are affected and suggestions for improvement of the available system of distribution of basic quotas among member countries, for increase of competitiveness and overall performance of the Russian international cargo haulers are given.
Keywords: quota, ECMT, UNECE, international transportation, international transportation market, ECMT.
1. Mnogostoronnjaja kvota EKMT. Rukovodstvo pol'zovatelja (Multilateral quota of EKMT. User's guide), Paris, 2014, 157 p.
2. Kosarev A.S. Avtotransportnoe predprijatie, 2010, no. 9, pp. 33-35.
3. Tyan V. Rossijskaja Biznes-gazeta, 2013, no. 896, pp. 3.
4. Holopov K.V., Zaboyev A.I. Rossijskij vneshnejekonomicheskij vestnik, 2014, no. 9, pp. 78-84.
Alexander A. Ivoylov, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article discusses the possibility of assessing efficiency and optimize system management service, working with competitiveness and resources of machines by technical and economic model.
Keywords: technical and economic model, net present value, optimization, evaluation of effectiveness.
1. Buzova I.A., Mahovikova G.A., Terehova V.V. Kommercheskaja ocenka investicij (Commercial investment appraisal), Sankt-Peterburg, Piter, 2003.
2. Bujanov V.V. Biznes-plan predprijatija tehnicheskogo servisa stroitel'nyh, dorozhnyh i kommunal'nyh mashin (The business plan of the enterprise technical services construction, road and municipal machine), Moscow, MADI, 2004.
3. Zorin, V.A. Osnovy rabotosposobnosti tehnicheskih sistem: ucheb. posobie (Fundamentals of health technical systems: a training manual), Moscow, MADI, 2006.
4. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Ch. 1 i 2. (Tax code of the Russian Federation. part 1 and 2), Moscow, Jeksmo, 2014.
5. SNiP 23-01-99. Stroitel'naja klimatologija. Prilozhenie A (spravochnoe). Metody rascheta klimaticheskih parametrov (SNiP 23-01-99. Building climatology. Annex A (informative). Methods of calculation of climatic parameters.).
6. Federal'nyj zakon ot 24 ijulja 2009 g. N 212-FZ “O strahovyh vznosah v Pensionnyj fond Rossijskoj Federacii, Fond social'nogo strahovanija Rossijskoj Federacii, Federal'nyj fond objazatel'nogo medicinskogo strahovanija” (The Federal law of 24 July 2009 N 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, social insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund of obligatory medical insurance”), SZ RF ot 27 ijulja 2009 g., N 30, St. 3738.
7. Dvorkovoj V., Kerimov F., Rubajlov A., Lokshin E.S. Jekspluatacija podjomno-transportnyh, stroitel'nyh i dorozhnyh mashink (Operation of hoisting-and-transport, building and road machines), pod red. E.S. Lokshina, Moscow, Akademija, 2007.
8. Borshchev A. The Big Book of Simulation Modeling: Multimethod Modeling with Anylogic 6, Hardcover, Anylogic North America, 2013.
9. Stock J., Lambert. D. Strategic logistics management, New York, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2000.
Information technologies
Dang Xuan Hiep, postgraduate,,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 5, ul. Baumanskaya 2-ya, Moscow, 105005, Russia
Abstract. The article provides an moving algorithm of dodekapod typed Sinev-Sayapin in the cylindrical pipe of constant section. The algorithm is based on the movement of dodekapod in the straight pipe of variable section. Condition of patency determines the step movement. Algorithm gives the possibility of using dodekapod as transport vehicle.
Keywords: parallel mechanism, dodekapod, transport.
1. Merlet J.P. Parallel Robots, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, pp. 31-65.
2. Sayapin S.N., Sinev A.V. Patent RU 2424893, 27.07.2011.
3. Dang X.H. Nauka i obrazovanie: jelektronnoe nauchno-tehnicheskoe izdanie, 2013, no. 2, pp. 241-254.
4. Karpenko A.P., Dang X.H., Sayapin S.N. Nauka i obrazovanie: jelektronnoe nauchno-tehnicheskoe izdanie, 2013, no. 8, pp. 325-340.
Liliya V. Prikhodko, Ph. D., associate professor,,
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI),
7, ul. Nezhinskaya, Moscow, 119501, Russia
Abstract. This article describes the modeling procedures of the computer test control. It is assumed that the model of answer to the task of arbitrary shape is given to the logistic curve based on the IRT-theory. It is assumed that when testing the transition from one to the complexity of the test task to another depends only on the last answer. For this option, the article shows that this process is adequately described by a Markov chain, for which constructed the matrix of transition probabilities.
