Perfection of the education system
Authors: E. Muratova, I. Fedorov
Authors offer model of the organization of process of professional adaptation of students of engineering specialties. The system methodic principles and organizational-pedagogical conditions, for formation of high level of adaptation of graduates to about Wednesday of the high technology manufactures is considered. The description environments of the base chairs is resulted, allowing to provide participation student and магистрантов in scientifically-innovative activity and their creative self-realization.
model, adaptation, student, engineering speciality, professional environment, high-tech industry.
Authors: A. Akhterov, O. Lezina, I. Fedorov
In article the problem of constructions of the system model of functioning of information-educational environment of principal education units of higher school based on the SADT-methodology is considered. The role of an educational-methodical system (EMS) of the department in the course of improvement of quality of training is opened. The basic functional streams of such base processes as creation of educational-methodical materials, use EMS in educational process and the control of efficiency of use EMS are shown.
information-educational environment, education unit, higher school, system model, SADT – methodology.
Transportation engineering
Authors: V. Hanaev
In the article is considered the interrelation between possibilities of development of electric power industry and perspective types of vehicles. The potential of their use as consumers-regulators of electric loading is estimated. Results of research in the field of optimization of development of electropower systems taking into account the given potential of regulation of power consumption are resulted.
electric car, hydrogen car, consumers-regulators, electropower systems.
Authors: А. Dubinin, V. Hudyakov
In automobile gasoline engine fuel-air mixture are ignitions from electric spark. Besides main ignition function, spark may be application and for engine diagnostics without complementary external sensors.
diagnostics, ignition system, skips combustion, knock.
Authors: G. Voskresensky
In article theoretical results of the analysis of the mechanism vibrating cutting are resulted, criteria of borders of static and vibrating cutting are defined, time of action of pulse force is established and are offered a technique of a choice of amplitude of fluctuations of a knife depending on frequency of fluctuations and speed of movement of the base car.
the condensed snow, process vibrating cutting, amplitude, frequency of fluctuations of a knife.
Authors: V. Grigor’ev
The article considers the method of the effectiveness appropriation of the technical security system functioning of the motor transport enterprise. This method intends for helping in the time of working out the decision of the technical security organization in present-day condition and the prospect of it’s development.
motor technique, motor transport enterprise, technical security subsystem, technical security system, technical service, evacuation of the technique, exploitation of the technique.
Authors: A. Khatchian, A. Alexseev
Test results of single cylinder research diesel with axial symmetrical process and wide open combustion chamber are presented. Requirements for the selection of fuel injection system type and parameters are validated. Compromise between fuel economy, loads on engine parts and harmful emissions is discussed. Comparative analysis of engine parameters attained in case of two combustion chamber design is also given.
diesel combustion, harmful emissions, fuel injection system
Authors: V. Prikhodko, D. Fatyukhin, A. Ruhman, E. Ruhman, D. Konovalov, L. Konovalova
It is designed and applied principle new high-intensity ultrasound unit of new stage based on radial transducer. Designers of that unit are Ltd “Aphalina” (Moscow) and STU MADI. Ultrasonic cleaning node consists of digital ultrasonic generator, piezoelectric transducer and radial tool with automatic agreement resonance frequency. The unit provides gentle cleaning of injectors of any constructions.
high-intensity ultrasound, injector cleaning and control, radial transducer, cavitational cord, axisymmetric field.
Transport construction
Authors: V. Popov, Pham Thoan
The article results of the spent researches of work of several schemes of divided overpass superstructures with junctions and branches, typical for multi-level urban traffic interchanges under the loadings accepted in norms of Vietnam are presented. The attention to distribution of efforts in a branching or branch zone flying structures is paid and conclusions on features of work of divided bearing bridge designs are drawn.
finite element method, via duct, span of a bridge.
Economics and management
Authors: A. Trachuk
Today the structure of demand in the Russian wholesale electric power and capacity market sees oligopsony, which is confirmed by the result of estimating the level of buyers’ market concentration with Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI). These changes created new buyers’ strategies on the wholesale electricity market. This article presented the principles a buyer uses to choose competitive strategies (including manipulation ones), formalizes a number of mathematical models taking into consideration the specific features of the electricity market, proposes the methods to solve them.
competition, electric-power industry, the electric power and capacity market, Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), oligopsony, strategies, models, state regulation.
