Valery B. Bezruk, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The way from the beginning of work on the first electronic resources to create a cloud took 7–8 years. The article introduces the cloud technology construction materials, both person-al information and publishing environment relationships between teachers and students.
tablet PC, ultrabook, training module, videoillustrations, 3D, video collection, e-book, smartphone.
1. Bezruk V.B. Tehnologii v avtotraktorostroenii (Technologies of tractor), Moscow, MADI, 2005, 53 p.
2. Krainev A.F. Iskusstvo postroenija mashin i sooruzhenij s drevnejshih vremen do nashih dnej (The art of building machines and structures from ancient times to the present day), Moscow, Iz-datel'skij dom «Spektr», 2011, 248 p.
3. Krainev A.F. Tehnologii, mashiny i oborudovanie (Technology, machinery and equipment), Mos-cow, Izdatel'skij dom «Spektr», 2010, 1 book, 296 p.
4. Krainev A.F. Detali mashin, soedinenija i me-hanizmy (Machine parts, connections and mech-anisms Moscow, Izdatel'skij dom «Spektr», 2010, 2 book, 216 p.
5. Krainev A.F. Udivitel'naja mehanika (The amaz-ing mechanics), Moscosw, Mashinostroenie, 2005, 120 p.
6. Bezruk V.B., Kudryashov B.A., Loginov E.M., Ser-geev I.D., Yandulova O.V. Primer vypolnenija i zadanija dlja izuchenija studentami tehnologii poluchenija detali iz zagotovki (An example of implementation and tasks for students studying technology of parts of the workpiece), Moscow, 2008, Certificate of registration no. 10489.
7. Bezruk V.B., Pozhivilov N.V. Baza dannyh dlja vypolnenija prakticheskoj raboty studentami “Lit'jo v peschanye formy” (Database for practical work students "Casting in sand molds"), Mos-cow, 2009, Certificate of registration no. 12027.
8. Bezruk V.B., Kofanov D.S., Maslov A.Yu. Trehmernye zadanija dlja obrabotki zagotovki detali rezaniem (Three-dimensional reference for workpiece machining parts), Moscow, 2009, Certificate of registration no. 15068.
9. Bezruk V.B. Lekcija o pajke – illjustracii (Lecture on soldering – illustration), Moscow, 2009, Certif-icate of registration № 15117.
10. Bezruk V.B., Kofanov D.S., Maslov А.Yu., Pozhivi-lov N.V. Trjohmernye modeli, sterzhni i otlivki – “Lit'jo v peschanye formy” (The three-dimensional model, the rods and casting – "Cast-ing in sand molds"), Moscow, 2009, Certificate of registration no. 15118.
11. Bezruk V.B., Prohorov N.N., Sokolov A.A. Trjohmernye zadanija po rezaniju dlja prosmotra (Three-dimensional targets for cutting to view), Moscow, 2010, Certificate of registration no. 16270.
12. Bezruk V.B., Salahov R.N. Pajka – lekcija i video (Soldering – lecture and video), Moscow, 2010, Certificate of registration no. 16271.
13. Bezruk V.B., Gladyshev A.P. Zadanija po lit'ju (Targets for casting), Moscow, 2010, Certificate of registration no. 16393.
14. Bezruk V.B., Gladyshev A.P., Pozhivilov N.V., Pozhivilova V.V. Lit'jo v peschanye formy – za-danija i metodika vypolnenija (Casting in sand molds – jobs and methods of implementation), Moscow, 2011, Certificate of registration no. 16783.
15. Bezruk V.B., Gladyshev A.P., Pozhivilova M.V., Churakov A.O . Lit'jo v peschanye formy – zadan-ija, metodika vypolnenija i video (Casting in sand molds – jobs, technique of performance and vid-eo), Moscow, 2011, Certificate of registration no. 17675.
16. Aristov A.I., Babchenko N.V., Bezruk V.B., Se-livyorstova O.V., Sergeev I.D., Fatyuhin D.S., Yandulova O.V. “Metrologija, standartizacija i sertifikacija” – materialy dlja izuchenija kursa ("Metrology, standardization and certification" – materials for the study of the course), Moscow, 2011, Certificate of registration no. 17676.
17. Bezruk V.B., Kalnoy K.G., Kudryashov B.A., Ser-geev I.D., Yandulova O.V. Zadanija po rezaniju i materialy dlja ih vypolnenija (Targets for cutting and materials for their implementation), Mos-cow, 2013, Certificate of registration no. 19609.
