«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(67), December 2021
Mikhail V. Grigoriev, Ph.D., associate professor, m.grigoriev@madi.ru,
Valeriy A. Zenchenko, Ph.D., professor, zvaeats@yandex.ru,
Natalia S. Shuvaeva, student, natali_shuvaeva@outlook.com,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
As part of the research, the design features and functionality of existing devices for measuring fuel consumption were determined, and the disadvantages of their use were identified. Based on the experience of practical application of the above-mentioned existing developments, a new device was proposed and designed that provides more accurate, reliable and informative measurements of the volume flow of liquid fuel on wheeled vehicles with gasoline internal combustion engines equipped with injection single-circuit power systems during laboratory, bench (load and non-load) and road tests. In MADI at the Department of EAT&S, the authors of this article have developed and conducted practical testing of a device for measuring fuel consumption (UIRT-01), which provides for the use of a special set of rods in its design, which made it possible to increase the sensitivity, accuracy, reliability and information content of assessing the measurement of fuel consumption in passenger cars with engines the volume of which can vary. The compact dimensions of the developed mobile version of the electrically independent device, equipped with an air receiver, an air pressure reducer, a measuring container with a scale, a set of pressure gauges, taps, valves and high-pressure quick-release couplings, made it possible to successfully conduct road tests with high accuracy of the results obtained. The presented device UIRT-01 that was designed to solve scientific, technical and practical problems, provides high-precision results when measuring fuel consumption at specified measuring sections of vehicle movement or time intervals, and it is also able to monitor changes in fuel consumption when improving the electronic engine control system (ECM) or when modeling various vehicle operating conditions.
Keywords: fuel consumption measurement, volumetric flow, measuring instrument, bench tests, road tests, flow meter.
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- Basargin V.D., Yakubovich I.A. AvtoGazoZapravochnyy kompleks + Al'ternativnoye toplivo, 2017, vol. 16, no. 2. pp. 51-56.
Dmitry V. Ushakov, undergraduate, dmitry.ushacov@gmail.com,
Viktor A. Maksimov, Dr.Sc., professor, vamaximov57@mail.ru,
Aleksey A. Solntsev, Ph.D, professor, solntsev@madi.ru,
Nikita V. Pozhivilov, Ph.D, associate professor, nikita.pozhivilov@madi.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
This article provides a definition of the contract system for the technical operation of buses, discusses the cases of concluding contracts and their terms, provides the obligations of the contractor and the customer of the contract, gives the main differences between the life cycle contract (hereinafter referred to as the LCC) and the service contract. The review of the current evaluation system used by the operating bus company to determine the quality of the service center, which consists of calculating the coefficient of technical readiness of the bus fleet and evaluating the quality of cleaning and washing operations, is carried out. The need to improve the existing methodology for determining the quality of the service center's work by adding new, additional coefficients has been identified. Such as the calculation of the permissible number of failures and the permissible time spent in the repair area of the service center for each bus and the permissible number of accidents involving the bus for a technical reason. The positive impact of the introduced, additional coefficients on the overall assessment of the quality of the performer's work is considered. This article will be useful for motor transport companies operating or planning to switch to work under a life cycle contract or a service contract for a more objective assessment of the quality of the service center.
Keywords: surface urban passenger transport, motor transport company, service center, state technical inspection, life cycle contract, service contract, permissible number of failures, permissible number of accidents due to technical reasons, downtime ratio, calculation of the technical readiness ratio, assessment of the quality of the service center, assessment of the quality of washing rolling stock.
- Arifullin I.V., Terentiev А.V., Allakin А.А. Transport: nauka, tehnika, upravlenie. Naychny informatsionny sbornik, 2018, no. 11, pp. 58-61.
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- Ushakov D.V., Maksimov V.A., Sontsev A.A., Pozhivilov N.V. Problemy tehnicheskoi ekspluatacii i avtoservisa podvizhnogo sostava avtomobilnogo transporta, Sbornik naychnyh trydov, Moscow, MADI, 2020, pp. 64-67.
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- Evtukov S.A., Terenteva А.B., Ginzbyrg G. Mir transporta i nehnologicheskih machin, 2017, no. 1 (56). pp. 3-10.
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Makarova I. L. Simvol nayki, 2015, no. 7-1, pp. 87-95
Maria O. Vorontsova, assistant, vorontsova_madi@mail.ru,
Danila A. Ptitsyn, assistant, d.pticyn@madi.ru,
Alexey A. Akulov, assistant, a.akulov.98@mail.ru,
Artem V. Podgorgny, lead engineer, podgornyrobot@gmail.com,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky prosp., Moscow,125319, Russia
The article is devoted to the study of the negative impact of ground transportation and technological means on the atmospheric air of the city of St. Petersburg. Control measurements of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary and mobile sources have been carried out. A structural analysis of the fleet of cars of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg by ecological classes was performed. The relationship between the increase in the content of harmful substances in the environment and the number of vehicles has been established. A classification of environmental pollution levels by vehicles has been compiled. The criteria for assessing the quality of atmospheric air according to European and Russian standards are compared. The distribution of vehicles by EURO ecological classes in the Russian Federation is given. The values of specific coefficients of emissions of pollutants for cars of ecological class Euro-0 are indicated. Each district of the city was studied in order to identify areas where the maximum value of the content of harmful substances is observed. Based on the indicators established by the Federal Hydrometeorological Service, the calculation of the level of atmospheric air pollution was carried out for a subsequent comparative assessment of its condition relative to the average level of pollution in Russian cities. This topic is relevant, since in the course of the analysis carried out by the authors, the directions requiring further study were identified.
