«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(19), Desember 2009



Perfection of the education system

Globalization of new methods in engineering education plays important role in the Bologna declaration realization

Authors: V. Prikhodko, A. Soloviev, L. Petrova, E. Makarenko

Motor transport

The analysis of the factors influencing stability and controllability of the

Authors: J. Bazhenov, А. Myrochkin

The Explanation of the Optimum Construction System for Continuous Regulation of toe-in of Vehicle at Movement

Authors: V. Rassokha

Neuroidentification for cotrol electro-drive Artificial Neural Network Fuzzy

Authors: V. Buyankin, V. Zarharov

Structure, forming and functioning of heuristic program of diagnosis industrial objects

Authors: V. Luzgin

Transportation engineering

Influence forced parameters of the spark on indicators of the natural gas engine

Authors: G. Sharonov, S. Frantsev, V. Vikulov, E. Domke

Calculation methods complex addition of fuel supply process and work cycle parameters of diesel engine

Authors: D. Mikhalchenko

Preventive maintenance of technological equipment – assurance of safety operation after warranty lifetime

Authors: А. Gonchar, V. Kalyuzhnyy

Testing of operation of dump trucks KAMAZ within the warranty period

Authors: S. Pavlishin, I. Galimzyanov

Synthesis of composite materials as complex systems

Authors: A. Garkina, A. Danilov, E. Domke, E. Korolev

Thermal processes of formation nanocluster structures in the amorphous coatings and modeling problems

Authors: I. Belashova, N. Svetushkov

Economics and management

Interaction of Organizational Structure Elements with Macro Processes of Educational Institution Quality Management System

Authors: E. Mishchenko, S. Ponomarev

Information system for management of organization working according to requirements of development of human capital

Authors: Balyberdin Y., Tarmin V., G. Yagudaev

Critical Analysis of Draft Bill for the Implementation of the Consolidated Taxation Institution in Russia

Authors: D. Trapeznikova

About some aspects of integration’s theory of transport

Authors: G. Kononova, L. Eihler

Functional subsystem for computer-aided logistics support as a part of enterprise complex automated control system

Authors: P. Yurchik, V. Golubkova, A. Moskalev, F. Komkov, M. Ayman

Design, Formation, Implementation and Certification of Educational Institution Quality Management System

Authors: E. Mishchenko, S. Ponomarev

The target and the essence of investments and their classification

Authors: D. Bosov

Economy of budgetary funds at the expense of preservation of expensive bridge constructions

Authors: A. Verbitckiy

Information technologies

Automatic control of processes of remote probing of earth for projecting of roads and bridges

Authors: S. Peskova

Analysis of pavement distress segmentation approaches for building automated pavement management system

Authors: A. Nikolaev, La Xuan Thang, E. Kotlyarskii, Shen Yan

Environment safety

Model of choice the optimum variant fastening the objects of transport-logistical system export reused solid industrial wastes

Authors: B. Napolskiy, A. Olimpiev

Automation of the production processes

Automation of scraper unit

Authors: S. Goncharenko

Development of the method of calculation of the fractional composition of the filtering

Authors: A. Iluhin, M.Chantieva, R. Gematudinov, Z. Hakimov

Motor transportation

The construction of the model of seasonal fluctuation of transportation value in Chuvashia

Authors: E. Ilyina, S. Grigoryeva

Traffic safety

Possibility of the complex estimation of level of danger of city traffic flows

Authors: V. Zhdanov