«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 1(16), March 2009



Transportation engineering

The analysis of serviceability of elements of metal designs of machines with application of the device of the theory of accidents

Authors: V. Zorin, N. Baurova

Method and some results of calculation structure-born noise of internal combustion engine for components of union information space “ICE” forming

Authors: M. Shatrov, A. Yakovenko

Modeling of a Hydrodrive Forvard and Rotary Movement in Program SimHydraulics

Authors: А. Ruppel, A. Sagandykov

Modeling worker processes of the building manipulator in package Simulink ambiences MATLAB

Authors: N. Kamuz, I. Rebrova

Transmissions used in road construction machines

Authors: N. Tagieva

Motor transport

Special features of the formation of the body work of the passenger automobiles

Authors: V. Voronov, A. Shirokov

Reconstruction of floating car parameters by cubic functions

Authors: M. Koryagin, A. Kosolapov

Graphs of network planning and management of introduction process of management of production centre of the bus auto motor transport enterprise

Authors: R. Ismailov

Economics and management

The sources and particularities attraction of the capital by auto transport enterprises

Authors: V. Ermilov

Methodology of objective composition, identification and passport system of passenger automobile transport regular routes property complex

Authors: N. Ulitskaya

Modeling of the process of determination and realization of social-economical priorities of regional industrial sphere development

Authors: J. Olejnikova

The model of management сompetitiveness of the motor transportation enterprise

Authors: H. Fashiev, Z. Shigapova

About one market model

Authors: N. Broshkova

Substantiation of the scope of different methods of the account of risk factors at the estimation of efficiency of road projects

Authors: E. Dinges, Han Lu

Estimation of influence of a control system on results of industrial and economic activity of the auto-transport enterprise working in area of the international transportations

Authors: A. Chuvashova

Transition to new quality of operation and safety of highways

Authors: S. Kostin

Information technologies

An algorithmic scheme for calculating integral cost efficiency indicators for enterprises of industrial and transport sector

Authors: V. Nesterenko

Graph model of evaluating the difficulty level of educational materials

Authors: D. Stroganov, V. Penkov, K. Nikolaeva, N. Krasilnikova, G. Yagudaev

Simulation modeling of inventory management processes at the maintenance enterprises

Authors: A. Sharkov

Technical and economical substantiation of the reliability of the production systems

Authors: V. Nesterenko

Models of placement and coordination of works on extensive objects

Authors: M. Antonov, B.Ciklis, A. Goryachev, S. Satyshev

Environment safety

Perfection of road ecological qualities

Authors: E. Kondrashova, T. Skvortsova