«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(55), December 2018
Ekaterina I. Makarenko, Ph.D., associate professor, Makarenko_madi@mail.ru,
Alexander N. Soloviev, D.Sc in Pedagogy, Ph.D. in Math., associate professor,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
In the article based on the sociological research by the method of semi-standardized interview among MADI students the features of formation of social and professional resource of future technical intelligentsia are considered. (The authors conducted the survey in the second semester of the 2017/2018 academic year). The main components of this process include professional orientation, conditionality of the choice of technical specialties and prospects for further employment, communication and adaptive abilities of University students. The authors found that the family, “open days” of universities and MADI significantly influenced on the career guidance of modern students. Unfortunately, the respondents noted school career guidance as formal and ineffective. The conditionality of the choice of engineering University depends more on the interest in technical Sciences, less on the convenient location of the University, a small contest for exam scores, etc. Vision of prospects for further employment, the desire to work in the specialty is associated with the demand for professions in the labor market and employment (especially for students of the road construction faculty), the ability not only to find a job, but also to get a decent reward for work. Taking into account the current trends in the economy and social development, special attention is paid to the socio-communication aspect of the formation of professional resources of the technical intelligentsia. The development of direct communication, communication (without network and multifunctional information devices), the development of adaptive experience, education of social responsibility, patriotism is currently one of the complex and urgent tasks facing the University community for the formation of professionally competent, mobile, socially responsible domestic technical intelligentsia.
Keywords: social and professional resources, technical intelligentsia, vocational guidance, employment, choice of engineering profession, communication, social responsibility.
- Shvab K. Chetvertaya promyshlennaya revolyutsiya (The Fourth Industrial Revolution), Moscow, Izdatel'stvo «E», 2018, 208 p.
- Osipov G.V. Sotsiologicheskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' (Sociological Encyclopedic Dictionary), Moscow, NORMA, 2000, 488 p.
- Rossiya v tsifrakh - 2017 g., http://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/b17_11/Main.htm
- Makarenko E., Petrova L., Solovyev A., Prikhodko V. Assessing the Needs of Technical Intelligentsia for Professional Development, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018, vol. 715, pp. 233-238.
- Veselkova N.V., Vandyshev M.N., Pryamikova Ye.V. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya, 2017, no. 6 (398), pp. 44-56.
- Ponyavina M.B. Vlast', 2018, no. 6, pp. 44-47.
- Bannikovoy L.N. Vosproizvodstvo inzhenernykh kadrov: vyzovy novogo vremeni (Reproduction of engineering personnel: challenges of the new era), Ekaterinburg, Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo universitetata, 2015, 364 p.
- Solov'yev A.N., Makarenko Ye.I. Vestnik Federal'nogo gosudarstvennogo obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdeniya vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy agroinzhenernyy universitet im. V.P. Goryachkina, 2016, no. 6 (76), pp. 10-14
- Makarenko E.I. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2015, no. 1 (40), pp. 16-23.
- Smyk A.F. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2014, no. 2 (37), pp. 3-14.
- D'yui Dzh. Demokratiya i obrazovaniye (Democracy and Education), Moscow, Pedagogika-press, 2000, 384 p.
Vjacheslav M. Prihodko, Corresponding Member, Dr.Sc., professor, kafedra@tkm.madi.ru,
Andrey M. Ivanov, Dr.Sc., professor, ivanov-am@madi.ru,
Vladimir B. Borisevich, Dr.Sc., professor, kmf@madi.ru,
Sergey R. Kristalniy, Ph.D., associate professor, sportauto@rambler.ru,
Nikolay V. Popov, Ph.D., associate professor, niko-popov@yandex.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
A technique for testing advanced emergency braking system (AEBS) of cars is proposed. The verification of the functioning of the AEBS is carried out while the vehicle is moving towards various static “targets”. Tests were conducted AEBS systems cars Subaru XV, Infiniti QX60, Volkswagen Tiguan. AEBS test objects differ organs of "technical vision". Testing races were performed on special roads of the NAMI Test Center. The test program includes races on rolled snow at different times of the day. To avoid damage to the car in a collision with a “target”, a “soft target” made of cardboard is used, or a “detour obstacle” maneuver is performed. Described the necessary set of test equipment for the study. The capabilities of the AEBS to recognize the various “targets”, the moment of arrival of the collision warning signal and the effectiveness of automatic braking are evaluated. The failures of AEBS in various situations are analyzed. To assess the timeliness of arrival of a collision warning signal, is use the TTC (Time to collision) parameter. The evaluation of the adaptability of the AEBS to changes in the reference road cover. It is established that AEBS in winter conditions does not provide a complete stop of the car in front of an obstacle.
Keywords: AEBS, automatic braking, target, TTC, time to collision, field testing.
- Malinovskiy M.P. Trudy NAMI, 2017, no. 1 (268), pp. 53-59.
- Prikhodko V.M., Ivanov A.M., Borisevich V.B., Shadrin S.S. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2017, no. 4 (51), pp. 10-15.
- Kristalniy S.R., Toporkov M.A. Zhurnal avtomobil'nykh inzhenerov, 2017, no. 4 (105), pp. 20-23.
- Eyesight Driver Assist Technology Omner’s Manual Crosstrek 2018https://view.joomag.com/subaru-xv-crosstrek-manuals-2018-crosstrek-eyesight-driving-assist-manual/0034293001504190662?page=3
- Rukovodstvo po ekspluatatsii avtomobilya Infiniti QX 60, https://www.infiniti.ru/content/dam/Infiniti/Russia/manuals/qx60.pdf
- Programma samoobucheniya 552, https://vagdrive.com/resources/volkswagen-tiguan-2017-Vvedeniye-Programma-samoobucheniya-552.49/
- Ivanov A.M., Kristalniy S.R., Popov N.V., Toporkov M.A., Isakova M.I. Trudy NGTU im. R.Ye. Alekseyeva, 2018, no. 2 (121), pp. 146-155.
- Sachkov M. Za rulom, 2018, no. 2, pp. 42-53.
- Ivanov A.M., Kristalniy S.R., Popov N.V., Toporkov M.A., Isakova M.I. New testing methods of automatic emergency braking systems and the experience of their application, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, vol. 386, issue 1, Nomer stat'i 012019.
- OCAS-DRI-CIB-16-08. New car assessment program. Crash imminent braking system confirmation test, 2016 Nissan Rogue, Final Report, Torrance, California, U. S. Department of transportation, 2016, 108 p.