Keywords: ground transportation and technological means, ecology, air pollution, environmental protection.
- Isayeva Ya.K. Izvestiya Tul'skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Tekhnicheskie nauki, 2020, no. 12, pp. 145-148.
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Andrey M. Ivanov, Dr.Sc., professor, Ivanov-am@madi.ru,
Sergey S. Shadrin, Dr.Sc., professor, shadrin@madi.ru,
Alexey N. Andreev, assistant, andr_aleksei@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article discusses the issues of testing automatic emergency braking systems (SAET) on automated vehicles. The concept of the choice of testing methods of SAET is proposed, taking into account the statistics of road accidents in the Russian Federation. The selection of testing methods is presented in the form of several stages. The approbation of the proposed methods was carried out by selecting and conducting test scenarios based on the analysis of the distributed accident schemes in the period under review. A scheme has been identified, the exclusion of which will reduce the number of victims. The statistical data also highlights, in the form of diagrams, and analyzes the conditions affecting the occurrence of dangerous situations on roads of various categories. Percentages are given. On the basis of the presented data, criteria were formed that determine the effectiveness of the SAET and the conditions for their verification were determined. The proposed methodology is based on a set of tests implemented during the preliminary "day" and "night" tests of several models of production cars. The results of these tests confirmed the operability and feasibility of the proposed methods of testing SAET. The created concept was used in the Russian independent car safety rating RuNCAP to assess the effectiveness of automatic emergency braking systems.
Keywords: AEBS, automotive braking, target, collision, polygon tests.
- Malinovskij M.P. Trudy NAMI, 2017, no. 1 (268), pp. 53-59.
- Gajsin S.V., Bahmutov S.V., Endachjov D.V., Mezencev N.P. Trudy NAMI, 2016, no. 265. pp. 6-12.
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- Vashurin A.S., Moshkov P.S., Toropov E.I., Trusov Ju.P., Stepanov S.V. Gruzovik, 2021, no. 6, pp. 16-22.
- Ivanov A.M., Kristal'nyj S.R., Popov N.V., Toporkov M.A., Isakova M.I. Trudy NGTU im. R.E. Alekseeva, 2018, no. 2 (121), pp. 146-155.
- Ivanov A.M., Kristal'nyj S.R., Popov N.V. Sistemy avtomaticheskogo ekstrennogo tormozheniya (Automatic emergency braking systems), Moscow, MADI, 2018, 180 p.
- Gajsin S.V., Kisulenko B.V., Bocharov A.V., Pugachjov V.V. Zhurnal avtomobil'nyh inzhenerov, 2017, no. 2 (103), pp. 6-10.
- Sidorova P.A., Popov N.V. Avtomobil'. Doroga. Infrastruktura, 2020, no. 2 (24), p. 1.
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- Kristal'nyj S.R., Popov N.V., Bagrov A.K. Bezopasnost' koljosnyh transportnyh sredstv v uslovijah jekspluatacii, Sbornik statej, Irkutsk, IRNITU, 2019, pp. 12-19.
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В статье рассматривается вариант моделирования поведения водителя в системе «водитель – машина», оценивается влияние составляющих системы на управляемость машины и обосновывается необходимость упреждающих действий в связи с задержками в системе.
Ключевые слова:
динамическая модель, система «водитель – машина», психофизиологические характеристики водителя, система автоматического регулирования, моделирование поведения водителя.
Список литературы:
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Galina Yu. Timofeeva, Ph.D., associate professor, phizika@madi.ru,
Petr E. Demin, Ph.D., associate professor, petr-demin@yandex.ru,
Alexander S. Litvinchuk, student, phizika@madi.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article describes the main sources of air pollution by road transport, the chemical composition of air pollutants is given, and the reasons for the growth of pollution are indicated. Exhaust emissions from vehicles with internal combustion engines in large cities are the main causes of the appearance of toxic substances and carcinogens in the atmosphere. Reducing harmful emissions from cars with an increase in their number can be achieved through the increased use of electric and gas-fueled cars instead of cars running in gasoline and diesel. This will lead to an improvement in the environmental situation in Russia. The main reasons for the occurrence of electrochemical corrosion and its consequences when operating of the braking system of a car in an aggressive environment are considered. In addition to atmospheric corrosion, it is necessary to take into account friction corrosion, contact corrosion, etc. As a result of the combined effect of many factors, corrosion of the brake cylinder and piston, guide pins, brake pads, brake discs is observed, which leads to a loss of piston mobility, uneven wear of the disc and pads, i.e. to a deterioration in the quality of the braking system, an increase in the length of the braking distance.
Keywords: environmental safety, atmospheric pollution, exhaust gases, wear resistance, corrosion resistance.