18. Bezruk V.B. Oblako tehnologii konstrukcionnyh materialov (Cloud technology construction mate-rials), Moscow, 2014, Certificate of registration no. 20480.
Ekaterina I. Makarenko, Ph.D., associate professor,,
Andrey V. Bulba, Ph.D., associate professor,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, Russia
The article discusses the problems of advanced training and professional retraining of the technical intelligentsia. Assessment of listeners by Institute of continuing professional edu-cation (IPK) of MADI of various aspects of development advanced training and the opinion of representatives of the technical intelligentsia on the future prospects of development of the country is studied on the basis of social surveys.
additional professional education, advanced training, professional retraining, technical in-telligentsia.
1. Ob utverzhdenii Porjadka organizacii i osushhestvlenija obrazovatel'noj dejatel'nosti po dopolnitel'nym professional'nym programmam. Prikaz Minobrnauki Rossii ot 01.07.2013, № 499 (About the statement of the Order of the organi-zation and implementation of educational activi-ties for additional professional programs. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Rus-sian Federation of 01.07.2013 no. 499), Moscow, 2013.
2. Ivanov V.G. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii, 2015, no. 5, pp. 63-69.
3. Mirotin L.B., Bul'ba A.V., Demin V.A. Transportno-skladskie kompleksy (Transport and warehouse complexes), Moscow, Akademija, 2015, 224 p.
4. Makarenko E.I. Social'nyj portret sovremennoj tehnicheskoj intelligencii / E.I. Makarenko // «No-vaja» i «staraja» intelligencija: obshhee i osoben-noe, sbornik statei, Moscow, RGGU, 2012, pp. 99-109.
5. Rossijskaja gazeta, 2015, 12 January, pp. 16.
Andrej N. Narbut, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The torque converter (SDT) was invented in 1902 as a gear in the drive propeller large ships. Soon emerged SDT useful properties when used in gearboxes. The first massive use of SDT (three-stage Liskholm Smith) got in tanks M26, US and city buses in the United States early 1940s. However, in 1948 it began the massive use of complex SDT M46 tanks, the United States, urban buses and cars United States. Complex SDT are still primarily used on wheeled and tracked self-propelled machines.
torque converter, tanks, buses, cars, hydraulic clutch, hydromechanical transmission.
1. Hurshudjan G.M. Gidravlicheskie preobrazovateli krutyashhego momenta (Hydraulic torque con-verters), Leningrad, Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963,267 р.
2. Semichastnov I.F. Gidravlicheskie peredachi teplovozov (Hydraulic transmission locomotives), Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 331 p.
3. Hel'dt P.M. Avtomobil'nye scepleniya i korobki peredach (Car clutch and gearbox), Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960, 440 p.
4. Nersesyan M.G., Kamenceva Yu.V. Bronetanko-vaya texnika armij SShA, Anglii i Francii (Ar-moured vehicles armies US, Britain and France), Moscow, Voenizdat, 1958, 367 p.
5. Lapidus V.I., Petrov V.A. Gidromexanicheskie peredachi avtomobilej (Hydro transmission cars), Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 495 p.
6. Narbut A.N. Gidrotransformatory (Torque con-verter), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1966, 216 p.
7. Narbut A.N. Gidromexanicheskie peredachi avtomobilej (Hydro transmission cars), Moscow, Grinlajt. 2010, 191 p.
8. Narbut A.N. Avtomobil'naja promyshlennost', 1979, no. 6, pp.31-36.
9. Narbut A.N. Traktory i sel'hozmashiny, 1995, no. 4, pp.25-29.
10. Narbut A.N. Traktory i sel'hozmashiny, 1994, no. 12, pp.42-46.
Marija Yu. Karelina, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article describes the perspectives of usage of nanotechnologies in order to increase the reliability ofagricultural equipment. Italsodescribes the technologies of monomolecu-lar protective film application onto the tribounit surfaces as well as the results of certain experiments regarding their efficiency under the condition of boundary and hydrody-namic friction.
surface-active materials, monomolecular protective film, tribounit, friction, deterioration.
1. Guydar S.M. Gruzovik, 2010, no. 10, pp. 38-41.
2. Nechaev E.A., Kuprin V.P., Misnik E.V. Fiziko-himicheskaja mehanika i liofil'nost' dispersnyh sys-tem, 1988, no. 19, pp. 88-96.
3. Summ B.D., Gorynov Yu.V. Fiziko-himicheskie os-novy smachivanija i rastekanija (Physical and chemical foundations of wetting and diffluence), Мoscow, Himija, 1976, 232 p.