Dmitriy S. Fatyukhin, Dr.Sc., professor, mitriy2@yandex.ru,
Lev N. Britvin, Dr.Sc., professor, brt-tgm@mail.ru,
Sergey Yu. Kuznetsov, post-graduate student, drblack@lenta.ru,
Alexander V. Sukhov, student, sukhov-aleksandr96@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Oleg N. Trifonov, Dr.Sc., professor, k_tm@stankin.ru,
MSTU “STANKIN”, 1, Vadkovskiy side-street, Moscow, 127994, Russia
The main directions of improvement of technology of production of rivet connections are creation of uniform compressive stresses on all thickness of the connected package of details and decrease in effort of riveting. It is known that the use of ultrasound in the process of plastic deformation significantly affects the properties and structure of the deformed material, as well as changes the nature of the stress-strain state. The impact of high-frequency vibrations reduces the deformation force while improving the quality of the rivet connection. The article presents the results of studies of changes in the speed and degree of deformation of the rivet under ultrasonic impact. Studies were conducted using high-speed filming. The description of a technique of carrying out experiments and the applied equipment is given. The stages of deformation of the rivet during ultrasonic treatment are established. The equipment for realization of technological process is offered. Analysis of the results of the study allowed to identify and optimize the riveting modes that ensure the production of high-resource compounds. The main modes that determine the dynamics of the process include: the amplitude of the oscillation of the radiator and the clamping force. The values of rational processing modes are determined. It is revealed that the proposed technological solutions allow to increase the stress on the section of the rivet connection by 15...20% compared to the press rivet.
Keywords: technology, ultrasound, assembly, rivet connections.
- Bratukhin V.A., Bratukhin A.V. Aviacionnaya promyshlennost', 2012, no. 1, p. 7.
- Kozlov I.E., Aktuganov O.A. Inzhenernye kadry - budushchee innovacionnoj ehkonomiki Rossii, 2016, no. 5, pp. 41-42.
- Yurenkova L.R., Fedorenko V.I., Andreev A.V. Glavnyj mekhanik, 2018, no. 6, pp. 70-75.
- Zhernakov V.S., Ermolenko A.N., Sabirov R.M. Vestnik Ufimskogo gosudarstvennogo aviacionnogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2011, Vol. 15, no. 4 (44), pp. 67-72.
- Kuznetsov S.Y., Kazantsev V.F., Luzhnov Yu.M., Sundukov S.K., Fatyukhin D.S. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2017, no. 1 (48), pp. 34-42.
- Kuznetsov S.Y., Nigmetzyanov R.I., Fatyukhin D.S. Naukoemkie technologii v machinostroenii, 2015, no. 10 (52), pp. 40-48.
- Kazantsev V.F., Nigmetzyanov R.I., Sundukov S.K., Fatyukhin D.S. Izvestiya Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2016, no. 5 (184), pp. 19-23.
- Prikhodko V.M., Fatyukhin D.S. Naukoemkie technologii v machinostroenii, 2016, no. 8 (62), pp. 37-42.
- Prikhodko V.M., Nigmetzyanov R.I., Fatyukhin D.S. Naukoemkie technologii v machinostroenii, 2015, no. 7 (49), pp. 39-44.
- Malkina I.V. Naukoemkie technologii v machinostroenii, 2016, no. 6 (60), pp.43-48.
Eduard A. Savastenko, Ph.D., senior lecturer, e.d.u.a.r.d@inbox.ru,
Andrey L. Yakovenko, Ph.D., associate professor, iakovenko_home@mail.ru,
Andrey A. Savastenko, Ph.D., associate professor, dozentrudn@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
This article presents various methods of ultrasonic cleaning of diesel fuel equipment parts. A method for quickly and inexpensively cleaning parts of diesel fuel equipment through ultrasonic vibrations was found by using physicochemical models of processes in ultrasonic media. This way allows the method of influencing deposits (varnishes, carbon deposits, slick, etc.) to clean the surfaces of precision parts of the fuel equipment (nozzles, parts of injectors, plunger pairs, jets, etc.) with ultrasonic vibrations in combination with heat. This technique was confirmed experimentally. And also the optimal parameters for cleaning (type of parts, location in the ultrasonic field, intensity of the ultrasonic field); detergents; temperature and processing time were determined. The expediency of using ultrasonic systems and water/organic cleaning solutions to remove strong contamination from the surfaces of precision parts has been proven. This fact allows us not to resort to mechanical treatment in the fuel equipment of diesel engines. It is shown that the economic effect of the proposed technological process implementation of the nozzle atomizer cleaning parts using ultrasound can be achieved by reducing the time and complexity of the injectors repairing process.
Keywords: ultrasound, nozzle sprayer, diesel, cleaning solution, cleaning.References
- Sinicyn A.K. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo k laboratornym rabotam po kursu «Ehkspluataciya i remont ustanovok s DVS» (Guidelines for laboratory work on the course "Operation and repair of units with internal combustion engines»), chast' III, Moscow, RUDN, 2002, 16 p.
- Machalkin YU.N. Issledovanie i obosnovanie tekhnologicheskogo processa ochistki detalej dizel'noj toplivnoj apparatury moyushchim rastvorom v ul'trazvukovom pole (Research and justification of technological process of cleaning of details of the diesel fuel equipment with a washing solution in an ultrasonic field), Ph.Doctors thesis, Moscow, GOSNITI, 2003, 158 p.
- Prihod'ko V.M. Ul'trazvukovye tekhnologii pri proizvodstve i remonte tekhniki (Ultrasonic technologies in the production and repair of equipment), Moscow, Tekhpoligrafcentr, 2000, 253 p.
- Markov V.A., Devyanin S.N., Savastenko A.A. Gruzovik, 2014, no. 6, pp. 10–15.
- Savastenko A.A., Savastenko EH.A., Lepetan L.V., CHum-Barima R. AvtoGazoZapravochnyj kompleks + Al'ternativnoe toplivo, 2017, vol. 16, no. 8,
pp. 254–256. - Shatrov M.G., Golubkov L.N., Dunin A.U., Yakovenko A.L., Dushkin P.V. Research of the impact of injection pressure 2000 bar and more on diesel engine parameters, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015, vol. 10, no. 20, pp. 41098–41102.
- Shatrov M.G., Golubkov L.N., Dunin A.U., Yakovenko A.L., Dushkin P.V. Experimental research of hydrodynamic effects in common rail fuel system in case of multiple injection, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2016, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 6949–6953.
- Shatrov M.G., Yakovenko A.L. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo institute (gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta), 2009, no. 1 (16), pp. 10–18.
- Dunin A.Yu., Gorbachevskij E.V., Dushkin P.V., Golubkov L.N., Ivanov I.E. Transport na al'ternativnom toplive, 2017, no. 4 (58), pp. 48–58.
- Mal'chuk V.I., Shatrov M.G., Dunin A.Yu. Traktory i sel'skohozyajstvennye mashiny, 2007, no. 4,pp. 34–37.