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Yana S. Sadovnikova, engineer, jana.sadovnikova@yandex.ru,
Konstantin P. Mandrovskiy, Ph.D., associate professor, effectmash@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the feasibility of the development and implementation of a disk distributor of anti-icing materials with a symmetric feeding method as a new approach to solving the urgent problem of high-quality winter road maintenance. The theoretical substantiation of the idea is preceded by a brief analysis of the problem of improving the quality of anti-icing treatment of road surfaces. The fundamental difference between the proposed design and traditional disc equipment is the installation of a chute with an annular cross-sectional shape of the outlet, feeding material from the hopper to the disc. Thanks to this design, the material is fed simultaneously to all sectors of the disk in an equal volume, which ensures the same values of the speeds of the simultaneous flight of particles from the disk and allows you to form a processing zone in the form of a circle. The results of the experiment are presented, confirming the advantages of the symmetrical feeding method in comparison with the traditional method. The article describes a mathematical model of the process of particle distribution over the disk and in the air. The adequacy of the model is confirmed by the results of experimental studies. A comparative analysis of the technical and economic indicators of the operation of various sets of distributors of anti-icing materials is carried out, proving the effectiveness of the introduction of equipment that implements a symmetrical method of material supply.
Keywords: anti-icing material (AM), symmetrical feeding method, disc, tray, quality, mathematical model.
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Viktor N. Dobromirov, Dr.Sc., professor., viktor.dobromirov@mail.ru,
SPbGASU, 4 Vtoraya Krasnoarmeiskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia,
Ilya V. Arifullin, Ph.D., associate professor, i_arifullin@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradskiy Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Ulyana N. Meike, postgraduate, ulyana.meike@ya.ru,
Kirill I. Fomin, postgraduate, fominkirill96@mail.ru,
Elizaveta R. Lukashuk, postgraduate, lukashukscience@mail.ru,
SPbGASU, 4 Vtoraya Krasnoarmeiskaya ul., Saint Petersburg, 190005, Russia
The analysis of the market of special equipment for the road construction industry shows a huge variety of vehicles used in the field of construction production. For this reason, it is quite problematic for the consumer to choose dump trucks from a line of machines that are identical in terms of output indicators of operational properties. It is often based on the individual subjective preferences of the consumer and is not always justified. In the article, to solve the problem of selecting and justifying the nomenclature of specialized automobile rolling stock, including dump trucks, it is proposed to use the method of qualimetric assessment of their technical level. The comparative assessment of dump trucks of various design designs carried out on the basis of such a technique gives grounds to recognize that the use of a truck train in road construction conditions in the link of soil delivery from the quarry to the place of its storage will be preferable to a single machine of a frame structure. This is due to the fact that according to the conducted research, a truck train with a dump semi-trailer has a higher marching mobility, maneuverability and cross-country ability in real conditions of transportation. In the link of soil delivery from the storage site to the place of filling the embankment, it is preferable to use articulated four-wheel-drive dump trucks instead of their rigid-frame counterparts, which is due to their better indicators of supporting cross-country ability and maneuverability in confined spaces.
Keywords: road construction production, dump truck, technical level, comparative assessment.
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Petr S. Khelyuk, Dr.Sc., professor, moskva-1967@yandex.ru,
TsNII MO RF, 2 st. Karbysheva, gp Nakhabino, 143432, Moscow region
Sergey V. Zaitsev, Ph.D., associate professor, kt@madi.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The field of application of the MMK bridge mechanized complex is barriers with a width of mainly 30 to 40 meters, where it is impossible or difficult to equip the bridge crossing with bridges on intermediate supports and tank bridge pavers. The article presents the main characteristics and composition of the bridge structures of the MMK 1 and MMK 2 complexes. MMK complexes are designed for operation in different regions, at different times of the year, at ambient temperatures from minus 40 C to plus 45 oC. The MMK 1 complex provides simultaneous assembly of two bridges with a total length of 63 meters, while the maximum length of one bridge without ramps is 41 m. The MMK 2 complex provides assembly of only one bridge with a length up to 41 m. The mechanized bridge complexes are a set of vehicles on a truck chassis: transporters transporting the disassembled bridge structure, and bridge assembly ones, equipped with equipment for assembling and dismantling bridges at an obstacle. The creation and acceptance for supply of the bridge mechanized complexes MMK 1 and MMK 2 in engineering troops made it possible to expand the capabilities of the troops to overcome narrow deep-water and dry-water obstacles.
Keywords: amphibian, two-unit tracked amphibious vehicle, transporter, damping coefficient, towing device, pitching, wave, operation.
- O prinyatii na snabzheniye Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiyskoy Federatsii mostovogo mekhanizirovannogo kompleksa MMK. Prikaz Ministra oborony Rossiiskoi Federatsii ot 30.08.2013, № 622 (On the Acceptance of the MMK Bridge Mechanized Complex for the Supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 30.08.2013 no. 622), Moscow, MO RF, 2013, 7 p.
- Mostovoy mekhanizirovannyy kompleks. Rukovodstvo po ekspluatatsii (Bridge mechanized complex. User Manual), Omsk, FGUP KBTM, 2008, 147 p.