4. Guydar S.M. Mehanizacija i jelektrifikacija sel'skogo hozjajstva, 2009, no. 12, pp. 20-22.
Vladimir E. Yutt, Dr.Sc, professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Vyacheslav V. Lohnin, Dr.Sc, professor,,
Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), 38, Bolshaya Semenovskaya str., Moscow, 107023, Russia,
Kirill M. Sidorov, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Kamol H. Gulyamov, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
This article provides an overview of existing solutions in the field of energy conversion of electric vehicles, the issues of implementation and circuit design of reversible converters DC-purpose vehicle, showing aspects of improving the performance of electric power plants using the equipment.
electric vehicle, voltage converter, electric drive, battery, controller.
1. Sosnin D.A., Jakovlev V.F. Novejshie avtomo-bil'nye jelektronnye sistemy (Advanced automo-tive electronic systems), Moscow, «SOLON-Press», 2005, 240 р.
2. Stavrov, O.A. Perspektivy sozdanija jeffektivnogo jelektromobilja (Prospects for establishing an ef-fective electric car) Moscow, «Nauka», 1984, 84 р.
3. Jutt V. E. Jelektrooborudovanie avtomobilej. (electric equipment of cars), Moscow, «Gor-jachaja Linija - Telekom», 2006, 440 р.
4. Mestechkina G. D. Jelektronnye komponenty i sistemy, 2007, no.1 (113), pp. 22-26.
5. Berestov A., Skvorcov V. Silovaja jelektronika, 2004, no. 1, pp. 85-87
6. Zagarin D.A, Shabanov A.V, Lomakin V.V, Shaba-nov A. Energojeffektivnost'' i energosberezhenie, 2013, no.9, pp. 28-30
7. Mi C., Masrur M. Abul, Gao D. Wenzhong. Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Principles and Ap-plications with Practical Perspectives, USA, Wiley, 2011, 468 p.
8. Munehiro Kamiya. Development of Traction Drive Motors for the Toyota Hybrid System, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, 2006, vol. 126-D, no. 4, pp. 473-479.
9. Premananda Pany, Singh R.K., Tripathi R.K. Bidi-rectional DC-DC converter fed drive for electric vehicle system, International Journal of Engi-neering, Science and Technology, 2011, Vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 101-110.
10. Li S. A MPPT control strategy with variable weather parameterand no DC/DC converter for photovoltaic systems, Solar Energy, 2014, vol. 108, pp. 117-125.
Leonid M. Matyukhin, Ph.D., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article presents the derivation of the equations for determination of volumetric efficiency , referred to volume between the piston’s locations at instant of the admission valve’s closing and top dead center, as well the derivation of the inertia charging coeffi-cient and the coefficient of clearing.
gas exchange processes, recirculation, volumetric efficiency, residual gases, clearing and inertia charging.
1. Matyukhin L.M. Vestnnik Moskovskogo avtomo-bil’no-dorozhnogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2007, issue 4, pp. 5-7.
2. Matyukhin L.M., Postoev D.D. Vestnnik Mos-kovskogo avtomobil’no-dorozhnogo tekhnich-eskogo universiteta (MADI), 2013, issue 1, pp. 47-52.
3. Matyukhin L.M. Analiz napolneniya i teplovoy rascheot DVS na baze sostava rabochey smesi (The analysis of the loading and the thermal calcu-lations of the engine on the basis of composition of the air-fuel-residual gases-mixture), Saar-brücken, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011, 170 p.
4. Matyukhin L.M. Avtomobil’. Doroga. Infra-struktura, 2014, no. 1 (1), pp. 5.
Petr P. Bobrik, Ph.D., Senior Research,,
ITP RAS, Kalanchevskaya st., 35, Moscow, 107174, Russia
The article deals with the synthesis of optimal road networks and their sustainability. In particular, the question of finding the optimum road density. Within the framework of the mathematical model of a homogeneous area proved, that the growth of average dis-tance of correspondence its impact on optimal road density asymptotically approaches zero, which simplifies the process of designing the main road network.
optimal density of roads, a mathematical model of a homogeneous area, average dis-tance of correspondence.
1. Bajserkeev O.N. Regionalnaja prostransvennajz sreda (Region spatial-temporal enviroment), Al-maty, Rauan Demeu, 1993, 243 p.
2. Bobrik P.P. Transport: nauka, tehnika, upravle-nie, 2000, no. 7, pp. 26-31.
3. Bobrik P.P. Transport: nauka, tehnika, upravle-nie, 2005, no. 3, pp. 31- 34
4. Bobrik P.P. Trudy MFTI, 2010, vol. 2, no. 4 (8), pp. 31-34.
5. Bobrik P.P. Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Raznoobrazie kak factor i uslovie territorialnogo razvitija”, Moscow, Institute geografii RAN, 2014, part 2, pp. 107-113.
