Perfection of the education system
Yulia A. Belkova, Ph.D., associate professor,,
Alexandra F. Smyk, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Tatyana A. Shyrina, senior lecturer,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article deals with the main features of point-rating system, which was developed and applied in the teaching process at the Physics department of MADI. The calculation method for the rating points of students is described in details. The main results of the using of the point-rating system in teaching process are analyzed.
Keywords: point-rating system, technological map, control points, rating point.
1. Centr po adaptacii sistemy obrazovanija k uslovijam Bolonskogo soglashenija,
2. Aleksandrov I.V., Afanas'eva A.M., Sagitova Je.V., Strokina V.R. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii, 2007, no. 7,pp. 25-28.
3. Sazonov B.A. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii, 2012, no. 6, pp. 28-39.
4. Dombrovskaja A.Ju., Domarenko E.V. Koncept, 2013, no. 11(27), pp. 61-65,
5. Smyk A.F. Trudy mezhdunarodnogo shkoly-seminara «Fizika v sisteme vysshego i srednego obrazovanija», Sbornik statei, Moscow, 2014, pp. 229-230.
6. Polozhenie o ball'no-rejtingovoj sisteme ocenki znanij studentov na kafedre fiziki MADI. Protokol № 5 ot 07.02.2014,
7. Smyk A.F., Guseva E.A. Vestnik MADI, 2015, issue 1(40), pp. 36-41.
8. Belkova Ju.A., Timofeeva G.Ju. Inzhenernaja pedagogika, Sbornik statei, Moscow, 2014, issue 16, vol. 3, pp. 248-259.
9. Shirina T.A. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-metodicheskoj konferencii «Fiziko-matematicheskoe i tehnologicheskoe obrazovanie: problemy i perspektivy razvitija», Sbornik statei, Moscow, 2015, issue 1, pp. 74-77.
Boris A. Kudryashov, Ph.D. professor,,
Vera I. Prusova, Ph.D., associate professor,,
Vera V. Beznovskaya, associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. This article is about problem of using electronic educational resources in informational media of educational institution of higher education, for example, the technology portfolio.
Keywords: the bachelor of applied; informational media of educational institution of higher education; authentic assessment; the technology portfolio.
1. Grigorenko E.V. Portfolio v vuze: metodicheskie rekomendacii po sozdaniju i ispol'zovaniju (Portfolios in higher education: methodological guidelines for creating and using), Tomsk, TGU, 2007, 64 p.
2. Efremova N.F. Podhody k ocenivaniju kompetencij v vysshem obrazovanii (Approaches to the assessment of competence in higher education), Moscow, Issledovatel'skij centr problem kachestva podgotovki specialistov, 2010, 216 p.
3. Novikova T.G Razvitie obrazovatel'nyh sistem v kontekste modernizacii obrazovanija, Sbornik statei, Moscow, 2003, pp.70.
4. Pereverzev V.Y., Sinelnikov S.A. Srednee professional'noe obrazovanie, 2008, no. 1, pp. 71-73.
5. Protchenkov A.S. Metodist, 2005, no. 5, pp. 51- 54.
Transportation engineering
Alexandr N. Neverov, Ph. D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The results of studies on the influence of torsional and bending ultrasonic fluctuations on the processes of the dismantling of threaded connections during the repair of automobiles are given. Such vibrations considerably reduce the moment of dismantling even with the small amplitudes.
Keywords: repair of limousines, dismantling, threaded connection, ultrasound, torsional vibrations, flexural vibrations.
1. Karagodin V.I., Mitrohin N.N. Remont avtomobiley i dvigateley (Car repairs and engines), Moscow, Izdatelckiy centr “Academija”: Masterstvo, 2002, 496 p.
2. Vologdin M.F., Kalashnirov V.V., Nerubay M.S., Shtrikov B.L. Primenenie ultrazvuka I vzriva pri obrabotke I sborke (Application of ultrasound and explosion during the processing and assembly), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 2002, 264 p.
3. Abramov O.V. Opit primenenija ultrazvuka v prozessah obrabotki metallov davleniem (Experience of application of ultrasound in processing of metals pressure), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1980, 40 p.
4. Silin L.L., Balandin G.F., Kogan M.G. Ultrazvukovaja svarka (Ultra-sonic welding), Moscow, Mashgiz, 1956, 252 p.
5. Mitskevich A.M. Istochniki motshnogo ultrazvuka (Sources of strong ultrasound), Moscow, Nauka, 1967, pp. 287-326 (379 p.).