Natalia V. Lapina, postgraduate, veratrix@rambler.ru,
Natalia I. Baurova, Dr.Sc., professor, nbaurova@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The results of experimental studies of the deformation-strength properties of polymer materials used in repairing the elements of the engine cooling system of road-building machines by the method of dynamomechanical analysis (DMA) are presented. The definition of the method of dynamomechanical analysis and the method of carrying out experimental studies are given, which consists in measuring the properties of the material during its periodic deformation under the influence of the dynamic load and the controlled temperature. Engineering problems that can be solved using dynamomechanical analysis are described. Requirements for samples for testing are presented. Typical DMA curves, dependencies of the storage modulus and the tangent of the angle of mechanical losses on temperature for selected grades of hot melt adhesives are given. On the basis of the obtained results, it is concluded that when studying the dynamic analysis of the properties of two types of hot melt adhesives in the initial state and after aging in water for 100 days, the Teplax hot melt melts its properties to a lesser extent, the effect of water influence on the properties of the hot melt adhesive of the brand Letek. The possibility of using hot melt adhesives as structural adhesives in the manufacture and repair of parts exposed to long-term deformation effects during their operation has been determined.
Keywords: dynamomechanical analysis, hot melt adhesives, modulus of elasticity, polymer materials, repair.
- Taraskin N.Yu., Filina E.K., Malysheva G.V. Vse materiali. Enciclopedicheskii spravochnik, 2014, no. 7, pp. 9-13.
- Lapina N.V., Baurova N.I. Tekhnologiya metallov, 2018, no. 4, pp. 39-43.
- Guzeva T.A. Vse materiali. Enciclopedicheskii spravochnik, 2014, no. 3, pp. 17-19.
- Guzeva T.A., Vorob’ev E.V., Lapina N.V. Vse materiali. Enciclopedicheskii spravochnik, 2015, no. 3, pp. 7-12.
- Petrova A.P., Malysheva G.V. Klei, kleevie svyazyuchie i kleevie prepregi (Adhesives, glue binders and glue prepregs), Moscow, VIAM, 2017, 472 p.
- Lapina N.V., Baurova N.I. Mekhanizaciya stroitel’stva, 2015, no. 4 (850), pp. 44-47.
- Kononenko A.S., Kiselev R.V. Vestnik MGAU imeni V.P. Goryachkina, 2004, no. 1, pp. 40-42.
- Zorin V.A., Seregin D.V. Mekhanizaciya stroitel’stva, 2015, no. 7 (853), pp. 4-7.
- Grib V.V., Zorin V.A., Baurova N.I. Vse materiali. Enciclopedicheskii spravochnik, 2018, no. 4, pp. 13-19.
- Zorin V.A. Mekhanizaciya stroitel’stva, 2016, no. 1, pp. 12-15.
Yan I. Tyurin, postgraduate, yan_tyurin@mail.ru,
Konstantin P. Mandrovskiy, Ph.D., associate professor, effectmash@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
In this article, the technique of simulation of the roll-over process which is one of the factors of the efficiency of the operation of a spider excavator is considered. A spider excavator is a digger which chassis consists of several articulated links providing additional degrees of freedom, thus creating an increased risk of tipping over even on not a very steep section of the terrain. The main prerequisites for the research are presented and the concept of computer modeling in the Euler software environment is considered. A computational estimate of the stability of a computer model of a spider excavator created in the Euler software environment located on a steep incline of 30 degrees and dropping a 500 kg soil down the slope was completed. Given results in combination with the data obtained for several additional typical calculation cases will allow to entirely predict the behavior of the excavator on a slope in real conditions which in turn will serve as the basis for the development of a entirely automated system for controlling the stability of a spider excavators. The future system will significantly facilitate the implementation of the workflow and certainly increase the efficiency and as a result the productivity of the work performed by this type of road-construction machines.
Keywords: a walking excavator, stability, tip-over, efficiency, productivity, computer simulation.References
- Dotsenko А.I., Karasev G.N., Kustarev G.V., Shestopalov K.K. Mashiny dlja zemljanyh rabot (The digging machines), Moscow, Bastet, 2012, 688 p.
- Rauch A. Stability analysis of mobile boom cranes, Atlanta, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008, 103 p.
- Mandrovskiy K., Tyurin Y. Razrabotka metodiki ocenki ustojchivosti kolesno-shagayushhego ekskavatora (The development of methodology of stability assessment of a spider excavator), Saarbrucken, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015, 141 p.
- Lagerev A.V., Lagerev I.A., Milto A.A. Preliminary dynamics and stress analysis of articulating non-telescoping boom cranes using finite element method, International Review on Modeling and Simulations, 2015, no. 8 (2), pp. 223-226.
- Lagerev A.V., Lagerev I.A., Milto A.A. Tool for preliminary dynamics and stress analysis of articulating cranes, International Review on Modeling and Simulations, 2014, no. 7 (4), pp. 644-652.
- Lagerev I.A. Razvitie jelementov teorii proektirovanija i modelirovanija manipuljacionnyh sistem mobil’nyh transportno-tehnologicheskih mashin (The development of elements of the theory of designing and modeling of manipulation systems of mobile transport-technological machines), Doctors thesis, Moscow, MIIT, 2017, 405 p.
- Bhaveshkumar P. Patel, Prajapati J.M. Dynamics of Mini Hydraulic Backhoe Excavator: A Lagrange-Euler (L-E) Approach, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, 2014, no. 8 (1), pp. 195-204.
- Programmnyj kompleks avtomatizirovannogo dinamicheskogo analiza mnogokomponentnyh mehanicheskih sistem Euler, availableat: http://www.euler.ru/.
- Mandrovskiy K.P., Tyurin Y.I. Vestnik Mashinostroenija, 2017, no.10, pp. 33-34.
- Tyurin Y.I., Mandrovskiy K.P. Transportnye sistemy Sibiri. Razvitie transportnoj sistemy kak katalizator rosta jekonomiki gosudarstva, Sbornik statei, Krasnoyarsk, Sibirskij federal'nyj universitet, 2016, pp. 327-330.
Evgeniy V. Gorbachevskiy, postgraduate, intellan@mail.ru,
Andrey U. Dunin, Ph.D., associate professor, a_dunin@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The paper presents the methodic and analysis of the influence of technological tolerances on the design and adjusting parameters of the diesel fuel equipment, the determination and analysis of parameters that significantly affect the stability of the fuel supply, as well as the effect of process tolerances on the shape of the injection characteristic. In the case of the nominal operating mode, two main parameters (µfс и hи) were selected, and in the case of the low load mode, the four main parameters (µfс, hи, hкл и dих) having the greatest influence on the cyclic feed rate. The remaining parameters were grouped according to the degree of their influence on the cyclic feeding into three groups. In addition to influencing cyclic feeding, the effect of tolerances on the shape of the injection characteristic for single and double injection was considered. In the case of double injection, considering that the effect of pre-injection has an effect on subsequent injection, the combined effect of wave effects and existing tolerances on the manufacture of EHF parts was considered. As the evaluated parameters, the duration of injection (τвп), the maximum value of the feed rate (dV/dτ) and the time from the moment of the injection start to the maximum delivery rate (τmах) were considered.
