«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 2(25), June 2011


Motor transport

Recommendations for VDC test procedure based on analysis or road accident statistic in Russia

Authors: S. Losev

The study of post speed by public transport on the streets of Moscow

Authors: A. Kostsov

Transportation engineering

Questions of turn of the caterpillar car on seat

Authors: V. Pavlov

Mathematical modeling of the operator's control actions in the ergatic system

Authors: I. Garkina, A. Danilov, E. Domke

Monitoring cycle machine when washing pavements, and its simulation model

Authors: E. Zvyagin, Y. Bakatin, A. Ostrouh, A. Fedyashev

About the opportunity of expansion of the zone active cavitational erosion at high amplitude to ultrasonic clearing

Authors: L. Makarov, D. Fatyuhin

Definition of the optimal weight of crawler dozer

Authors: N. Seliverstov

Thermo-chemical treatment of the steal in low-temperature plasma

Authors: L. Petrova, V. Aleksandrov, P. Demin

Economics and management

Analysis and adaptation to the Russian practice of transparency index

Authors: A. Davydkina

Economic justification efficiency of a technique definition optimum quantity of snow-plows for clearing city territories of snow and ice

Authors: I. Trofimova

Information technologies

Two-level Tree System of Coordination Technology of Gas Transformation Set Units Creation

Authors: A. Nikolaev, P. Yurchik, V. Golubkova, N. Berko

Models and algorithms controlling of ACSTP with distributed structure

Authors: T. Alexandridi, P. Smolin

World practice of variable message signs application

Authors: A. Tour, S. Zhankaziev

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels

Questions of limitation of maximal size of payment by driving vehicles the toll road

Authors: I. Iliasova

To the question of lighten of covering of roadways in mountain territory of RD

Authors: T. Gasanov, G. Magomedov

Management of operational condition of roads, taking into account qualitative information

Authors: D. Skorobogatchenko

Environment safety

Automobile enterprise monitoring methods based on cognitive technologies for international automobile transportation enterprises

Authors: A. Chuvashova

Methodology rationale for the allocation of separate lanes public transport on urban road network of major cities

Authors: M. Yakimov

Automation of the production processes

Adaptive management of mobility by discrete manufacture of concrete of mixes

Authors: J. Vasilev, V. Kamenev, A. Kochetkov, V. Shljafer

The establishment of physicochemical properties of activated water for compiling of mathematical model of technological process

Authors: A. Sedova, D. Emelyanov, A. Osipov, V. Erofeyev, P. Yudin