Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students of Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical
 University (MADI)


The Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students was founded on January 22, 1960. It trains foreign students with complete secondary education to enable them to enter institutions and universities of higher education in Russia at bachelor, master and post-graduate program.

The main task of the faculty — to teach foreign students the Russian language as well as to teach them some other subjects in Russian.

The graduates of the Preparatory Faculty continue their education at different technical, economical, medical and art faculties of the Russian universities.

Education at the faculty

Depending on the specialty (field of study) that students intend to receive, you can choose the following directions for studying:

Engineering, technical and technological



Medical and biological

Future engineers side by side with Russian language study Mathematics, Physics, Informatics and Technical Drawing. Future economists also study mathematics and informatics and side by side with them — history, social study and fundamentals of economics. Future medical doctors study Russian language, Chemistry, Biology and small course of Physics and Informatics. Future specialist in arts study history, geography, culture and literature.

Those who were a success at the final exams get the certificate that enables them to enter the first course of different Russian universities according the profession they have chosen.


The documents needed to be admitted to the Preparatory Faculty:

  • Application with first name, family name, date of birth (birthday certificate), address (in Russian);
  • Copy of the national passport;
  • Certificate of secondary education (or above) with subjects and grades (notary copy in Russian);
  • Medical certificate (including AIDS);
  • Twelve photo size 3×4.

Tuition fees

Used currency course at 01/08/2023. All payments have to in Rubbles. Duration of training — 10 months. The Preparatory Faculty training in 2023/24 cost for academic year is about 3 000$ (depends of currency course), including:


tuition fee


hostel accommodation


medical insurance services


visa support




All students studying at the preparatory faculty for foreign students in the 2023/2024 academic year on a contract can enroll in the main program on the scholarship at MADI in 2024/2025 academic year according to the Olympiad "All roads lead to MADI". Registration by link  Registration deadline is February 02, 2024.

MADI students

Every year about 250-300 student from more than 44 countries study at the Faculty. Students from France, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Nepal, India, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Korea, Sri Lanka, Japan, Nigeria, Angola, Zambia, Kenya, Syria and many other countries have studied at the faculty.

Language: Vietnamese
Language: English
Language: Chinese
Language: Arabic


 Address: 64, Leningradsky pr., Moscow, Russia, 125829, room 385

 Telephone: +7 (499) 155-03-94 (dean office), +7 (499) 155-04-09 (dean)

 WhatsApp: +7 (991) 308-15-96


Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI)

MADI is the largest automobile and road university in Russia, a leading scientific, educational and methodological center for training bachelors, specialists, masters and scientific personnel in the field of construction of highways, bridges and airfields, operation and service of transport equipment, economics, management and logistics in transport and construction, automated control systems and traffic management.