6. Bugaev A.P., Buslaev A.P., Kozlov V.V., Tatashev A.G, Yashina M.V. Matematicheskoe modeliro-vanie, 2013, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 3-21.
7. Valuev A.M. Gornyj informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten' (nauchno-tehnicheskij zhurnal), 2011, no. OV6, pp. 115-125.
8. Tarhov S.A. Evolutsionnaja morfologija transportnih setej (Evolution morphology of transport nets), Smolensk-Moscow, Universum, 2005, 384 p.
9. Jakimov M.V. Transportnoe planirovanie: soz-danie transportnyh modelej gorodov.(Transport planning: creation of transport models of cities), Moscow, Logos, 2013, 188 p.
10. Agassiant A.A, Strelnikov A.I. Rational develop-ment of urban transportation systems, with due consideration given to environmental protection. (Rational development of urban transportation systems, with due consideration given to envi-ronmental protection.), Moscow, Vneshtorgiz-dat, issue K249, 1989, 97 p.
11. Buslaev A.P., Yashina M.V. Cluster flow of totally-connected flow with local information, Proceed-ings of International conference on computa-tional and mathematical methods in science and engineering (CMMSE), Murcia, 2012, vol. 1, pp. 225-232.
Elena А. Chirikanova, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article discusses the economic problems for vehicle owners. We consider the level of motorization of individual countries. Analyzes the types of maintenance costs of passen-ger vehicles in the Russian Federation.
vehicle, costs, classification of costs.
1. Chirikanova E.A. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2015, issue 1 (40), pp. 59-63.
2. OICA: World vehicles in use – all vehicles,
3. Ulickij M.P., Hmel'nickij A.D. Vestnik Mos-kovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudar-stvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2015, issue 4, pp. 31-37.
4. Chirikanova E.A. Avtotransportnoe predprijatie, 2015, no. 1, pp. 50-52.
5. Matanceva O.U., Titov I.V. Pravo i ekonomika, 2012, no. 3, pp. 44-47.
6. Tihomirov E.F. Bjulleten' transportnoj informacii, 2010, no. 3, pp. 3-6.
7. Zhukov E.A. MIR (Modernizacia. Innovacii. Razvi-tie), 2014, no. 17, pp. 4-8.
8. Zhukov E.A. Bjulleten Mezhdunarodnogo No-belevskogo ekonomicheskogo foruma, 2010, no. 1 (3), pp. 127-137.
Alexandr V. Galyamin, Ph.D.,,
«Kotelniki» Branch of «Dubna» International University, 35, microdistrict Silikat, Kotelniki, Moscow region, 140053, Russia
Emiliy V. Dinges, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64,Leningradsky Prosp, Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article considers the methods of application of real options in evaluating the effec-tiveness of road projects. Proposed classification of real options that can be used de-pending on the specific circumstances of the investment activities of the road ventures.
road projects, the factors of risk and uncertainty, real options.
1. Adel'meyer M. Optsiony KOLL i PUT. Ekonomich-eskoe i matematicheskoe soderzhanie optsionov. Osnovy teorii i praktiki (Options CALL and PUT:Economic and mathematical content op-tions. Fundamentals of theory and practice), Moskow, Finansy i statistika, 2004, 103 p.
2. Vilenskiy P.L., Livshits V.N., Smolyak S.A. Otsenka effektivnosti investitsionnykh proektov: teoriya i praktika (Estimation of efficiency of investment projects: Theory and practice), Moskow, Delo, 2004, 888 p.
3. Vorontsovskiy A.V. Finansy i biznes, 2011, no. 1, pp.70-88.
4. Vorontsovskiy A.V. Finansy i biznes, 2009, no. 1, pp. 64-78.
5. Damodaran A. Investitsionnaya otsenka: Instru-menty i metody otsenki lyubykh aktivov (Invest-ment valuation: Tools and techniques for the evaluation of any assets), Moskow, Al'pina Pablisher, 2011, 1324 p.
6. Kozyrev A.N., Makarov V.L. Otsenka stoimosti nematerial'nykh aktivov i intellektual'noy sobstvennosti (Valuation of intangible assets and intellectual property), Moskow, Interreklama, 2003, 352 p.