Keywords: accumulator fuel system, fuel supply, cyclic feed, production permit, adjusting parameters, electrohydraulic nozzle, full factor experiment, ranking, injection characteristic form, single injection, double injection.
- Shatrov M.G., Sinyavski V.V., Dunin A.Yu., Shishlov I.G., Vakulenko A.V. Method of conversion of high- and middle-speed diesel engines into gas diesel engines, Facta universitatis. Series: Mechanical Engineering, 2017, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 383-395.
- Sinyavski V.V., Alekseev I.V., Ivanov I.Ye., Bogdanov S.N., Trofimenko Yu.V. Physical Simulation of High- and Medium-Speed Engines Powered by Natural Gas, Pollution Research, 2017, vol. 36 (3), pp. 684-690.
- Shatrov M.G., Golubkov L.N., Dunin A.U., Yakovenko A.L., Dushkin P.V. Influence of high injection pressure on fuel injection performances and diesel engine working process, Thermal Science, 2015, vol. 19, issue 60, pp. 2245-2253.
- Shatrov M.G., Golubkov L.N., Dunin A.U., Yakovenko A.L., Dushkin P.V. Research of the impact of injection pressure 2000 bar and more on diesel engine parameters, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015, vol. 10, no. 20, pp. 41098-41102.
- Dunin A.Y., Golubkov L.N., Malchuk V.I., Dushkin P.V., Ivanov I.E. Traktori i sel’khozmashini, 2017, no. 10, pp. 13-19.
- Dunin A.Y., Gorbachevskiy E.V., Dushkin P.V., Golubkov L.N. Transport na al’ternativnom toplive, 2017, no. 4 (58), pp. 48-58.
- Shatrov M.G, Golubkov L.N., Dunin A.U., Yakovenko A.L., Dushkin P.V. / Experimental research of hydrodynamic effects in common rail fuel system in case of multiple injection // International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2016, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 6949-6953.
- Shatrov M.G., Malchuk V.I., Dunin A.U., Yakovenko A.L. The influence of location of input edges of injection holes on hydraulic characteristics of injector the diesel fuel system, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2016, vol. 11, no. 20, pp. 10267-10273.
- Dunin A.Y., Gorbachevskiy E.V., Dushkin P.V., Golubkov L.N., Alekseev I.V. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2016, no. 4 (47), pp. 17-26.
- Dunin A.Y., Gorbachevskiy E.V. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2017, no. 1 (48), pp. 67-72.
Dmitriy S. Fatyukhin, Dr.Sc., professor, mitriy2@yandex.ru,
Vsevolod F. Kazantsev, Dr.Sc., professor, vfkaz@yandex.ru,
Ravil' I. Nigmetzyanov, Ph.D., associate professor, lefmo@yandex.ru,
Sergey K. Sundukov, Ph.D., associate professor, sergey-lefmo@yandex.ru,
Alexander V. Sukhov, student, sukhov-aleksandr96@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Cleaning engineering products is one of the most common technological processes using ultrasound. The efficiency of the process is determined by specific phenomena that occur when high-frequency oscillations are introduced into liquid media, the most significant of which are cavitation and acoustic flows. In this case, the hydrodynamic effect extends not only to the pollution, but also to the surface to be treated, which, at a high intensity of treatment, can lead to deformation and erosion damage. As one of the methods for controlling the erosion activity of the cavitation region, it is proposed to regulate the effect of cavitation clusters. The paper presents the results of phenomenological studies of the motion of bubble clusters near the surface of a solid body using high-speed imaging, and also suggests a model explaining the formation of clusters as the cavitation bubbles approach each other and the nature of their movement in a hydrodynamic flow.
Keywords: technology, ultrasound, cavitation, erosion, deformation.References
- Prikhodko V.M., Fatyukhin D.S. Naukoemkie technologii v machinostroenii, 2016, no. 8 (62), pp. 37-42.
- Prikhodko V.M., Nigmetzyanov R.I., Fatyukhin D.S. Naukoemkie technologii v machinostroenii, 2015, no. 7 (49), pp. 39-44.
- Nigmetzyanov R.I., Fatyukhin D.S. Naukoyemkiye tekhnologii v mashinostroyenii, 2017, no. 1 (67), pp. 16-21.
- Chudina O.V., Fatyukhin D.S., Khachaturyan V.A. Naukoyemkiye tekhnologii v mashinostroyenii, 2015, no. 11 (53), pp. 43-47.
- Volkova Ye.V., Nasibullayeva E.Sh., Akhatov I.Sh. Trudy Instituta mekhaniki im. R.R. Mavlyutova Ufimskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN, 2012, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 53-58.
- Aleksandrov V.A., Fatyukhin D.S. Deformatsiya i razrusheniye materialov, 2012, no. 10, pp. 38–40.
- Aganin A.A., Davletshin A.I. Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye, 2009, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 89-102.
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- Aganin A.A., Davletshin A.I. Izvestiya Ufimskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiyskoy akademii nauk, 2016, no. 4, pp. 9-13.
- Gubaydullin A.A., Gubkin A.S. Teplofizika i aeromekhanika, 2015, p. 22, no. 4, pp. 471-480.
Alexander Yu. Konoplin, associate professor, konoplin_al@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Questions of creation of adhesive mechanical connections at repair of cars in the conditions of long influence of negative temperatures (in the conditions of the Arctic) are considered. It is shown that the known technological methods of glue welding and glue riveting on the untreated layer of glue can be adapted to the Arctic conditions. The assessment of climatic adaptability of processes of repair of cars with use of glue technology is carried out. Technical requirements to the glues used at carrying out repair work are considered. It is shown that the polymer materials used in the repair of machines are characterized by partial or complete loss of performance properties at low temperatures (limited frost resistance). Possibilities of performance of separate technological transitions and operations of creation of glutinous mechanical connections in the conditions of the Arctic are considered. The evaluation of the preparation of structures for bonding under the influence of negative temperatures. The results of expert evaluation, determining the degree of adaptability of adhesive technology for machine repair under the influence of negative temperatures. Classification of standard technological processes of creation of adhesive mechanical connections is offered to carry out on ambient temperature. It is concluded that the typification of technological processes of repair of machines using glue welding or glue riveting will create a unified technology that has the main advantages of basic technologies .
Keywords: Arctic, glue, adhesive compound, adhesive riveting, adhesive welding, frost resistance, repair.
- Baurova N.I., Konoplin A.Yu. Remont, vosstanovlenie, modernizaciya, 2016, no. 2, рр. 37-41.
- Baurova N.I., Sergeev A. Yu. Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologii, 2014, no. 4, pp. 24-28.
