«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 2(17), June 2009


Motor transport

Formation and analysis of mono-factor mathematical models of spare parts expense by municipal buses in exploitation

Authors: O. Molozhavtsev, V. Maksimov

Graphs of network planning and management of reconstruction processes of tire workshop of the bus auto motor transport enterprise

Authors: R. Ismailov

 Transportation engineering

Mathematical model of process of cutting of the ground the direct knife of the scraper

Authors: S. Matveeva, A. Ruppel

Transport construction

The analysis of formation rubber on the runway surface

Authors: G. Kystarev, A. Ryzhova

Providing asphalt-concrete pavement traction while designing storm drain system

Authors: A. Aleksandrov, T. Semenova

Estimation of wood highways qualities at computer-aided design system

Authors: E. Kondrashova

Technology of monolithic housing construction with use of a fixed timbering

Authors: V. Marsov, M. Mintsaev, I. Ashabov

Economics and management

Selection of discounting rate curve for interest rate risk assessment

Authors: D. Trofimov

The mechanism of project direction in mechanical engineering in conditions of the global financial crisis

Authors: A. Sarkisyan

Underlying principles and forms of usage of passenger automobile transport regular routes property complex

Authors: N. Ulitskaya

Features of formation of the production program of the road organization in market conditions of managing

Authors: S. Guzhov

Research of structure of transportation activity management for the organization of public transport operations in small cities

Authors: Ch. Shavyraa, S. Mongush

Program complex of support of decision-making, modeling and training of trading activity

Authors: N. Broshkova

Industrial applications of system methods, identification and control theories

Authors: A. Garkina, A. Danilov, E. Domke

 Information technologies

Evaluation of conceptual knowledge of a subject taught by intellectual learning computer system

Authors: E.Galyamova, A. Karpenko, N. Sokolov, G. Yagudaev

Modeling of defects origin process in reinforced concrete beams with using of FEA

Authors: V. Klein, P. Koltakov

On recovery of pavement lowers using subsurface radar data (1)

Authors: A. Buslaev, O. Zamotailov, P. Pospelov, M. Yashina

Environment safety

Results of harm to the environment caused by automobile transport and region road facilities

Authors: Y. Trofimenko

Traffic safety

Problems of application algorithm of optimization parameters traffic control in real time

Authors: A. Vlasov, M. Chirokov