7. Kossov V.V., Livshic V.N., Shahnazarov A.G. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po ocenke jeffek-tivnosti investicionnyh proektov (Methodical rec-ommendations according to efficiency of invest-ment projects), Moskow, OAO «NPO» Iz-datelstvo «Jekonomika», 2000, 421 p.
8. Krukovskiy A.A. Trudy ISA RAN, 2008, no. 37, pp. 122-144.
9. Limitovskiy M. A. Investitsionnye proekty i real'nye optsiony na razvivayushchikhsya ryn-kakh (Investment projects and real options in emerging markets), Moskow, Yurayt, 2011, 484 p.
10. Lyuu Yu.D. Metody i algoritmy finansovoy ma-tematiki (Methods and algorithms of financial mathematics), Moskow, Binom. Laboratoriya znaniy, 2007, 751 p.
11. Smolyak S.A. Audit i finansovyy analiz, 1999, no. 3, pp. 71–84.
12. Fabotstsi F. Upravlenie investitsiyami (Invest-ment management), Moskow, INFRA-M, 2000, 932 p.
13. Cox J.C, Ross S.A., Rubinstein M. Option Pricing: a simplified approach, Journal of Financial Economics, 1979, Vol. 7 (229), pp. 229-263.
Andrey B. Nikolaev, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Dmitriy V. Zaytsev, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Alexey A. Solntsev, Dr.Sc., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Boris V. Sakun, Ph.D.,,
LLC "TSM ", 26A, Khamovnicheskiy shaft, Moscow, 119048, Russia
Ekaterina O. Kuz'micheva, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
This article discusses the construction of model analysis of the effectiveness of manage-ment strategies in transportation Transport Company. Presented mechanisms allow you to simulate an arbitrary topological structure of nodes sending and receiving cargo. To work with the presented model formed plans experimental on which recommendations on the choice of individual Strategies controls depending on the intensity of the flow of orders.
goods transportation, simulation, stochastic process, adaptive control, design of experi-ments, and modeling.
1. Antonova A.S., Aksenov K.A. Inzhenernyj vestnik Dona, 2012, № 4(2), availableat:
2. Lychkina N.N. Imitacionnoe modelirovanie jekonomicheskih processov (Simulation modeling of economic processes), Moscow, INFRA-M, 2014, 254 p.
3. Malineckij G.G., Stepancov M.E. Zhurnal vychislit-el'noj matematiki i matematicheskoj fiziki, 2009, vol. 49, no. 9, pp. 1565-1570.
4. Nikolaev A.B., Prihod'ko M.V., Satyshev S.N., Solncev A.A., Jakunin P.S. Avtotransportnoe predprijatie, 2013, no. 2, pp. 52-54.
5. Nikolaev A.B., Prikhodko V.M., Stroganov V.Y., Tregubov P.G. Tools of production and logistics support life cycle of high-tech products, Life Sci-ence Journal, 2014; vol. 11 (10s), pp. 238-242.
6. Saati Tomas L. Prinjatie reshenij pri zavisimostjah i obratnyh svjazjah: Analiticheskie seti (Decision-making at the dependencies and Feedback: Net-work Analysis), Moscow, LKI, 2008, 360 p.
7. Stepancov M.E. Komp'juternye issledovanija i modelirovanie, 2013, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 395-401.
8. Tihonov S.V. Sbornik trudov II konferencii «II shko-la-seminar molodyh uchenyh «Upravlenie bol'shimi sistemami», Voronezh, Nauchnaja kniga, 2007, vol. 2, pp. 53-59.
9. Chernen'kij V.M. Nauka i obrazovanie: nauchnoe izdanie MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana, 2011, no. 11, pp. 74.
Vladimir M. Vlasov, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Veniamin N. Bogumil, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article discusses the approach to assessing the state of traffic on sections of the road network of the city based on level of service factors: road traffic load coefficient z, traffic speed coefficient c, and traffic saturation coefficient p. This approach accounts the speed limit for vehicles on the sections of the road network. Article includes the calculations of these coefficients for various speed limits established.
city road network, speed limits for vehicles, road traffic load coefficient, traffic speed co-efficient, traffic saturation coefficient.
1. Bogumil V.N. Ocenka osnovnyh parametrov transportnyh potokov na ulichno-dorozhnoj seti goroda na osnove obrabotki navigacionnyh dannyh gorodskogo passazhirskogo transporta (Assessment of key parameters of transport streams on a city street road network on the ba-sis of processing of navigation data of city pas-senger transport), Doctor’s thesis, Moscow, MADI,2 011, 212 p.