- Konoplin A.Yu., Baurova N.I. Vse materiali. Enciclopedicheskii spravochnik, 2014, no. 7, pp. 40-44.
- Baurova N.I. Enciklopedia ingenera-khimika, 2012, no. 11, pp. 35-41.
- Lapina N.V. Vse materiali. Enciclopedicheskii spravochnik, 2017, no. 2, pp. 65-69.
- Baurova N.I. Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologii, 2008, no. 10, pp. 20-23.
- Shvedkova A.K., Petrova A.P., Buznik V.M. Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologii, 2016, no. 1, pp. 19-24.
- Baurova N.I., Sergeev A. Yu. Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologii, 2013, no. 10, pp. 40-44.
- Petrova A.P., Malysheva G.V. Klei, kleevie svyazyuchie i kleevie prepregi (Adhesives, glue binders and glue prepregs), Moscow, VIAM, 2017, 472 p.
- Guzeva T.A. Vse materiali. Enciclopedicheskii spravochnik, 2014, no. 3, pp. 17-19.
- Konoplin A.Yu., Baurova N.I. A study of the properties and microstructure of weld-bonded, Polymer Science - Series D, 2016, vol. 9, issue 1, pp. 1-4.
- Petrova A.P., Sharova I.A., Lukina N.F., Buznik V.M. Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologi, 2015, no. 7, pp. 10-15.
Andrey N. Kudryavtcev, engineer, kudrandr1992@yandex.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article discusses the dependence of strength characteristics on the the fraction size of unbound stone materials in the design and construction subbase layers in pavements. The article notes that only a few studies are devoted to this issue. In modern regulatory documents, the requirements and limitations imposed on the size of stone material are not regulated in any way, although earlier documents for large stone materials allowed the use of a lower grade of rock hardness. It was found that in many cases large particles of stone material had a greater initial strength, and layers arranged from such fractions had a greater bearing capacity. It is noted that, for practical purposes, only one elastic modulus of the material is not sufficient for the base layer, since it does not take into account the influence of other important characteristics, such as strength grades, abrasion marks, frost resistance grades. The article elaborated and proposed some amendments and changes to the regulatory and technical base that affect the characteristics of unreinforced stone materials in order to establish how they will remain in the conditions of construction and subsequent operation of the highway.
Keywords: pavement, resilent modulus, unbound stone material, dry bound macadam, stone sand mixtures, subbase layer, bearing resistance, cementation.
- Salikhov M.G., Yezhova S.V. Fiziko-khimicheskiye i tekhnologicheskiye osnovy proizvodstva i primeneniya dorozhno-stroitel'nykh materialov (Physicochemical and technological foundations of production and application of road-building materials), Yoshkar-Ola, PGTU, 2009, 129 p.
- Kurochka P.N., Mirzaliyev R.R. Inzhenernyj vestnik Dona, 2012, no. 4-2 (23), p. 85.
- Bulatov A.I., Proselkov Yu.M., Shamanov S.A. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya bureniya neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin (Technique and technology of drilling oil and gas wells), Moscow, Nedra-Biznestsentr, 2003, 1007 p.
- Rekomendatsii po proyektirovaniyu i stroitel'stvu osnovaniy avtomobil'nykh dorog iz izvestnyakov povolzh'ya (Recommendations on the design and construction of the bases of highways from the limestone of the Volga region), Moscow, TSBNTI Minavtodora RSFSR, 1987, 6 p.
- Sall' A.O. Dorozhnaya tekhnika, 2002, http://library.stroit.ru/articles/sheben/
- Klimashev F.S., Kurdenkov B.I., Nekrasov V.K. Stroitel'stvo dorozhnykh osnovaniy iz krupnogo shchebnya ponizhennoy prochnosti (Construction of road bases of large crushed stone of reduced strength), Moscow, Avtotransizdat, 1961, 45 p.
- Baker I.O. Road and pavements, New York, John Wiley and Son, 1920, 666 p.
- Shabayev S.N., Alekseyev K.S. Rossiya molodaya, Sbornik materialov, Kemerovo, KuzGTU, 2018, pp. 42305.1-42305.4.
- Nekrasov V.K. Obosnovanie metodov ocenki i vybora dorozhnyx kamennyx materialov (Ground of methods of estimation and choice of travelling stone materials), Doctors thesis, MADI, Moscow, 1971, 576 p.
Dmitry A. Yastremsky, postgraduate, yaster.dmitry@yandex.ru,
Tatiana N. Abaidullina, Ph.D., associate professor, tn28@mail.ru,
Galina A. Zimakova, Ph.D., associate professor, ga.winter@yandex.ru,
TIU, 38, Volodarskogo Street, Tyumen, 625000, Russia
One of the methods of creating asphalt-concrete with high operational and technical characteristics is the introduction of a poly-functional stabilizing additive into the composition of a crushed-mastic mixture. The purpose of optimal dosages, which is made by experimental selection, is due to the lack of a proper normative-technical basis and functional dependencies connecting the technical characteristics and the material composition of the additives with the expected effect from the application. The paper presents the results of studies on the effect of stabilizing additives (SD) on the basis of cellulose fibers produced by various manufacturers and a new developed additive, «Armidon», on the properties of bitumen binder. It is shown that in order to obtain a dispersed-reinforced binder with a given complex of properties, it is necessary to designate the optimal dosage of the additive, when SD is introduced, the basic properties of bitumen are changed: ductility, viscosity, heat resistance. It is established that the degree of change of properties depends on the nature of the additive and its real composition. Fluorescence microscopy revealed the features of the structure of dispersed-reinforced bitumen and found that the ability of additives to prevent the dispersion of the dispersed system is due to the processes of selective adsorption on the fibers of active components of the bituminous binder. Influence at the level of microstructure is determined by the content of SD, the dispersion of fibers and the intensity of interaction with the binder.
Keywords: viscosity, penetration, stabilizing additive, bitumen binder, structure.References
- Kostin V.I. Shhebenochno-mastichnyj asfal'tobeton dlja dorozhnyh pokrytij (Stone-Mastic Asphalt for the Road Surface), N. Novgorod, NNGASU, 2009, 67 p.
- Kiryukhin G.N., Smirnov E.A. Pokrytiya iz shchebenochno-mastichnogo asfal'tobetona (Coatings of crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete), Moscow, Elite, 2009, 176 p.
- Yastremsky D.A., Abaidullina T.N. Aktual'nye problemy arhitektury, stroitel'stva, ehnergoehffektivnosti i ehkologii – 2016, Sbornik materialov, Tyumen, RIO FGBOU V Tyumen Industrial University, 2016, 268-273 p.
- Yastremsky D.A., Abaidullina T.N., Pakhomov I.A. XV nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya molodyh uchyonyh, aspirantov, soiskatelej i magistrantov, Sbornik materialov, Tyumen, TyumGASU, 2015, pp. 213-218.