6. Sirotjuk M.G. Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 1959, vol. 5, issue 2, pp. 254-257.
7. Sirotjuk M.G. Avtorskoe svidetel'stvo SSSR 124423, 06.03.1959.
8. Neverov A.N. Patent RU 2355481, 20.04.2007.
9. Neverov A.N. Novie razrabonki v oblasti ultrazvukovoy tehniki I tehnologii I opit ih primenenija v mashinostroenii, Sbornik statei, Moscow, 1986, pp. 128-131.
10. Neverov A.N., Gorev A.V. Trudy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii “Ultrazvuk v tehnologii mashinostroenija-91”, Sbornik dokladov, Arhangelsk, 1991, pp. 276-279
Marija Yu. Karelina, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article offers a certain technology of application of a protective nanofilm, which is a monomolecular layer with a perfluorochemical radical, onto the internal surfaces of the fuel supply system of an internal-combustion engine. It also describes the test results regarding the definition of the efficiency of this method. The article describes the possibility of usage of the aforementioned technology in order to provide the surface with antiadhesion features.
Keywords: technology of application of the monomolecular layer, fuel supply system of an internal-combustion engine, antiadhesion features
1. Jemanujel' N.M., Denisov E.T., Majzus Z.K. Cepnye reakcii okislenija uglevodorodov v zhidkoj faze (The chain reaction of oxidation of hydrocarbons in the liquid phase), Moscow, Nauka, 1965, 375 p.
2. Safonov A.S., Ushakov A.I., Chechkenev I.V. Avtomobil'nye topliva. Himmotologija. Jekspluatacionnye svojstva. Assortiment (Motor fuel. Chimmotologie. Operational properties. Range), SPb, NPIKC, 2002, 264 p.
3. Gajdar S.M. Remont. Vosstanovlenie. Modernizacija, 2010, no. 3, pp. 48–51.
4. Gajdar S.M. Tehnika v sel'skom hozjajstve, 2010, no. 2, pp. 38–40.
5. Gajdar S.M. Mehanizacija i jelektrifikacija sel'skogo hozjajstva, 2010, no. 4, pp. 27–29.
6. Gajdar S.M. Mehanizacija i jelektrifikacija sel'skogo hozjajstva, 2010, no. 6, pp. 23–24.
Viktor I. Karagodin, Dr. Sc., professor,,
Vladimir O. Malyutin, assistant,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moskow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. In the article it is proposed to consider the station about technical-service model cars as multiphase system of mass service. The formulas for calculation of characteristics of the system in each of the considered those phases. A specific example shows the effect download producing areas on the condition of following the course of the process areas.
Keywords: technical service, application, maintenance phase, manufacturing site.
1. Boldin A.P., Maximov V.A. Osnovy nautcnyh issledovaniy i UNIRS (Fundamentals of scientific research and UNIRS), Moscow, MADI, 1990, 76 p.
2. Wentzel E.S. Issledovanie operatciy: zadatci, printcypy, metodologiya (Operations research: challenges, principles, methodologies), Moscow, Nauka, 1980, 208 p.
3. Dekhterinsky L.V., Karagodin V.I. Koncentraciya i specializaciya remontnogo proizvodstva (Concentration and specialization of repair production), Moscow, MADI, 1980, 82 p.
4. Pervozvansky A.A. Matematitceskie modeli v upravlenii proizvodstvom (Mathematical models in production management). Moscow, Nauka, 1975, 616 p.
Maksud N. Gadzhiev, applicant,,
Yuri P. Bakatin, Ph.D., associate professor,,
Tatyana V. Fedyukina, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article provides descriptions you need to dispose of snow houses adjoining territories, as well detailed existing methods of disposal of snow and their inadequacy in dealing with snow blades in these areas, as well, by calculation, the best option is determined energie process of forced melting snow
Keywords: snow utilization, electricity, diesel generator.
1. Kozlov D.V. Metodicheskie ukazanija «Osnovy gidrofiziki» (Guidelines «Fundamentals Hydrophysics”), Moscow, MGUP, 2004, 238 p.
2. Koreckij V.E. Vestnik MGSU, 2008, no. 2, pp. 173-179.
3. Miljaev V.B., Burenin N.S. Metodika raschjota vybrosov zagrjaznjajushhih veshhestv v atmosferu ot stacionarnyh dizel'nyh ustanovok (Method of calculating the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere from stationary diesel plants) St. Petebrurg, Biblioteka INTEGRAL, 2001.