2. Vlasov V.M., Nikolaev A.B., Postolit A.V., Pri-hod'ko V.M. Informacionnye tehnologii na avtomobil'nom transporte (Information technol-ogy for road transport), Moscow, Nauka, 2006, 288 p.
3. Vlasov V.M, Prihod'ko V.M., Zhankaziev S.V., Ivanov A.M. Intellektual'nye transportnye siste-my v avtomobil'no-dorozhnom komplekse (Intel-ligent transportation system for road and motor transport complex), Moscow, ООО «MJeJLER», 2011, 487 p.
4. Zhankaziev S.V., Ivanov A.M., Vlasov V.M. Avto-transportnoe predprijatie, 2010, no. 4, pp. 2-8.
5. Zhankaziev S.V., Vlasov V.M. Avtotransportnoe predprijatie, 2010, no. 7, pp. 2-10.
6. Itujell Dzh., Milgejt M., N'jumen P. Jekonomich-eskaja teorija (Economic theory), Moscow, IN-FRA-M, 2004, 931 p.
7. Kremenec Ju.A., Pecherskij M.P., Afanas'ev M.B. Tehnicheskie sredstva organizacii dorozhnogo dvizhenija (Technical means of traffic organiza-tion), Moscow, IKC «Akademkniga», 2005, 279 p.
8. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po ocenke pro-pusknoj sposobnosti avtomobil'nyh dorog. Ot-raslevoj dorozhnyj metodicheskij dokument ODM 218.2.020-2012, (Guidelines for the as-sessment of road capacity, standart 218.2.020-2012), Moscow, FGUP «Informavtodor», 2012, 148 p.
9. Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki,
10. Rukovodstvo po ocenke propusknoj sposobnosti avtomobil'nyh dorog (Guidance for road capacity estimation), Moscow, Transport, 1982, 194 p.
11. Sil'janov V.V. Teorija transportnyh potokov v proektirovanii dorog i organizacii dvizhenija: uchebnik (Theory of traffic flows for road design and traffic control), Moscow, Transport, 1977, 303 p.
12. Sil'janov V.V., Domke Je.R. Transportno-jekspluatacionnye kachestva avtomobil'nyh dorog i gorodskih ulic (Transport and operational qualities of highways and urban streets), Mos-cow, Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2007, 352 p.
13. Jandeks probki,
14. Highway Capacity Manual 2000, Washington, D.C., USA, Transportation Research Board, Na-tional Research Council, 2000, 1134 p.
Dmitriy V. Zaytsev, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
In article it is supposed that customer service on performance of transportations is carried out in the mode of quantization of time. The imitating model of system of mass service is constructed. Criteria of efficiency of tinning are entered and modeling for the purpose of search of the optimum modes of transport service is executed.
transport service, imitation, and queuing system, quantization of time, stochastic ap-proximation, optimization, goods transportation.
1. Granichin O.N. Avtomatika i telemehanika, 2002, vol. 2, pp. 44-55.
2. Granichin O.N. Vvedenie v metody stohasticheskoj optimizacii i ocenivanija (Introduction to the methods of stochastic optimization and evalua-tion), St. Petersburg, Izdatel'stvo Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 2003, 131 p.
3. Nikolaev A.B. V mire nauchnyh otkrytij, 2011, no. 9 (21), pp. 172-178.
4. Nikolaev A.B., Solncev A.A., Sanaja A.G., Jakunin P.S. V mire nauchnyh otkrytij, 2012, no. 12 (36), pp. 163-174.
5. Timofeev P.A., Jagudaev G.G., Gorjachkin B.S., Stroganov D.V. Prikaspijskij zhurnal: upravlenie i vysokie tehnologii, 2011, no. 3 (15), pp. 62-70.
6. Prihod'ko V.M., Stroganov D.V., Jakunin P.S., Moskvichev E.S., Solncev A.A. Nauka i obra-zovanie: nauchnoe izdanie MGTU im. N.Je. Bau-mana, 2012, no. 3, pp. 32.
7. Stroganov D.V., Solncev A.A., Jakunin P.S., Batov R.V., Karasev A.A. Nauka i obrazovanie: nauchnoe izdanie MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana, 2012, no. 4, pp. 26.
Veniamin N. Bogumil, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
This article examines the role of urban public transport in improving the transport situation in large towns and cities. Proposes an approach aimed at improving the quality of the process of passenger transportation by vehicles operating under the control of the automated dispatch navigation system by providing priority directions of signalized intersection only to vehicles behind schedule. The approach is implemented through the introduction of multi-agent system that provides information interaction dispatching system and traffic signalization control system.
public transport, intersection’s priority passage, signalized intersections.