- Yastremsky D.A., Abaidullina T.N., Chepur P.V., Gladkikh V.A. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2017, no. 2 (49), pp. 63-70.
- Telesov A.N., Telesov A.A., Telesov P.A., Yastremsky D.A. Patent RU 2632839 С1, 10.10.2017.
- GOST 22245-90. Bitumy neftyanye dorozhnye vyazkie. Tekhnicheskie usloviya, http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200003410
- GOST 11505-75. Bitumy neftyanye. Metod opredeleniya rastyazhimosti, http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200005002
- GOST 11506-73. Bitumy neftyanye. Metod opredeleniya temperatury razmyagcheniya po kol'cu i sharu, http://docs.cntd.ru/document/1200005003
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- Solomentsev A.B., Baranov I.A. Stroitel'stvo i rekonstrukciya, 2010, no. 4, pp. 53-58.
- Solomentsev A.B., Baranov I.A. Stroitel'stvo i rekonstrukciya, 2011, no. 4, pp. 56-62.
- Yastremsky D.A., Chepur P.V., Abaidullina T.N. Fundamental'nye issledovaniya, 2016, no. 9, pp. 96-101.
- Yastremsky D., Chepur P., Abaidullina T. Microstructure of the pulp and paper additives for stone-mastic asphalt concrete, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017, vol. 1800, article number 020002; doi: 10.1063/1.4973018.
Boris A. Vinogradov, Ph.D., associate professor, vinogradov@aeroproject.ru,
FGUP GPI and NII GA “Aeroproject”, 7, Leningradskoye shosse, Moscow, 125171, Russia
The article is devoted to the topical issue of environmental protection from the negative impact of the air transport complex. The method of determining the actual concentration of the main pollutant – ethylene glycol contained in the anti-icing reagents used for pre-flight processing of aircraft as part of the technological operations of aircraft maintenance at airports. A method for determining the values of the actual discharge of the pollutant and the maximum permissible discharge from the condition of inadmissibility of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of the pollutant, established by the corresponding limiting indicator of harmfulness and taking into account the effect of dilution of wastewater.
Keywords: wastewater, pollutant, anti – icing fluids, treatment sites, concentrations, aircrafts, factorial discharge, maximum permissible discharge, ethylene glycol.
- Aehrodromy. SP 121.13330.2012 (Airfields, Set of rules 121.13330.2012), Moscow, 2012, 102 p
- Metodicheskie rekomendacii po zashchite vodotokov ot zagryaznenij vodami poverhnostnogo stoka s ehks-pluatiruemyh avtodorozhnyh mostov (Guidelines for the protection of watercourses from pollution by surface runoff water from the operated road bridges), Moscow, 1991, 40 p.
Lev V.Makovski, Ph.D., professor, mosti@list.ru,
Tran Van Loi, postgraduate, tranloi1976@gmail.com,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The purpose of this study is determining the surface settlement and studying their nature and intensity, as well as the distribution depending on both the individual factors and their totality. Surface settlement trough in a section perpendicular to the axis of the tunnel is characterized by a curve of settlement change and a maximum surface settlement above the axis of the tunnel. If we know the mathematical function describing this curve of the change in the surface settlement, then we can theoretically determine the parameters of the surface settlement (the length of the zone, the maximum slope, the maximum curvature and the minimum radius of the curve). Results of the numerical experiments were obtained maximum surface settlement and curves of settlement changes. However, the mathematical functions of the settlements curves are a set of points, that have not yet been identified. In order to determine the parameters of the surface settlement trough, first of all, it is necessary to determine the mathematical functions of the surface settlement curves obtained from the results of numerical calculations. To determine the response functions that best describe the results of calculations, we used the STATISTICAL (Microsoft Excel) software complex, which allows us to find the relationship between the predictors variable and the response variable. Using the data computed by PLAXIS 3D-TUNNEL software, a regression analysis was performed, which allowed us to evaluate the effect of the main parameters on the maximum surface settlement.
Keywords: tunnels, jacking, surface settlements, finite element method, PLAXIS 3D-TUNNEL software.
- Makovsky L.V. Gorodskie podzemnye transportnye sooruzheniya (City underground transport facilities), Moscow, Strojizdat, 1985, 440 p.
- Makovsky L.V., Shchekudov E.V., Petrova E.N. Stroitel'stvo avtodorozhnyh i gorodskih tonnelej (Construction of road and city tunnels), Moscow, Rior, 2014, 396 p.
- Garber V.A. Tonneli i metropoliteny. Nauka, proektirovanie, stroitel'stvo, ehkspluataciya (Tunnels and subways. Science, design, construction, operation), Moscow, Ekon-Inform, 2008, 168 p.
- Eric L., Barry N. Settlements induced by tunneling in Soft Ground, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2007, no. 22, pp. 119–149.
- Mamaqani B., Najafi M. Settlement Analysis of Box Jacking Projects, ASCE Pipeline, USA, Portland, 2014, pp. 684-698.
- Mamaqani B. Numerical modeling of ground movements associated with trenchless box jacking technique, Ph.D. Thesis, Texas, USA, The University of Texas, 2015, 221 p.
- Phillips, N.S. Disaggregation of soil during slurry pipe jacking, Ph.D. Thesis, England, City University London, 2016, 193 p.
- Najafi, M. Trenchless Technology, Planning, Equipment and Methods, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2013, 496 p.
- PLAXIS 3D – Reference Manual, Netherlands, 2017, 134 p.
Vladimir P. Nosov, Dr.Sc., professor, nvpmadi@yandex.ru,
Nikita V. Borisyuk, Ph.D., professor, madi-bnv@mail.ru,
Igor V. Chistyakov, Dr.Sc., professor, chi52@yandex.ru,
Ivan A. Belyanin, engineer, postgraduate, ivan.belyanin@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The icing of road surface in the period of short time temperature decreasing brings to worse transport exploitation conditions of auto roads and leads to the increasing of the road accidents quantity. Therefore, the choice of measures to warn and escape the icing from the active part of the auto road is the most important task for the road exploitation services. For the quantity estimation of the effectiveness of that kind offers, was developed a method to forecast the temperature process changing of the road surface on the basis of the meteorological readings as well as on program to carry out the research experiments. There were carried out the series of research experiments for Krasnodar region conditions, where the temperature decreasing at the night time and the often icing of road surface. There were fixed some general factors, influencing the temperature mode of the road coat construction. On the basis of analysis of the received results, there’ve been made a conclusion about the possibility of decreasing of icing quantity cases on the road surface, for the cost materials choosing with definite warm physical features at constructing the road coats.
Keywords: auto road, winter maintenance, icing of road surface, temperature mode of road constructions, warm physical features of construction materials, research experiment.