4. Federal'nyj zakon ot 3 dekabrja 2012 g. №216-FZ «O federal'nom bjudzhete na 2013 g. i na planovyj period 2014 i 2015 godov»,
5. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Moskvy № 671-PP ot 27.11.2012 g.,
6. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki: Srednie potrebitel'skie ceny na nefteprodukty v gorode Moskve v 2014 godu,
7. Departament ZhKH i blagoustrojstva po g. Moskve: otchjot ob ispolnenii municipal'nogo zadanija MBU «Kommunspecavtotehnika» za 2014 god, Moscow, 2015, 5 р.
8. OOO «Akrostroj»: Ceny na vyvoz snega v g. Moskve,
9. VNIIStrojdormash: Harakteristiki ustanovki STM-11,
Nikolay D. Seliverstov, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The method for calculating the optimal quantity of cutting elements of the milling drum, used for milling the layers of asphalt and dirt surfaces, is described in the article. The dependences between the number of cutting elements and the adjustable feed rate, the rotation speed of the drum and the milling depth parameters, technical equipment parameters and operating conditions are given.
Keywords: milling, cutting element, speed, feed, asphalt pavement, soil layers, planers.
1. Balovnev V.I., Seliverstov N.D. Mehanizacija stroitel'stva, 2015, no. 2 (848), pp. 16-19.
2. Seliverstov N.D. «Interstrojmeh 2014»: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii, Sbornik statei, Samara, 2014, pp. 77-81.
Igor Ye. Ivanov, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Viktor E. Ereshchenko, Ph.D., assistant professor,,
Sergey N. Bogdanov, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Mikhail V. Chernuha, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article describes the compressor similarity criterions, formation of their dimensionless parameters and indicators, updating method of the dimensionless compressor maps into dimensional maps under various application conditions: single-stage turbocharging, using such a compressor as a second stage, operation of the second stage in off-design conditions, operation of the first and second turbocharging stages in mountain conditions, application of the second stage compressor as the first stage for turbocharging of an engine with a smaller swept volume. Examples of updating of compressor maps are given.
Keywords: сompressor, compressor map, boosting level, turbocharging stages.
1. Shatrov M.G., Ivanov I.E., Prishvin S.A., Matjuhin L.M., Dunin A.Ju., Ereshhenko V.E. Teplotehnika (Heat engineering), Moscow,: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2011, 288 p.
2. Sedov L.I. Metody podobija i razmernosti v mehanike (Methods of similarity and dimension in mechanics), Moscow, Nauka, 1981, 448p.
Economics and management
Mikhail V. Nemchinov, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Viktoria S. Raigorodskaya, Ph.D., associate professor,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. It was examined finance system of Russia Road Economy to know how and how much money goes from federal, region and place Road Funds to road construction and maintenance in different parts of country.
Keywords: federal fund, region fund, place fund, filling, repair rate, maintenance rate, budget, economic development.
1. Onormakh denezhnykh zatrat na coderzhanie remont avtomobilnykh dorog federalnogo znachenia pravilakh rascheta. Postanovlenie pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 23.08.2007 №539 (On standards cash costs for the maintenance and repair of highways of Federal value and the rules and calculation) Moscow, 2007.
2. Evgenev G.I. Dorogi Rossii ХХI veka, 2013, no. 4, pp.76-79.
3. O poryadke formirovania i ispolzovania byudhzetnykh assignovnii federalnogo dorozhnogo fonda i o vnesenii izmenenii v pravila formirovania I realizatsii federalnoi adresnoi investitsionnoi programmy. Postanovlenie pravitelstva Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 30.12.2011 №1206 (On the procedure of formation and use of budgetary appropriations of the Federal road Fund and on amendments to the rules of formation and implementation of Federal targeted investment programme), Moscow, 2011.
4. Ministerstvo transporta Rossiiskoi Federatsii,
5. Ministerstvo transporta Rossiiskoi Federatsii Federalnoe dorozhnoe agentstvo,
6. Schjotnaja palata Rossiiskoi Federatsii,
7. Ministerstvo transporta Tverskoj oblasti,
8. Portal organov gosudarsvennoi vlasti Yaroslavskoj oblasti,
9. Dorozhnoe agentstvo Arkhangelskoj oblasti,
10. Oficial'nyj sajt municipal'nogo obrazovanija «Gorodskoe poselenie «Belozjorskij»,
Margarita A. Zhidkova, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. In article the main ways of acquisition of a rolling stock on taxi transport, their advantages and shortcomings are considered and analysed. Various investment programs allowing the taxi companies to update and expand park of cars are offered.
