«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 3 (22), September 2010



Motor transport

Mathematical model of definition and planning of requirement for spare parts

Authors: A. Rementsov, V. Zenchenko, P. Fetisov

Descriptive model effort of the system automation pluriaxial vehicles

Authors: A. Parhomenko

Estimation of complex reliability of functioning of motor-transport enterprises

Authors: N. Begov

Application dynamic oscillation damper for reduction of noise and vibration of buses

Authors: N. Kvasnovskaja, A. Muravskij

Building stages of automatic telematic monitoring system of vehicle technical conditions

Authors: S. Zhankaziev, T. Ahmedov

Transportation engineering

Decomposition the generalized coordinates for solving optimization problems the path of cargo motion

Authors: M. Korytov

Study of snow pressing process with vacuumization of snow

Authors: V. Bykov

The universal formula of the delivery ratio for the conventional four stroke engines calculation of internal-combustion engines

Authors: L. Matiukhin

Economics and management

A problem of territorial terminal system's synthesis

Authors: V. Korchagin, V. Suvorov, G. Melkonyan

Methodological foundations of building tele-matic system indirect traffic management system

Authors: S. Zhankaziev

Optimization of the operating the system of the urban passenger transport in city Far eastern federal neighborhood

Authors: I. Pugachyov, P. Volod'kin

Determining the annual amount of work and financing for the development of road network

Authors: I. Kurbatov

Economic indicators ASUP on the example of the road-building enterprise of region

Authors: V. Zubrilov

Information technologies

Application integration in technological data transmission system

Authors: N. Lukanin

Methods and models of the control of working capacity distributed ASUP

Authors: T. Alexandridi, A. Pogomy

Distributed systems way of processing queues

Authors: D. Talyzin

In work results of working out algorithmic and the software for automatic detection of the person

Authors: A. Kuznetsov


Fluctuations tape heterogeneous multilayer structures of roads

Authors: D. Artamonov, E. Domke, V. Smogunov, M. Chaplyshkin

Environment safety

The methods of recycling of used motor oils

Authors: J. Kutepova

Defining the diffusion coefficient of Radon in road construction materials

Authors: Y. Trofimenko, P. Chernobrovkin

Automation of the production processes

Integrated systems of automation of industrial enterprises

Authors: M. Abdulhanova, R. Gematudinov, M.Chantieva

Motor transportation

The automated navigating system for the electronic logistical supports of vehicles in the long-distance message on roads, highways and the international transport corridors

Authors: V. Volkov, V. Martynchuk

About perspective formation of optimum passenger road transport operator vehicle fleet

Authors: A. Zhukov

Traffic safety

Receiving and preparation of the primary data at traffic modeling

Authors: A. Protodiakonov, A. Kosolapov, V. Pozdnyakov, S. Shvets