- Samodurova T.V. Nauchnye osnovy operativnogo upravleniya rab-otami po bor'be s zimnej skol'zkost'yu na avtomobil'nyh dorogah (The scientific basis of operational management works to combat winter slipperiness on the roads), Doctors thesis, Voronezh, VGASU, 2004, 238 p.
- Mihajlov A.V., Kocyubinskaya T.A. Stroitel'naya teplotekhnika dorozhnyh odezhd (Construction heat engineering of road structure), Moscow, Transport, 1986, 145 р.
- Baklanov Y.V. Sovershenstvovanie organizacii zimnego soderzhaniya avtomobil'nyh dorog na osnove rascheta ciklichnosti rabot (Improving the organization of winter maintenance of roads based on the calculation of the cycle of work), Ph.D. thesis, Voronezh, VGASU, 2014, 153 p.
- Isachenko V.P., Osipova V.A., Sukomel A.S. Teploperedacha (Heat transfer), Moscow, Energoizdat, 1981, 416 p.
- Nosov V. P. Cementobetonnye pokrytiya avtomobil'nyh dorog. Prognozirovanie povrezhdenij na osnove matematicheskogo modelirovaniya (Cement-concrete coverings of highways. Forecasting of damage based on mathematical modeling), Moscow, MADI, 2013, 230 p.
- Zolotar’ I.A., Puzakov N.A., Sidenko V.M., Tulaev A.Y. Vodno-teplovoj rezhim zemlyanogo polotna i dorozhnyh odezhd (Water-heat regime of the subgrade and road structure), Moscow, Transport, 1971, 415 p.
- Zhu Q., Wang W., Wang S., Zhou X., Liao, G., Wang S., Chen J. Unilateral heat-transfer asphalt pavement for permafrost protection, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2012, vol. 71,
pp. 129–138. - Du Y., Wang S. A Peg-Top Oriented Thermal Conductive Structure of Asphalt Pavement for Improving Urban Microclimate, Advanced Materials Research, 2015, vol. 1079-1080, pp. 469–475.
- Hassn A., Aboufoul M., Wu Y., Dawson A., Garcia A. Effect of air voids content on thermal properties of asphalt mixtures, Construction Building Materials, 2016, vol. 115, pp. 327–335.
- Dawson A.R., Dehdezi P.K., Hall M.R., Wang J., Isola R. Enhancing thermal properties of asphalt materials for heat storage and transfer applications, Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2012, vol. 13, pp. 784–803.
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- Chen J., Hao W., Pengyu X., Wei H., Xie M. Experimental study on anti-icing and deicing performance of polyurethane concrete as road surface layer, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, vol. 161, pp. 598–605.
Mazko Anna D., specialist, ozi.madi@mail.ru,
Shilimov Michael V., Ph.D., associate professor, mshilimov@mail.ru,
Malinovsky Mikhail P., Ph.D., associate professor, ntbmadi@gmail.com,
Presnyakov Leonid A., Ph.D., associate professor, lpresnyakov@yandex.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
A constantly growing transport infrastructure is a strategically important condition for the economic growth of the Russian Federation. To date, the Russian Federation is among the countries with a high level of transportation costs, which significantly reduces the efficiency of production and trade, and also significantly affects the economic development of the country. The introduction of new advanced technologies in the field of transportation would help to optimize the flow of goods on the territory of the country. Excess loading of federal highways and infrastructure facilities, unsatisfactory state of the road surface require a drastic solution. To solve the above problems, an integrated approach is needed, that is, in addition to the construction of new roads and interchanges, it is necessary to redistribute part of the cargo to other modes of transport and to develop new combined transport. The modern market of contrailer technologies is characterized by a variety of different designs, the effectiveness of which depends on the conditions of the environment and the task. This necessitates the adoption of rational managerial decisions to select a contrailer system. The authors of the article examined the existing designs of transshipping equipment for contrailer transport and substantiated the choice of one of them as the most suitable for implementation in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: transport system, intermodal transportation, infrastructure, terminal, transshipment, SWOT-analysis.
- Troitskaya N.А., Chubukov А.B., Shilimov M.V. Mul'timodal'nye sistemy transportirovki i intermodal'nye tekhnologii (Multimodal transportation systems and intermodal technologies), Moscow, Academia, 2009, 336 p.
- Troitskaya N.А., Shilimov M.V. Transportno-tekhnologicheskie skhemy perevozok otdel'nykh vidov gruzov (Transport-technological schemes of transportation of certain types of cargo), Moscow, Knorus, 2010, 231 p.
- Troitskaya N.А., Zibrov I.А. Nauka i tekhnika v dorozhnoj otrasli, 2003, no. 2, pp. 23-24.
- Troitskaya N.А., Khafizov R.R. Avtotransportnoe predprijatie, 2013, no. 11, pp. 13-15.
- Troitskaya N.А., Chubukov А.B. Edinaya transportnaya sistema (Unified transport system), Moscow, Academia, 2012, 240 p.
- Moroz D.G. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo instituta (gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta), 2009, issue 3 (18), pp. 114-119.
Andrei N. Rementsov, D.Sc., professor, rementsov@yandex.ru,
Phan Anh Vu, postgraduate, anhvumta@gmail.com,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
In recent years, Viet Nam’s economy has developed strongly, which leads to an increase in demand for the transport of goods. Over the years Vietnam has an integrated transportation system, which has been created in the country, there are such types of transport as: roads; railway; inland waterway; coastal waterway; aviation and pipeline. However, in all types of freight transport in Vietnam, road freight plays an important role and has an influence on distribution of goods in large cities. Due to the geographical, social and economic conditions of Vietnam, the carriage of goods by road also has its own characteristics. Haulage characteristics of how companies use different types of trucks to move freight to different destinations, in order to evaluate the efficiency of freight movements and indirectly measure the quality of transport infrastructure supporting these freight movements. In this article analyze the problems of the role of road freight in the economy, transport infrastructure and characteristics of the operation of trucks in Vietnam, as a consequence, to improve the quality of freight traffic in Vietnam and to increase professionalism in freight transportation.
Keywords: transport, road freight, operation of truck, transport infrastructure, route.
- Tran H.T. Transportnoe delo Rossii, 2011, no. 4 (89), pp. 87-89.
- Lyasko, V.I., Ta T.H. Mezhdunarodnaja jekonomika, 2014, no. 6, pp. 55-60.
- Nguyen H.M., Rementsov A.N. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta (MADI), 2013, no. 4 (35), pp. 8-13.
- Nguyen H.M., Rementsov A.N., Nguyen M. T., Gruzovik, 2014, no. 4, pp. 20-22.
- Phan А.V., Rementsov A.N. Problemy tehnicheskoj jekspluatacii i avtoservisa podvizhnogo sostava avtomobil'nogo transporta, Sbornik statei, Moscow, Tekhpoligrafcentr, 2018, pp. 193-200.