Keywords: taxi, taxi transportations, updating of park of cars, leasing of a taxi.
1. Beznovskaya V.V., Prusova V.I. Sovremennye fundamental'nye i prikladnye issledovaniya, 2013, no. 4 (11), pp. 106-108.
2. Nacional'nyj sovet taksi – oficial'nyj sajt,
3. Nekommercheskoe partnerstvo «Liga taksi»,
4. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po raschetu lizingovyh platezhej (utverzhdeny Minjekonomiki RF 16.04.1996),
5. Oficial'nyj sajt Departamenta transporta i razvitija dorozhno-transportnoj infrastruktury goroda Moskvy: Taksomotornaya deyatel'nost'. Subsidirovanie,
Valentina A. Podhalyuzina, Ph.D., associate professor,,
Alexsey A. Ipatov, Dr. Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article discusses and analyzes the strategy of development of the Russian automotive industry until 2020, determined the financial needs of the domestic automotive industry, highlights the main areas of investment in order to increase the competitiveness of Russian cars. The paper includes the definition of concepts such as the competitiveness of the car, the competitiveness of the automotive industry, as well as conclusions on the competitiveness of Russia as a whole. The article also highlights the main areas of investment to increase competitiveness Russian cars, considered the total financing of the sector, broken down by year, as well as sources of funding.
Keywords: automotive industry, investment, finance, strategy development, competitiveness.
1. Minpromtorg Rossii,
2. Minpromtorg Rossii,
3. Ob utvergdenii strategii rasvitiya avtomobilnoy promyishlennosti Rossiyskoy Federazii na period do 2020 goda, Prikas Minpromtorga RF ot 23.04.2010 № 319,
4. Strategiya rasvitiya avtomobilnoy promyishlennosti Rossiyskoy Federazii na period do 2020 goda,
5. Podhalyuzina V.A. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2015, issue 1 (40), pp. 63-68.
6. Podhalyuzina V.A. Analysis of the state of the russian automotive industry. The First International Conference on Economic Sciences. Vienna, «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2014, pp. 165-169.
7. Podhalyuzina V.A. Ekonomika i sotsium, 2014, no. 1-2 (10), pp. 557-560.
8. Podhalyuzina V.A. Ekonomika i sotsium, 2014, no. 1-2 (10), pp. 560-564.
9. Podhalyuzina V.A. Ekonomika i sotsium, 2014, no. 1-2 (10), pp. 564-570.
Aleksandr I. Borodin, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Nina I. Novikova, Ph. D., associate professor,,
NRU HSE, 26, Shabolovka, Moscow, 119049, Russia
Abstract. In the given work process synthesis combined simulation-optimization models circle-rotation turnaround actives is considered. It is described synergetic effect from association simulations and optimizations models.
Keywords: synergetic effect, synthesis, imitating and optimizing models, circulation of current assets, optimizing modeling, imitating modeling.
1. Аdamenko E. Menedzher po personalu, 2006, issue 11, pp. 58-62.
2. Barannikov V.V. Vestnik Donetskogo natsional'nogo universiteta. Serija V: Jekonomika i pravo, 2008, issue 2, pp. 347-350.
3. Borodin А.I., Sorochajkin А.N. Ekonomicheskie nauki, 2013, issue 4 (101), pp. 151-156.
4. Borodin А.I., Shash N.N., Belokrylova O.S. Ekonomika v pro-myshlennosti, 2013, issue 1, pp. 76-83.
5. Bychkova G.M. Izvestiya Irkutskoj gosudarstvennoj ehkonomicheskoj akademii, 2008, issue 6 (62), pp. 66-68.
6. Rajzberg B.А. Lozovskij L.S., Starodubtseva E.B. Sovremennyj ekonomicheskij slovar' (Modern economic dictionary), Moscow, Infra-M, 2006, 494 p.
7. Khanova А.А. Prikaspijskij zhurnal: upravlenie i vysokie tekhnologii, 2010, issue 4 (12), pp. 36-40.
8. Khristianovskij V.V., Barannikov V.V. Problemy razvitija vneshnejekonomicheskih svjazej i privlechenija inostrannyh investicij, Sbornik nauchnykh statei, Donetsk, 2007, pp. 888–890.