Keywords: Markov chain, transition probability, com-computer test control, misclassification, IRT-theory, the logistic curve.
1. Kartashev M.I., Nikolayev A.B., Ostroukh A.V., Stroganov V.Yu., Stroganov D.V., Promyshlennyye ASU i kontrollery, 2013, no. 7,pp. 17-25.
2. Stroganov V.Yu. V mire nauchnykh otkrytiy, 2011, no. 9, pp. 106-117.
3. Nikitin M.M., Stroganov V.Yu., Kartashev M.I. V mire nauchnykh otkrytiy, 2011, no. 9, pp. 118-125.
4. Ostroukh, A.V. Praktika primeneniya komp'yu-ternykh trenazherov v vysshem professional'nom obrazovanii / A.V. Ostroukh, N.Ye. Surkova // Obra-zovatel'naya politika. – M.: FIRO, 2007. – №2. – S. 39-42.
5. Ostroukh A.V., Pevtsov K.S., Demidov D.G. Vestnik Moskovskogo gosu-darstvennogo universiteta pechati, 2008, no. 6, pp. 47-50.
6. Krasnyanskiy M.N., Ostroukh A.V., Barinov K.A., Dedov D.L., Rudnev A.A. Vestnik Tambovskogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta, 2011, Vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 497-501.
7. Dyadik V.F., Baydali T.A., Baydali S.A. Statisticheskiye metody kontrolya i upravleniya (Statistical control methods and managements) Tomsk, Tomskij politehnicheskij universitet, 2008, 73 p.
8. Radchenko T.A., Dylevskiy A.V. Statisticheskiy analiz dannykh v pakete Mathcad (The statistical analysis of data in a Mathcad package), Voronezh, VGU, 2004, 23 p.
9. Kemeni Dzh., Snell Dzh., Knepp An. Schetnyye tsepi Markova (Calculating chains of Markov), Moscow, Nauka, 1987, 416 p.
Highways, bridges & transport tunnels
Michael G. Goryachev, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. Using the developed computer program was a computational experiment to evaluate the factors affecting the loading strip rolling carriageway roads. Intensity of exposure was estimated coefficient of transverse installation when loading parameters corresponding to the rated load. Recommendations on differential coefficient appointment transverse installation in the calculation of road pavements in different categories.
Keywords: pavement, coefficient of transverse installation.
1. Proektirovanie nezhyostkix dorozhnyx odezhd, ODN 218.046-01 (Design nonrigid road pavements, ODN 218.046-01), Moscow; 2001, 145p.
2. Goryachev M.G., Bocharova O.V. Programma dlya EVM №2014613919. Programma dlya opredeleniya poperechnoj ustanovki transportnogo sredstva (Program to determine the transverse installation of the transport mediation), 10.04.2014.
3. Pojchenko V.V., Kondrashov P. V., Potemkin S.V., Pojchenko O.V., Habarova T.S. Sovremennye gruzovye avtotransportnye sredstva (Modern freight vehicles), Moscow, Dorinformservis, 2004, 592 p.
Dilgem S. Ganiyev, postgraduate,,
Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction,
5, ul. A. Sultanova, Baku, AZ 1073, Azerbaijan
Abstract. In the thesis investigates lightened retaining walls made of by connecting of three cylindrical shells under the condition of plane deformation. Retaining walls wide used in hydro technics and transport constructions. By the method of solution of boundary problems of thin walled shells, considered cases when shall on the foundation of the retaining wall is a rectangular plate. Along the line of connection of shells internal force factors and deflection are assumed to be an unknown functions of trigonometry series with an unknown continuous. Assumed that a basis plate lie on the elastic foundation and has a very large rigidity in bending and in torsion. As a result the solution of problem is brought from replacing differential equations of moment theory of shells to the solution of ordinary differential equations. Integrating them is obtained function of deflection. There are provided solution of problems of the design of lightened retaining wall.
Keywords: cylindrical shall, lightened retaining wall, deflection, plane deformation.
1. Ganiev D.S. Teoreticheskaja i prikladnaja mehanika, Baku, 2006, no. 2, pp. 4-7.
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Traffic safety
Veniamin N. Bogumil, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Vladimir V. Volkov, Software engineer,,
Сlose corporation «Scientific and Production enterprise Transport navigation»,
68/2, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125315, Russia,
Aleksandr Ju. Shherbakov, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. In this article the authors developed an analytical model of vehicular traffic through the regulated crossroads. The model is built according to well-known acceleration of the car on its speed when driving in each drive stages. Shows the results of the comparative analysis of the resulting model with the model which was built in the simulation package AIMSUN.
Keywords: mathematical model, car, crossroads.
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