- Okol'nikov V.V., YUshchenko V.I., Keller A.V., Berdnikov A.A., Smolin A.B., Gurin A.S., Semendyaev K.N. Polnoprivodnyye, avtomobili KAMAZ. Ustroystvo i ekspluatatsiya (Four-wheel drive KAMAZ vehicles. Device and operation), Naberezhnye Chelny, OAO “KAMAZ”, 2006, 635 p.
- Obzor mekhanizirovannykh mostov, available at: http://www.e-trex.ru/ (20.04. 2012).
- Lobov I.E. Pregrady ne strashny. Mostovoy mekhanizirovannyy kompleks MMK, available at: http://otvaga2004.ru/na-zemle/na-zemle-11/mostovoj-kompleks-mmk/ (15.03. 2021).
- Gibshman E.E. Proyektirovaniye metallicheskikh mostov (Design of metal bridges), Moscow, Transport, 1969, 416 p.
- Stavitskiy Yu.I., Alakhverdiyev R.S., Vorob'yev I.S., Khmelyuk P.S., Verglinskaya N.A, Kozyaychev V.V., Petrov V.V., Tyden' V.P. Patent RU 2724815 C1, 25.06.20.
Grigory S. Mazlumyan, Ph.D., associate professor, gmazlumyan@mail.ru,
Dmitry A. Ryabtsev, laboratory assistant, sta6448@yandex.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article describes the theoretical bases of the tests of hydrodynamic transmissions, the composition of these tests, their stages and the most important test characteristics are theoretical evidence of improving the efficiency of the operation of a self-propelled machine with a hydromechanical transmission that uses the transmission comprising the gear couplings. It is shown the advantage of using wheel machines (km) with hydrodynamic transmission. Mathematical models of movement of the wheels and requirements for these models are described to obtain the necessary information in assessing the performance of the hydrodynamic transmission. The article presents the results of experimental studies using magnetic fluid for controlled by the rotating magnetic field of hydrotransformers of transmissions of wheeled vehicles of particularly large carrying capacity. The test parameters are described, and the purpose of them is determined, the method and procedure for testing the hydrotransformers, as well as their characteristics are described. The calculations of the hydrodynamic transmission are given, the moments acting on the hydrotransformer are determined, and the hydraulic loss, during its operation, and the balance of energy is compiled. The article discloses the use of the pressure characteristics of the hydrotransformers in the calculations, which makes it possible to determine the current efficiency for a specific transmission test and ensure its increase as is the ultimate goal of research.
Keywords: magnetic field, vehicle, method, magnetic fluid.
- Soloviev V.M. Vostochno-Evropejskij zhurnal peredovyh tehnologij, 2013, vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 39-45.
- Nguen H.T. Universum: tehnicheskie nauki, 2018, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 19-23.
- Kyznetsov E.V., Khadkevich I.Y. Vestnik Belorussko-Rossijskogo universiteta, 2019, vol. 65, no. 4, pp. 26-33.
- Soloviev V.M., Zaviyalov P.S., Tolstolutsky V.A., Podvoisky Y.A., Imiter A.P. Vostochno-Evropejskij zhurnal peredovyh tehnologij, 2011, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 51-55.
- Soloviev V.M., Koshman V.A., Imiter A.P., Vasilets M.K. Vostochno-Evropejskij zhurnal peredovyh tehnologij, 2012, vol. 60, no. 7, pp. 11-14.
- Tarasik V.P., Romanovich Y.S., Plyakin R.V., Puzanova O.V. Vestnik Belorussko-Rossijskogo universiteta, 2018, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 49-62.
- Sopegin D.V., Ponomarenko R.I., Pavlov S.S., Egorin A.A. Nauchnye issledovanija, 2020, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 8-10.
- Topolnik R.A., Babaev A.V., Kotelnikov S.N. Vestnik Nauki i Tvorchestva, 2016, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 85–89.
- Jileykin M.M., Padalkin B.V. Izvestija vuzov. Mashinostroenie, 2016, vol. 672, no. 4, pp. 24-29.
- Truhanov V.M. Slozhnye tehnicheskie sistemy tipa podvizhnyh ustanovok (Complex technical systems such as mobile installations), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1993, 336 p.
- Lapidus V.I. Avtomobil'nye gidrotransformatory (Automotive Torque Converters), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1971, 159 p.
- Belousov B.N., Popov S.D. Kolesnye transportnye sredstva osobo bol'shoj gruzopodieemnosti. Konstrukcija. Teorija. Raschet (Wheeled vehicles with a particularly large load capacity. Construction. Theory. Calculation), Moscow, Izdatel'stvo MGTU im. N.Je. Baumana, 2006, 728 p.
- Murzaev V.V. Matematicheskie modeli rascheta plavnosti hoda special'nyh trans-portnyh sredstv (Mathematical models for calculating the smoothness of special vehicles), Moscow, Ministerstvo Oborony SSSR, 1985, 128 p.
- Khachaturov A.A., Afanasiev V.L., Vasiliev V.S. Dinamika sistemy «Doroga – shina – avtomobil' - voditel'» (Dynamics of the "Road – tire – car - driver" system), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1976, 535 p.