1. Blog o transporte i zhizni,
2. Bogumil V.N., Efimenko D.B. Urban Transport Dis-patch Control System Helps to Increase Intelligent Transport Systems Effectiveness, Proceedings of the 11th European transport congress (ETC2013), Prague, 2013, pp. 20-25.
3. Wahlstedt J. Impacts of Bus Priority in Coordinat-ed Traffic Signals, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011, vol. 16, pp. 578-587.
4. Tlig M., Bhouri N. A Multi-Agent System for Urban Traffic and Buses Regularity Control, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011, vol. 20, pp. 896-905.
5. Gal-Tzur A., Eden N., Mahalel D. A Decision-support Methodology for Priority Allocation Among Road Users at Signalized Junctions, Proce-dia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011, vol. 20, pp. 984-993.
Dang Van Truong, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article examines the influence of depth of tunnel, constructed by technology of new Austrian tunnel method in clayey soil, on deformation of ground surface, tunnel and forces in tunnel lining. Hardening soil model is used in connection with its substantial ad-vantages over Mohr-Coulomb model.
HATM, depth of tunnel, deformation of ground surface, clayey soil, hardening soil model, HS.
1. Chapman D., Metje N., Stark A. Introduction to tunnel construction, London, Spon Press, 2010, 417 p.
2. Muller S. Tunnel induced settlements and struc-tural forces in linings, Doctoral thesis, Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, 2006, 149 p.
3. Strokova L.A. Izvestija Tomskogo politehnich-eskogo universiteta, 2008, vol. 312, no. 1, pp. 45-50.
4. Golubev A.I., Seleckij A.V. Available at:
5. Orehov V.V., Orehov M.V. Vestnik MGSU, 2014, no. 2, pp.91-97
6. Brinkgreve R.B.J., Kumarswamy S., Swolfs W.M., Waterman D., Chesaru A., Bonnier P.G., Haxaire A. Plaxis 2D – Scientific manual, Delft, Plaxis bv P.O., 2013, 66 p.
7. Potts D.M., Zdravkovic L. Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering: Application, London, Thomas Telford, 2001, 427 p.
8. Schanz T., Vermeer P.A., Bonnier P.G. The hard-ening soil model: Formulation and verification, Beyond 2000 in Computational Geotechnics – 10 years of Plaxis, Rotterdam, 1999, 16 p.
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Ilya V. Berezutskiy, postgraduate,,
Konstantin K. Shestopalov, Ph.D., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article presents the results of testing the main vacuum sweeper, studies on the effec-tiveness of cleaning the roadway, using protocols PM10 and PM2.5.
efficacy, test, vacuum sweeper, performance.
1. Balovnev V.I., Kustarev G.V., Lokshin E.S., Mir-zojan G.S., Novikov A.N., Abramov S.V., Meshher-jakov V.I., Danilov R.G., Shilovich V.P. Dorozhno stroitelnye mashiny i kompleksy (Road-building machines and systems), Moscow-Omsk, Si-bADI,2001, 528 p.
2. Balovnev V.I. Mnogocelevye dorozhno stroitelnye i tekhnologicheskie mashiny (Multipurpose road-building and production machines), Omsk-Moscow, Omskij Dom pechati, 2006, 320p.
3. Balovnev V.I. Ocenka effektivnosti dorojnih i kommunalnih mashin po tehniko-ekspluatacionnim pokazatelyam (Evaluating the effectiveness of road and utility vehicles for tech-nical and operational parameters), Moscow, MADI(GTU), 2002, 28p.
4. Vasilev V. Avtomobilnye dorogi, 2011, no. 7, pp. 170–172.
5. Nikulin P.I., Nilov V.A., Scherbinin M.I., Udodov D.A. Kommunalnye mashiny i oborudovanie (Utili-ty vehicles and equipment), Voronezh, Voronezh-skij gosudarstvennyj arhitekturno-stroitel'nyj uni-versitet, 2004, 129p.
6. Balovnev V.I., Meshherjakov V.I., Beljaev M.A., Prihod'ko V.V., Danilov R.G. Mashiny dlya soderzhaniya i remonta gorodskikh i avtomobil-nykh dorog (Machinery maintenance and repair of highways and city), Moscow-Omsk, OAO " Omskij Dom pechati", 2005, 768 p.