- Nguyen Thi Thu Ha. Phat trien ha tang giao thong nham nang cao hieu qua logistics tai Viet Nam, Giao Thong Van Tai, 2017, no. 5, pp. 87-89.
- Tran Kim. Nganh van tai o to 65 nam xay dung va phat trien, Giao Thong Van Tai, 2016, no. 12,
pp. 38-40. - Nguyen Manh Hung, Dinh Quang Toan. Thuc trang loai hinh van tai da phuong thuc trong nganh Dich vu logistics tai Viet Nam, Giao Thong Van Tai, 2016, no. 10, pp. 34-36.
- Le Ba Thao. Viet Nam - Lanh tho va cac vung dia, Ha Noi, NXB The Gioi, 2001, 609 p.
- Tong cuc thong ke. Nien giam thong ke 2017, Ha Noi, NXB Thong ke, 2018, pp. 639-671.
- Viеtnam Urbanizatiоn Rеviеw – Tесhniсal Assistanсе Rероrt, Ha Noi, Wоrld Bank, 2011,pp. 69-111.
Elizaveta A. Lutsenko, postgraduate, assistant, elutsenko07@gmail.com,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
There is considered the dynamics of the index of business activity PMI (Purchasing Managers Index) across regions and countries. This index is used to measure changes in inventory, supplier performance, employment level, output volume, and the number of new orders in production. A decrease of the inventories level increases the trade intensity. Thus, the transition to more frequent deliveries in small batches is necessary. This leads to increased transport costs. The influence tendencies of such external factors as consumer demand for goods, refinancing rate, national currency rate are considered. To describe and set the task of reducing logistics costs, the following terms are analyzed: "shipping", "cargo consignments", "logistics costs". A comparison of the terms "shipping" and "cargo consignments" is given on the different types of transport, in accordance with the relevant applicable rules of cargo transportation. There is determined optimal level of total logistics costs when the delivery frequency is changing. Logistics costs are considered as transportation costs, costs of inventory in transit, storage and warehousing. There is described the optimization problem of the batch size by the criterion of minimum logistics costs. An algorithm for solving the problem is proposed. The dependences of the components of the cost on the supply frequency.
Keywords: small-shipments, logistics costs, inventory management, consumer demand, automobile transport.
- Rubinov A.Z. Taksi! Taksi! (Taxi! Taxi!), Moscow, Moskovskij rabochij, 1975, 255 p.
- Ryzhikov E.S. Iz kabiny taksi (From the taxi cab), Moscow, Moskovskij rabochij, 1967, 192 p.
- Bludyan N.O., Moroz D.G., Durin D.S., Smyslova YU.S. Avtomatizaciyaiupravlenie v tekhnicheskihsistemah, 2015, no. 3 (15), pp. 173-180.
- Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 23.10.1993 N 1090 (red. ot 30.06.2015) «O Pravilah dorozhnogo dvizheniya», http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_2709/
- Koh R. Zakon Pareto ili Princip 80/20, http://www.arbuz.uz/t_pareto.html
- Ahohov A. A., Bludyan N. O., Dorofeyuk Yu.A., Chernyavskij A. L. Innovacii i investicii, 2013, no. 4, pp. 214-217.
- Kolodijchuk A.V. Tipy kuzovov avtomobilej, http://bycars.ru/journal/tipi-kuzovov-legkovih-avtomobiley_78
- Smyslova YU.S. Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobil'no-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo univer-siteta (MADI), 2017, no. 3 (50), pp. 30-36.
- Moroz D.G. Avtotransportnoye predpriyatiye, 2013, no. 2, pp. 22-24.
- Zhidkova M.A. Avtotransportnoye predpriyatiye, 2015, no. 3, pp. 6-8.
Mikhail S. Mochalin, postgraduate, mochalin_sm@mail.ru,
Eduard A. Safronov, Dr.Sc., professor, transistem@rambler.ru,
Yegor A. Kukharev, antergraduate, egortang95@mail.ru,
SibADI, 5, Prospect Mira, Omsk, 644080, Russia
The article considers the issue of improving the solution of the routing problem in the designed transport systems of cargo delivery. When writing this article, we used methods of system, structural, comparative analysis and economic-mathematical modeling. The algorithm of the model of the aggregate of transport systems, developed by the author, is given, which allows to calculate the operational plan of the operation of transport systems and of each car separately. It was revealed that when solving the problem of routing in urban operating conditions, transport systems isolated in space and time are projected: micro, small, small, medium, and their aggregates. At the same time, the scientific approaches to constructing models, proposed in the work of Professor V.I. Nikolin, allowing to increase the productivity of the system by a smaller number of transport resources. The proposed model of operational planning makes it possible to establish a scientifically based planning target for truck transport, loading and unloading points and a transport system management system. On the basis of calculations, it is possible to determine the feasibility of carrying out transport tasks for the transport of goods and subsequently apply the results of calculations to make operational management decisions in the event of a failure. The authors conclude that errors in the operational planning of cargo transportation are obtained not in the solution of the transport problem, but as a result of incorrect decoding of the received solution.
Keywords: economic and mathematical methods, mathematical modeling, operational planning, transportation of goods, road transport.
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The article examines the methods and results for assessing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in the life cycle of car tires on the example of the vehicle fleet of Russia as a way to increase the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of the country's transport sector. A methodology for assessing the energy and environmental effect at the stages of production, use and recycling of automotive rubber in the organization of accounting and regular technical condition of truck (bus) tires on transport companies. Defined two scenarios (baseline and project) of analysis energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions at all stages of the life cycle, while maintaining the current norms of run before decommissioning and adjusting tire mileage standards in accordance with the recommendations of the MADI. This method allows a more reasoned approach to the justification of the need for regular updating of these standards. The results of the forecast estimates changes of total greenhouse gas emissions for the car fleet of Russia at all stages of the life cycle of tires in the absence of the proposed measures. The organization of accounting and regular monitoring of the technical condition of truck (bus) tires in motor transport enterprises will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by Russia's automotive fleet by 1,773,700 tons of CO2-eq per year.
Keywords: tires, environmental effect, mileage rate, greenhouse gases.
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Moscow Polytechnic University, 38, Bolshaya Semenovskaya St., Moscow, 107023, Russia
The article is devoted to reducing costs in the manufacture of engineering products - one of the priorities in improving production efficiency and is relevant at the moment. The optimization of the stock level of repair kits for special equipment is considered, which indicates not only the theoretical, but also the practical significance of the results obtained by the authors of the article. There, questions of mathematical modeling of warehouse operations under conditions of random demand and with random delay times of applications for replenishment of inventory levels in a warehouse were considered. The probability density functions of the demand distribution and the delay time are a priori arbitrary and not known, which increases the value of the proposed approach. The proposed innovative approach to the task of logistics meets the requirements of modern science to the methods of optimizing the management of technological processes of production
Keywords: modeling, adaptive algorithms, stock rates of tools, stochastic criterion.
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