Aleksandr S. Gruzdev, Ph.D., associate professor, al-gru@yandex.ru,
Vladimir S. Nadezhdin, Ph.D., associate professor, shashki18@gmail.com,
Oleg V. Titov, senior lecturer, sopr@madi.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
Until recently, the construction of most types of road barriers was represented by either steel materials (guardrails, cable barriers, impact attenuators), or concrete (parapet barriers). However, in connection with the development of the chemical industry, it seems promising to develop road barriers structures using new polymer materials based on ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), which have a number of advantages: high energy-absorbing capacity, corrosion resistance, chemical inertia, and low weight. The use of modern polymer materials can significantly improve the quality of existing road construction systems. The existing methods of structural analysis based only on field tests, which requires significant economic and time costs, and the existing calculation methods of design estimates do not take into account the influence of chemically active substances and the long-term influence of negative temperatures on structural materials in the Arctic and the Far North. In this regard, to create adequate methods for calculating road structures made of promising polymer materials based on UHMWPE, it is necessary to understand the influence of load speed, temperature, chemically active substances, etc. on the main mechanical characteristics, for which it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests.
Keywords: elements of road facilities, polymer material, UHMWPE, testing, strength characteristics, mechanical characteristics.
- Valueva, M.I., Kolobkov A.S., Malakhovsky S.S. Trudy VIAM, 2020, no. 3 (87), pp. 49-57.
- Malahovskij, S.S., Valueva M.I., Imametdinov E.Sh. Voprosy materialovedeniya, 2019, no. 3 (99), pp. 116-127.
- Nezhnyj P.A., Kudinova O.I., Grinev V.G., Krasheninnikov V.G., No-vokshonova L.A. Polimery 2019. Sbornik trudov, Moscow, ООО "TORUS PRESS", 2019, pp. 99-100.
- Prohanov I.S., Nadezhdin V.S., Gruzdev A.S.,
Titov O.V. MIKMUS – 2020, Sbornik trudov, Moscow, IMASH RAN, 2021, pp. 166-173. - Tihonov N.N., Nikolaeva N.Yu., Kladovshchikova O.I. Plastiche-skie massy, 2020, no. 9-10, pp. 69-71.
- Yahin A.A., Kondratyuk A.A. Sovremennye tekhnologii i materialy novyh pokolenij, Sbornik trudov, Tomsk, TPU, 2017, pp. 138-139.
- Pilin M.O., Teryaeva T.N., Ismagilov Z.R. Materialy XII Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii “Tekhnologii i oborudovanie himicheskoj, biotekhnologicheskoj i pishchevoj promyshlennosti”, Barnaul, AltSTU, 2019, pp. 82-86.
- Panin S.V., Buslovich D.G., Kornienko L.A., Aleksenko V.O., Doncov YU.V., Shil'ko S.V. Trenie i iznos, 2019, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 143-152.
- Demiyanushko I.V., Nadezhdin V.S., Gruzdev A.S., Titov O.V. Influence of loading rate on strength characteristics of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020, vol. 747(1), art. no. 012016.
- Adamenko N.A., Agafonova G.V., Pirozhenko V.S., An D.A., Savin D.V., Kazurov A.V. Izvestiya Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta, 2021, no. 4 (251), pp. 34-37.
Evgenii G. Kozin, Ph.D., head, ns@metro.spb.ru,
St. Petersburg state unitary enterprise «Petersburg Metro»,
28, Moskovsky pr., St. Petersburg, 190013, Russia
On the example of a section of the route of a double-track running tunnel between Primorskaya station and Begovaya station of the St. Petersburg Metro, located in the Neva River delta, the relevance and justified possibility of introducing BIM technologies into the process of operating the running tunnels is shown. The article provides information on the engineering-geological and hydrogeological structure of the site where the tunnel was built, design features of filling the inner space of the tunnel and a description of the technology used for tunneling. The article also reflects the specific aspects of constructing a three-dimensional model of a double-track tunnel using the available executive documentation and data obtained using laser scanning technology. The article provides information on the functionality and advantages of one of the possible specialized software products used in the information modeling process, which makes it possible to supplement the information model with the necessary information at the stage of the tunnel life cycle. The proposed stages of the implementation of BIM technologies are reflected and an assessment is given of the possibility of forming a common data environment that reflects the operation of metro infrastructure facilities, which in turn will allow for constant information support in the main areas of the enterprise's activities, significantly increase the promptness, efficiency, quality and timeliness of management decisions.
Keywords: subway, operation of subway running tunnels, safety of transport services, BIM technologies.
- Kozin E.G. Transportnoe stroitel'stvo, 2018, no. 11, pp. 2-5.
- Lebedev M.O. Gorny'j informacionno-analiticheskij byulleten', 2019, no. 3, pp. 88-96.
- Lebedev M.O., Bezrodny K.P., Larionov R.I. Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, London, CRC Press, 2019, рр. 941-951.
- Informacionnoe modelirovanie v stroitel'stve. Pravila razrabotki planov proektov, realizuemyh s primeneniem tehnologii informacionnogo modelirovanija, SP 404.1325800.2018 (Building Information Modeling. roject execution planning guide, Set of rules 404.1325800.2018), Moscow, Standartinform, 2019, 28p.