Authors: E. Dinges, A. Kulumbegov
In clause necessity of planning proves, and economic-mathematical models and an example of optimization reproduction structure of capital investments in development of a regional network of highways are considered.
reproduction structure, planning of capital investments, methods of optimization, road constructions.
Authors: V. Guseinaliev
In clause conceptual bases of development and perfection of the developed methodology of an estimation of efficiency of reproduction of road constructions are considered.
principles, efficiency of reproduction, methodology of an estimation, road constructions.
Authors: D. Trofimov
This article was created in order to provide a detailed and overwhelming overview of nature and types of interest rate risk. The goal of this publication is to present the information required to form a clear understanding of interest rate risk as a complex economic entity. Within the text a comparative analysis of existing interest rate risk definitions is performed and the authors definition is provided. In the final part of the article the nature of interest rate risk is described through reference to foreign exchange risk.
interest rate risk, interest rate risk definition, types of interest rate risk, nature of interest rate risk, discounting.
Authors: D. Bosov
In the article modeling methods of taking decisions on investment control are considered.
the modeling process of taking decisions, control of investments, mathematical model, dynamic system, schematization of investing process.
Authors: M. Abdulaev
In article on the basis of the analysis of existing methods of an estimation of efficiency of development and use of park of road cars the basic directions of their perfection are defined.
efficiency, park of road cars, the road organization.
Information technologies
Authors: P. Pospelov, A. Kotov, N. Morozova
Street - high system video monitoring represents visual fastening of a road infrastructure and titles of roads in the course of movement with the subsequent engineering processing. Road laboratories for video monitoring should be equipped by a complex consisting of system of shooting of video images, high-precision measuring systems and systems of computer data processing.
video monitoring, a hardware-software complex, mobile road laboratory, road object, bank of the road data.
Authors: La Xuan Thang
The article presents analysis of the most popular training algorithms for multilayer perceptron in the framework of pavement distress segmentation. The study shows that Levenberg-Marquadt Algorithm is the most effective. Modification of this algorithm could be used for the pavement cracking recogntion task.
pavement distress, training, multilayer perceptron, automated.
Authors: V. Volkov, J. Grigoreva
In article results of the researches connected with perfection of logistical technologies for guarantee systems of the international road transportations (IRT) within the limits of preventive actions, the risks directed on decrease in IRT are stated. The basic conditions of activity are considered at IRT and possibilities of use of organizational, methodical and economic potential noncommercial the organizations based on membership for support of activity in the field of IRT.
the international cargo road transportations, guarantee systems, the noncommercial organizations based on membership, preventive actions of a mutual insurance.
Authors: V. Volkov
In article definitions of concepts of electronic logistical service (ELS) and the expanded reference model of interaction of open systems (OSI RM) are given. Positioning of information services on electronic data interchange (EDI), automatic identification, satellite navigation and the electronic logistical support, given within the limits of transport & logistical systems (supply chain), as services of higher level in existing 7-level OSI RM is considered.
electronic logistical service, document flow electronic, automatic identification, satellite navigation
Automation of the production processes
Authors: V. Marsov, M. Mintsaev, E. Bokarev, V. Golovko
The method of formation of structure of the most simple in the constructive relation of batchers-integrators of the charge by a "rigid" suspension bracket of the weight conveyor direct measurement of weight and absence of system of automatic stabilization of the charge is considered. Authors offer structure of continuous batching and measurements of the current productivity of the feeder, using procedure of the real mechanism of formation of the errors, allowing to improve metrological characteristics of batchers-integrators of the charge.
batching, continuous-periodic batching, the batcher-integrator of the charge, loose materials.
Traffic safety
Authors: J. Shakhova, A. Romanov
Possibility of the analysis of development of exhaustion and accumulation of erroneous ac-tions in dynamic system «driver – car – road – environment» from a position of the theory of catastrophes is considered. Examples of use of such approach are resulted at research of process of change of working capacity of the driver within the working day.
the theory of accidents, working capacity of the driver, modelling, safety of traffic
Authors: V. Zhdanov
In article object of research are traffic flows on a road network as danger sources in cities. Main principles of the concept of transport risk are formulated at an estimation of integrated danger of city traffic flows. The criterion of an estimation of level of integrated transport danger is offered.
road network, transport risk, danger.