«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 3 (26), October 2011


Motor transport

Innovative methods of increase of efficiency of transport systems of cities

Authors: К. Safronov, E. Safronov

The review of the modern active safety systems, and automation control systems of automobiles

Authors: А. Popov, I. Kotenko, O. Francis

Description of a transport stream by means of rows

Authors: E. Domke, O. Sorokina

Development foundations of automobile technical condition monitoring

Authors: S. Zhankaziev, S. Ignatiev

Transportation engineering 

Analysis of workflow and characterization of suction devices for machine washing of pavement with water recycling

Authors: E. Zvyagin, Y. Bakatin, G. Rozenblat, V. Samoilov

Influence of vertical strengths to scraper axises during digging

Authors: S. Goncharenko, A. Velicanov, K. Letunovskiy

Numerical modeling process of contournant of the gases cooled and sated with oxygen diesel engine in the deadlock development

Authors: P. Moryakov

Mathematical model of interphase heat and mass exchange in two-phase gas-liquid medium in the diesel fuel injection systems

Authors: Z. Kerimov

Methods of the efficiency improving of bulldozing and ripping units offered by leading technology manufacturers

Authors: N. Seliverstov

 Economics and management 

Mechanism crisis management subject market of the cargo car transport services

Authors: S. Borodulina, N. Loginova

Formulation, results, and analysis of decision mathematical model forming effective transport system of large cities on the example of the city Perm

Authors: Y. Trofimenko, M. Yakimov

Information technologies 

Simulation modeling probabilistic transport flow

Authors: A. Balamirzoev, D. Selimhanov, R. Balamirzoev

Complexity of transport telematic systems

Authors: P. Prjibl, T. Vorobyeva

Method of modeling of steadiness of informational systems, functioning on the special condition

Authors: S. Sherbakov

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels 

A new level of a solution of a prolongation problem of the technical resourсe of aerodrome pavement

Authors: V. Andronov

Optimization parameter metal spans bridge with ortotropnoy plate drove Chats

Authors: Nguyen Manh Thuong

Optimization parameters split concrete bridges spans with prestressed reinforcement

Authors: Duong The Anh

Optimization constructive forms of split face concrete bridges with non-prestressed reinforcement

Authors: Le Manh Han

The main parameters of system "corrugated steel lining-ground mass"

Authors: H. Petrova

Technical regulation in the road economy

Authors: Yu. Vasilev, Yu. Borisov, N. Kokodeeva, S. Karpeev

Motor transportation

About the improvement of the transportation process in the supply chain of perishable goods

Authors: P. Spirin

Traffic safety 

Ensuring of safe of disabled persons in buses

Authors: A. Rjabchinskiy, Le Thanh Tuyen