- Kozin E.G., Il'in I.V., Levina A.I. Perspektivy nauki, 2016, no. 9 (84), pp. 48-56.
- Kozin E.G. METRO info, 2017, no. 1, pp. 30-33.
- Borodulin K.V. Molodoj ucheny, 2019, no 2 (240), pp. 200-202.
- Talapov V.V. Tehnologija BIM: transformacija modeli po jetapam zhiznennogo cikla zdanija, available at: https://ardexpert.ru/article/6601 (21.06.2021).
- Chegodaeva M.A., Toshin D.S. Nauka i obrazovanie: novoe vremja, 2017, no 6 (23),
рр. 32-38. - Chegodaeva M.A. Molodoj uchenyj, 2016, no. 25, рр. 102-105.
- Metropoliteny, SP 120.13330.2012 (Metro, Set of rules 120.13330.2012), Moscow, CENTRMAG, 2021, 270 p.
- Goldobina L.A, Demenkov P.A., Trushko V.L. The implementation of building information Modeling technologies in the training of Bachelors and masters at Saint-Petersburg mining university, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2020, vol. 6, pp. 803-813.
Irina V. Demyanushko, Dr.Sc., professor, demj-ir@mail.ru,
Valery M. Stain, Ph.D., professor., vamis@yandex.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia,
Alexander V. Stain, Ph.D., vamis@yandex.ru,
LLC M&PQ, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The development of the Russian economy in recent years has led to an increase in the volume of goods transported on railways, including in heavy trains and in wagons with increased axial load. At the same time, passenger traffic increased and there was a need to compete with air and road transport. The solution to the problem of mastering the growing volume of cargo and passenger transportation in the absence of reserves of carrying capacity and capacity on a number of sections and on entire routes makes it necessary to use new track structures that increase the mass, length and speed of trains, as well as minimize the time for all types of track work. In recent years, the construction of a railway track with a sub-ballast layer of asphalt concrete has become widespread in many countries (USA, Japan, Italy, Spain and France). First of all, this technical solution is implemented on railways intended for high-speed traffic, for traffic on sections of track with increased load capacity. The results of long-term monitoring show that the asphalt concrete layer reduces the deformation of the roadbed, leading to a reduction in the cost of the life cycle of railway track. In this paper, the influence of the thickness of the bearing layer of asphalt concrete on the deformation of the ballast railway track is considered.
Keywords: ballast structure of railway track, finite element method, bearing layer of asphalt concrete.
- Momoya, Y., Sekine, E. Performance-Based Design Method for Railway Asphalt Roadbed, Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu E, 2007, vol. 63(4), pp. 608–619.
- Teixeira P.F., Ferreira P.A., Pita A.L., Casas C., Bachiller A. The Use of Bituminous Subballast on Future High-Speed Lines in Spain, IJR International Journal of Railway, 2009, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-7.
- Rose J.G., Teixeira P.F., Veit P. Rose, J.G. International Design Practices, Applications, and Performances of Asphalt/Bituminous Railway Trackbeds, available at: https://web.engr.uky.edu/~jrose/papers/GeoRail%202011%20International.pdf (01.03.2019).
- Rose J.G. Selected In-Track Applications and Performances of Hot-Mix Asphalt Trackbeds, 2013 Joint Rail Conference, JRC 2013, 2013, art. no. JRC2013-2525.
- Teixeira P.F., López Pita A., Ferreira P.A. New possibilities to reduce track costs on high-speed lines using a bituminous sub-ballast layer, International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2010, vol. 11(4), pp. 301-307.
- Asphalt in Railway Tracks. EAPA Position paper. European Asphalt Pavement Association. Rue du Commerce 77.1040 Brussels, available at: https://eapa.org/ (01.01.2021).
- Renpeng Chen, Xing Zhao, Zuozhou Wang, Hongguang Jiang, Xuecheng Bian. Experimental study on dynamic load magnification factor for ballastless track-subgrade of high-speed railway, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2013, vol. 5(4), pp. 306–311.
- Basu U. Explicit finite element perfectly matched layer for transient three-dimensional elastic waves, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2009, vol. 77 (2), pp. 151-176.
- Jie Zhou, Xianhua Chen, Qinghong Fu, Gang Xu, Degou Cai. Dynamic Responses of Asphalt Concrete Waterproofing Layer in Ballastless Track, Applied Sciences, 2019, vol. 9(3), pp. 19-25.
- Rodrigues A. Viability and Applicability of Simplified Models for the Dynamic Analysis of Ballasted Railway Tracks, Doctor’s thesis NOVA University Lisbon, 2017, 341 p.
- Ferreira P.A., López-Pita A. Numerical modelling of high-speed train/track system for the reduction of vibration levels and maintenance needs of railway tracks, Construction and Building Materials, 2015, vol. 79, pp. 14-21.