Alexandr G. Budrin, Dr.Sc., professor,,
ITMO University, 49, Kronverkskiy pr., Saint-Petersburg, 191002, Russia
Elena V. Budrina, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, 21, Sadovaya st., Saint-Petersburg, 191002, Russia
Abstract. The article deals with new forms of enterprises in the transportation market, describes the conditions of their occurrence.
Keywords: transportation market, market entities, coordinated operators.
1. Afonichkin А.I., Sorokinа I.О., Ignatiev N.М. Razvitie investitsionnogo potentsiala integrirovannih economicheskih sistem v sovremennih uslovijah (Development of investment potential of the integrated economic systems in modern conditions), Toliatti, Izdatelstvo Volzskogo universiteta, 2006, 260 p.
2. Budrin, А.G. Metodologija formirovanija i upravlenija vzaimootnoshenijami predprijatii na rinke na osnove kontseptsii marketinga (Methodology of formation and management of relationship of the enterprises in the market on the basis of the concept of marketing), St. Petersburg, Izdatelstvo Politehnicheskogo universiteta, 2008, 302 p.
3. Budrin А.G., Budrina Е.V., Bojuk S.G., Tagirov S.М. Konkurentnie i partnerskie otnoshenija mezdu predprijatijami v klasternih obrazovanija (Competitive and partnership between the enterprises in cluster educations), St. Petersburg, SPbGIEU, 2010, 256 p.
4. Budrin А.G., Budrina Е.V., Grinjuk V.V. Sovremennii menedzment: problemi i perspektivi, Sbornik statei, St. Petersburg, SPbGIEU, 2013, pp. 117-125.
5. Granovetter М. Zapadnaja economicheskaja sotsiologija: hrestomatija sovremennoi klassiki (Western economic sociology: anthology of modern classics), Мoscow,: Rossiiskaja politicheskaja entsiklopedija, 2004, pp. 131-158 (680 p.).
6. Daft R. Teorija organizatsii (Theory of the organization), Мoscow, UNITI-DANA, 2006, 736 p.
7. Sergeeva V.I. Korporativnaja logistika v voprosah i otvetah (Corporate logistics in questions and answers), Мoscow, INFRA-М, 2013, 634 p.
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9. Kurenkov U.V. Strukturnaja institutsionalnaja modernizatsija ekonomiki Rossii: sektoralnii analiz v kontekste mirovogo razvitija (Structural institutional modernization of economy of Russia: the sectoral analysis in the context of world development), Мoscow, Nauka, 2006, 415 p.
10. Tretjak О.А. Marketing: novie orientiri modeli upravlenija (Marketing: new reference points of model of management), Мoscow, INFRA-М, 2005, 403 p.
11. Hrabrova I.А. Korporativnoe upravlenie: voprosi integratsii. Affilirovannie litsa, organizatsionnoe proektirovanie, integratsionnaja dinamika (Corporate management: questions of integration. Affiliates, organizational design, integration dynamics), Мoscow, ID «ALPINA», 2000, 198 p.
12. Handbook of International Road Transport, Geneva: International Transport Union, 1995.
13. Mahr N. Distribution for the small business, London, Kogan Page Limited, 1990.
14. Palmer A. Principles of services marketing, McGRAW, Maidenhead, HILL Publishing Company, 1994.
15. Morgan N. Professional Services Marketing, London, Heineman, 1991.
16. Wilson A. The Marketing of Professional Services, McGRAW, Maidenhead, HILL Publishing Company, 1972.
Information technologies
Yuriy G. Lazarev, Ph.D., professor,,
Aleksandr G. Morosow, Ph.D., associate professor,,
Sergei W. Ugolkov, Ph.D., associate professor,,
SPbGEU, 21, Sadovaya Ul., St. Petersburg, 191023, Russia
Abstract. This article is devoted to problems of modeling technical assistance based logistics service assistance for the effective operation of the service enterprises assistance in the conditions of continuity of the transportation process and modern transport infrastructure of Russia.
Keywords: technical assistance mathematical modeling, effective service enterprises assistance, transport infrastructure, logistics service assistance.
1. Shelest V.D., Zhitomirskij M.S. Nachala vychislitel'noj matematiki. Vvedenie v chislennyj jeksperiment (The beginning of computational mathematics. Introduction to numerical experiment), St. Petersburg, SPbGPU, 2005, 202 p.
