«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(23), December 2010



Motor transport

Features lockable torque converters

Authors: A. Narbut, D.Denisov

Estimation of Wheeled Vehicle's Braking Parameters

Authors: S. Shuklinov

Approach to construction of the electrical transmission control for pluriaxial vehicles

Authors: A. Parkhomenko

Experimental endurance investigation of aluminum alloys under biaxial asymmetric loading

Authors: A. Vakhromeev

Transportation engineering

An alternative approach to evaluate the technical state of electronic engine control systems

Authors: A. Rementsov, V. Zenchenko, Nguyen Minh Tien

Change of the roughness of surfaces of details under action of ultrasonic liquid processing

Authors: D. Fatyukhin

Application of software MATLAB and COMPAS for modeling single-bucket excavator

Authors: A. Ruppel, A. Efimov

Power estimation of force of cutting of the condensed snow on highways

Authors: G. Voskresensky, A. Voskresensky, G. Verbicky, R. Eunap

Economics and management

Specificity of formation the structure of a transport complex at regional level

Authors: K. Tchumlyakof

Efficiency of use of terminal service system on motor transport

Authors: A. Landsman, M. Vinnikov

Information technologies

Method of estimation of probabilistic characteristics of informational systems, functioning on the special conditions

Authors: S. Sherbakov

Process-focused approach to automation planning and management of transportation of production of the enterprises of the food-processing industryg

Authors: A. Ostroukh, N. Kuftinova

The systems analysis of diagnostic information of industrial objects

Authors: V. Luzgin

Theoretical bases of informative complex tasks solutions

Authors: A. Nikolaev, V. Bryl', S. Kuznetsov

Roads, bridges & transport tunnels

Vibrating loading of flexible pavement

Authors: V.Osinovskay

Automobile roads heterogeneous structures dynamic models

Authors: O. Vdovikina, V. Smogunov, D. Artamonov, M. Chaplyshkin

That "keep" the wall of the Moscow transport tunnels

Authors: E. Zvyagin, Y. Bakatin, S. Ratkovsky

Road machines

The mechanized clearing of city highways and airdromes of recently dropped out snow

Authors: I. Trofimova

Application of methods of mass evaluation of estate buildings in bridge management system

Authors: V. Moskvich, M. Nenenko

Automation of the production processes

Optimal control methods of the Automated Crushing Manufacture for Gravel Size

Authors: A. Nadirov

Optimal control in pneumaticsystem bulk materials

Authors: R. Gematudinov, K. Romanov, M. Chantieva, V. Shukhin

Development of the principles and methods of control recipes asphalt concrete mix by a computer model

Authors: D. Suvorov, Z. Hakimov, R. Gematudinov, Z. Abdulaev

Motor transportation

Influence carry to abilities of the urban passenger transport on level of the transport servicing the population

Authors: P. Volod'kin, I. Pugachyov