- Kiselev I.P., Blazhko L.S., Burkov A.T., Bushuev N.S., Gapanovich V.A., Ledyaev A.P., Nikitin A.B., Plekhanov P.A., Savvov V.M., Smirnov V.N., Sokolov Yu.I., Suhodoev V.S., Titova T.S., Frolov Yu.S. Vysokoskorostnoj zheleznodorozhnyj transport. Obshchij kurs (High-speed rail transport. General course), Moscow, FGBOU "Uchebno-metodicheskij centr po obrazovaniyu na zheleznodorozhnom transporte", 2014, 308 p.
Natalya A. Troitskaya, Dr.Sc., professor, tronat@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
This article discusses the problems of transport support in the development of cities and the creation of new urban agglomerations. A brief historical background of the construction of a number of new cities is given, including such capitals as Canberra (Australia), Brasilia (Brazil), Islamabad (Pakistan) and others. Information is provided on the construction of cities of the future: Akon (Senegal), Lusail (Qatar), KAEK and Line (Saudi Arabia), etc. The experience of creating cities of the future using the most modern technologies is analyzed, including in terms of the reproduction of renewable energy sources (solar panels, wind generators, biomaterials, hydrogen generators and river energy), which ensure environmental safety due to the reduction of oil-containing energy sources. sources. Particular attention is paid to the creation of transport infrastructure for newly created urban agglomerations, based on the innovative principle of "Creating streets safe for life" and a single UN concept "Road for life" (Streets for life). For this, the widespread use of digital technologies, as well as non-traditional transport systems: "Maglev", "Hyperloop", unmanned vehicles, etc. is envisaged. For greater safety, it is planned to separate traffic flows at different levels with extensive use of underground space. Problems of modernization of the transport infrastructure of large cities and megalopolises are the priority scientific directions of the department "Automobile transportation" MADI.
Keywords: innovative approach, cities of the future, transport infrastructure.
- Troitskaya N.A., Chubukov A.B. Edinaya transportnaya sistema (Unified transport system), Moscow, Academia, 2020, 288 p.
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- Timofeeva M.A., Romanevich K.V., Potseshkovskaya I.V. Metro i tonneli, 2021, no. 2, pp. 38-42
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Sultan V. Zhankaziev, Dr.Sс., professor, sultanv@mail.ru,
Andrey I. Vorobyev, Ph.D., associate professor, andrey552@yandex.ru,
Maxim V. Gavriluk, senior lecturer, poligonmadi@gmail.com,
Vladimir V. Novizencev, Ph.D., associate professor, novizencev@mail.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The task of ensuring a high level of road safety on the highways of the Russian Federation is a key one. This is confirmed by existing legislative and regulatory documents. The corresponding financing of projects has been directed to reduce the accident rate on the highways of the Russian Federation. The problem of increased accidents is especially acute in large cities and megacities with high rates of motorization. A key factor affecting the accident rate is drivers' non-compliance with traffic rules, in particular violation of the permitted speed limit. At the same time, the existing practice of forming the high-speed framework of the city, including the introduction of local speed limits, built on the basic of the norms in force at the moment, is not always optimal and does not allow ensuring an adequate level of safety for both drivers and pedestrians. As for world practice, limiting the speed of vehicles on the capillary road network is an effective tool to achieve optimal throughput with a significant reduction in accidents.
Keywords: speed limit, safety of road users, optimal throughput.
- Zhankaziev S. Current Trends of Road-traffic Infrastructure Development, Transportation Research Procedia, 2017, vol. 20, pp. 731-739.
- Shepelev V., Aliukov S., Nikolskaya K., Shabiev S. The capacity of the road network: Data collection and statistical analysis of traffic characteristics, Energies, 2020, vol. 13 (7), art. no. 1765.
- Kichedzhi V. N., Xatoyama K. Moskva: transportny`e problemy` megapolisa (Moscow: transport problems of the megalopolis), Moscow, DPK Press, 2010, 283 p.
- Kristianssen A.-C., Andersson R., Belin M.-A., Nilsen P. Swedish Vision Zero policies for safety – A comparative policy content analysis, Safety Science, 2018, vol. 103, pp. 260-269.
- Hoareau E., Newstead S., Oxley P. Report documentation page №264: An evaluation of the 50km/h speed limits in South East Queensland, Clayton, Victoria, Monash university accident research centre, 2002, 37 p .
- Rosén E., Sander U. Pedestrian fatality risk as a function of car impact speed, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2009, vol. 41, issue 3 , pp. 536-542.
- Roséna E., Stigsonb H., Sander U. Literature review of pedestrian fatality risk as a function of car impact speed, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2011,vol. 43, issue 1, pp. 25-33.
- Donchenko, V.V., Kupavcev V.A. Vestnik SibADI, 2021, no. 3 (79), pp. 252-262.
- Nitzsche E., Tcharaktschiew S. Efficiency of speed limits in cities: A spatial computable general equilibrium assessment, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2013, vol.56, pp. 23-48.
- Babkov, V.F. Dorozhnye uslovija i bezopasnost' dvizhenija (Road conditions and traffic safety), Moscow, Transport, 1993, 271 p.