7. Pavelsky E.P. Stroitelnye I dorozhnye mashiny, 2010, no. 4, pp. 20–22.
8. Pavelsky E.P. Stroitelnye I dorozhnye mashiny, 2010, no. 9, pp. 10–12.
9. PM10 and PM2.5 Street Sweeper Efficiency Test Protocol, available at:
Mikhail V. Nemchinov, Dr.Sc., professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
It was examined several questions of improvement road design.
technical and economical ground, road surroundings, road plan, longitudinal and cross section, road bed, pavement, road drainage, examination.
1. Nemchinov M.V., Nemchinov D.M. Avtomobil'no-dorozhnye seti Rossijskoj Federacii (Automobile road networks of the Russian Federation), Che-boksary, Chuvashskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 2013, 237 p.
2. Nemchinov D.M. Principy i metody planirovanija setej avtomobil'nyh dorog (Principles and meth-ods of planning of networks of highways), Mos-cow, TehPoligrafCentr, 2014, 199 p.
3. Nemchinov M.V. Tretij Vserossijskij Dorozhnyj Kongress «Modernizacija i nauchnye issledovanija v dorozhnoj otrasli», sbornik statei, Moscow, TehPoligrafCentr, 2013, pp. 233-242.
4. Avtomobil'nye dorogi. Aktualizirovannaja redakci-ja SNiP 2.05.02-85, SP 34.13330.2012 (Highways. The staticized edition Construction Norms and Regulations 2.05.02-85, SP 34.13330.2012, Mos-cow, Minregion Rossii, 2012, 106 p.
5. Economic Evaluatoin of Long-Life Pavements, Phase 1, Paris, OECD PUBLICATIONS, 2005, 116 р.
6. Koncepcija sovershenstvovanija norm proektiro-vanija avtomobil'nyh dorog (Concept of im-provement of norms of design of highways), Moscow, Mintrans RF – GSDH, 2001, 35 p.
Nadezhda V. Babchenko, undergraduate,,
Natalya K. Tagieva, Ph.D., associate professor,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article examines the questions of operation covers airfields in the winter. The analysis of a number of technical and technological solutions for the content of coatings runways in order to identify the complex factors and design solutions, to provide qualifying and effective combat icy roads. The evaluation of the proposed technological solutions.
airfield machines, the contend of the runway, rod liquid reagent dispenser (sprayer), ad-justment rod liquid reagent dispenser (sprayer).
1. Rukovodstvo po jekspluatacii grazhdanskih ajerodromov Rossijskoj Federacii (Manual opera-tion of civil airports of the Russian Federation), Moscow, Vozdushnyj transport, 1996, 291 p.
2. Alimov K.G Agrosnab Chernozem'ja, 2009, 9 April, рр. 27-30.
3. Wolfe T. Zhurnal sovremennogo agropromy-shlennika "Zerno", 2007, no. 10, pp. 73-79.
Pavel M. Salamahin, Dr.Sc., professor,,
Rustem M. Mamutov, postgraduate,,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article presents statistical data of traffic flows in Moscow and their analysis. Based on these data authors have generated and justified normative column of vehicles. Au-thors also have presented tables of equivalent loads in different units for these columns.
transport flows, microconvoys, the incidences and probabilities of loads, vertical tempo-rary loads classes, the equivalent loads, load reliability coefficients, multilane carriage co-efficients, dynamic coefficients.
1. Dorogi avtomobilniye obchego polzovaniya. Normativniye nagruzki, GOST 32960–2014 (Auto-mobile roads of general use. Traffic load models, application of the load models, State Standart 32960-2014), Moscow, Standartinform, 2015, 5 p.
2. Salamahin P.M. Nauka i tehnika v dorozhnoj ot-rasli, 2010, no. 2, pp. 27-31.
3. Salamahin P.M. Transportnoe stroitelstvo, 2012, no. 11, pp. 28-32.
4. Salamahin P.M. Vremennie nagruzki na avtodorozhnie mosti. Nedostatki, ih posledstviya, sposobi ih ustraneniya (Temporary loads of road bridges. Shortcomings, their consequences, ways of their elimination), Saarbrucken, Palmarium Ac-ademic Publishing, 2013, 84 p.
5. Salamahin P.M. Dorozhnaya Derzhava, 2014, no. 58, pp. 54-57.
6. Salamahin P.M. Nauka i tehnika v dorozhnoj ot-rasli, 2015, no. 1 (71), pp. 24-26.
7. Salamahin P.M., Mamutov R.M. Transportnoe stroitelstvo, 2015, no. 9, pp. 17-22.
8. Salamahin P.M. Vestnik avtomobilno-dorojnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2015, issue 3 (42), pp. 69-73.