2. Lazarev Ju.G., Grigor'eva Ju.A. Tehniko-tehnologicheskie problemy servisa, 2014, no. 2 (28), pp. 87–90.
3. Komarov A.V. Transport: nauka, tehnika, upravlenie, 1995, no. 11, pp. 47–48.
4. Karelina M.Ju., Atamanenko N.V., Cherepnina T.Ju. Novye zadachi psihologii i pedagogiki i puti ih reshenija, Sbornik statei, 2014, pp. 8–10.
5. Ermoshin N.A. Logistika: Sovremennye tendencii razvitija: materialy XXII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Sbornik statei, 2013, pp. 151–154.
6. Lazarev Ju.G., Sinicyna E.B. Tehniko-tehnologicheskie problemy servisa, 2013, no. 2 (24), pp. 92–93.
7. Karelina M.Ju., Grib V.V., Petrova I.M., Filimonov M.A. Sovremennye problemy teorii mashin, 2013, no. 1, pp. 77–79.
Highways, bridges & transport tunnels
Fridrih A. Pavlov, Ph.D., professor,,
Maksim A. Melnitsky, postgraduate,,
Northern (Arctic) Federal University, 17, Severnaya Dvina Emb., Arkhangelsk, Russia; 163002
Abstract. In article the review of methods and a choice of an optimum way of strengthening of sand-gravel mix is carried out (further SGM). The method of strengthening of soil by bituminous powder together with crude oil is in detail considered. The task is created and mathemati-cal planning of experiments is carried out. Charts of durability of the strengthened SGM before water saturation are provided in various combinations of coordinates of a simplex. The optimum component composition of the knitting material is defined.
Keywords: strengthening, bituminous powder, crude oil, sand-gravel mix.
1. Statisticheskij sbornik «Avtomobil'nye dorogi Rossijskoj Federacii»,
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3. Savin L.E., Pavlov F. A., Veselov B.V. Lesovoznye avtomobil'nye dorogi na Severe (Forest highways in the north), Moscow, Lesnaja promyshlennost', 1969, 168 p.
4. Pavlov F.A., Mel'nickij M.A., Golicyn L.N. Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Lesnoj zhurnal, 2014, no. 6 (342), pp. 69-81.
5. Zedginidze I.G. Planirovaniej eksperimenta dlja issledovanija mnogokomponentnyh system (Planning of experiment for research of multicomponent systems), Moscow, Nauka, 1976, 390 p.
6. Smesi shhebenochno-gravijno-peschanye dlja pokrytij i osnovanij avtomobil'nyh dorog i ajerodromov.Tehnicheskie uslovija, GOST 25607- 2009 (Crushed stone-sandy mixtures for road and airfield surfacings and bases. Specifications, State Standart 25607- 2009), Moscow, Izdatel’stvo standartov, 1995, 13 p.
7. Materialy na osnove organicheskih vjazhushhih dlja dorozhnogo i ajerodromnogo stroitel'stva. Metody ispytanij, GOST 12801-98 (Materials on the basis of organic binders for road and airfield construction. Test Methods, State Standart 12801 98), Moscow, Izdatel’stvo standartov, 1995, 63 p.
Egor A. Svechnikov, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The problem of backfill ring reinforcement for a bridge made of corrugated steel structure (CSS) with fibre-reinforced plastic (FRP) rebar considered. Performance evaluation of a reinforced soil system based on finite element analysis is shown.
Keywords: reinforced soil system, backfill ring, corrugated steel arch, design calculation model, finite element method (FEM).
1. Mirsajapov I.T., Popov A.O. Vestnik grazhdanskih inzhenerov, 2009, no. 2 (19), pp. 124-125.
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Ivan V. Fadeev,Ph.D., associate professor,,
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Automation of the production processes
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Suvorov Dmitriy Naumovich, Dr.Sc., professor,,
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Abstract. This article provides an overview of precast concrete industry in foreign countries and in Vietnam. It also analyzes the trend of precast concrete industry in Vietnam in the coming years. The key objective proposed by this paper is to develop the method of production management for precast concrete factories in Vietnam when demand of market changes.
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Automobile delivery
Bogdan V. Gubin, student,,
Valery P. Voronov, Ph.D., professor,,
Andrey N. Rementsov, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Abstract. The article describes the methods of transport services provision for people with disabilities, the types of automobiles and equipment applied for it, the analysis of the Moscow service "Social taxi" work and recommendations for improvement.
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