Liubov A. Lygina, senior lecturer, lubala2012@gmail.com,
Dmitry M. Strokov, Ph.D., associate professor, 79254086088DmStr@gmail.com,
Andrey A. Kotov, Ph.D., associate professor, gt@madi.ru,
MADI, 64, Leningradsky Prosp., Moscow, 125319, Russia
The article discusses the problem of speeding traffic flow and pedestrian safety in small rural-type settlements. There is a problem in ensuring the speed of traffic flows in small rural-type settlements. In accordance to the roads traffic rules, when entering a settlement, the driver must reduce the speed from 90–110 to 50–60 km/h. However, the low intensity of pedestrian traffic in the settlement perceived by the driver as insufficient reason for such a decline. Thus, insufficient coordination of road conditions and technical means of organizing traffic, leads to a misunderstanding by drivers of the imposed strict measures for compliance with the speed limit. Such drivers behavior is the cause of serious road traffic accidents with pedestrians.
Keywords: traffic organization and road safety, road traffic accident rate, traffic modes, small rural-type settlements, planning solution small rural-type settlements.
- Glavnoe upravlenie po obespecheniyu bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizheniya Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii, available at: https://гибдд.рф/ (07.06.2021).
- Strokov D.M., Lygina L.A. Proektirovanie avtomobil'nyh dorog. Intellektual'nye tehnologii v dorozhno-transportnom komplekse, Sbornik statei, Moscow, A-PRODZHEKT, 2021, pp. 29-41.
- Gradostroitel'stvo. Planirovka i zastrojka gorodskih i sel'skih poselenij, SP 42.13330.2016 (Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements, State Standard 42.13330.2016), Moscow, Standarty, 2016, 94 p.
- Jel'vik R., Mjusen A.B., Vaa T. Spravochnik po bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizhenija (Road Safety Handbook), Moscow, MADI(GTU), 2001, 754 p.
- Amahov R.V. Povyshenie bezopasnosti dorozhnogo dvizhenija na uchast-kah avtomobil'nyh dorog, prohodjashhih cherez naselennye punkty sel'skogo tipa (Improving road safety on road sections passing through rural-type settlements), Doctor’s thesis, Moscow, MADI, 2005, 150 p.
- Federal'naja sluzhba gosudarstvennoj statistiki «Rosstat», available at: https://rosstat.gov.ru/ (07.06.2021).
- Adasinskij V.S. Issledovanie harakteristik rezhimov dvizhenija avtomobilej i peshehodov dlja proektirovanija avtomobil'nyh dorog v predelah naselennyh punktov (Investigation of the characteristics of the modes of movement of cars and pedestrians for the design of highways within settlements), Doctor’s thesis, Moscow, 1979, 140 p.
- Pospelov P.I., Nemchinov D.M., Martjahin D.S., Koscov A.V. Dorozhnaja derzhava, 2020, no. 99, pp. 40-44.
The article considers the possibility of introducing zones with low emissions of pollutants as one of the tools of transport demand management to reduce emissions of pollutants into the air from road transport. Such zones are traffic management schemes aimed at restricting the entry of vehicles of low environmental classes on the territory of settlements, urban districts. Foreign experience of creation of zones with restriction of the entrance of vehicles of low ecological classes is analyzed and the assessment of possible influence of the specified zones on decrease in emissions of polluting substances is given. The main tools used in the framework of measures to manage transport demand, necessary to improve the environmental sustainability of transport systems. The analysis of the practice of introduction of zones with restriction of entry of vehicles of low ecological classes in foreign countries showed the important role of this event in the developed strategies for the management of transport demand. The estimation of possible ecological efficiency of introduction of a zone with low emissions in the center of Moscow is resulted. It is noted that Russia has a policy aimed at reducing emissions of pollutants and the formation of a sustainable transport system.
Keywords: transport demand management, sustainable transport, motor vehicle, low emission zone, ecological zone, emissions of pollutants into the air, particulate matter РМ10.
- Bakirej A. S., Xaritoshkin N. V. Transport Rossijskoj Federacii, 2014, no. 4 (53), рр. 3–7.
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Abstract. The article emphasizes the importance of improving the technical and organizational level and ensuring sustainable financial condition of the transport industry to ensure the competitiveness of Russia, the impact of transport services on the most important aspects of the state development, as well as the importance of accelerated introduction of digital technologies to improve the quality of transport services. The main problems of the transport industry, which in the first place include: insufficient investment in rolling stock and innovative projects, are revealed; the low level of financial and economic indicators of the transport industry; organizational, methodological and financial unavailability of many enterprises of the transport industry for the implementation of innovative projects, etc. Considered the possibility of resolving many of them using digital technologies in order to implement the adopted on this issue of legal acts, Programs and decrees of the President. The authors assess the main digital investment projects implemented in the transport industry in terms of their impact on the financial performance of enterprises. The importance of establishing a business risk management system based on the information base and using modern methods of data processing, forecasting, evaluation and analysis is emphasized. The possibilities and risks of using cryptocurrencies and technologies of the distributed register, allowing: to replace intermediaries between users of currencies; to reduce transaction costs; to provide simplicity, speed and safety of cash payments; to use online platforms for investment of temporarily free funds in financial market instruments, are revealed.
Keywords: enterprises of the transport industry, digital innovation projects, systems of transport processes, monitoring of financial condition, information and financial services, financial resources, financial indicators, digital financial assets, risk management.
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