«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(27), December


Motor transport

Choice of Maximum Effort Value on Wheeled Vehicle Brake Pedal

Authors: S. Shuklinov

The robotized vehicle on the basis of the car the gazelle

Authors: А. Spinov, A. Beketov, Z. Abdulaev, A. Kodryn

The role and importance of factors of production organization in transport

Authors: A. Neretin

Transportation engineering 

The analysis of parameters of modern cogeneration systems with biofuel gasification

Authors: A. Kozlov, A. Terenchenko, V. Borsch

Indicated measures of the internal-combustion engines

Authors: L. Matiukhin

Simple models of the analysis service level at supply management

Authors: S. Golovin, I. Bannov

Development of a way of automatic control сoupling weight of tractors

Authors: А. Velikanov, D. Likhovidov

Technological parameter of process ultrasonic clearing

Authors: D. Fatyuhin

Economics and management 

Definition of strategy of reproduction of a road construction аt uncertainty of the information on conditions of its functioning

Authors: E. Dinges, V. Guseinaliev

The solution problems of search the best way in transport net with the taking account uncertainty of the time of moving

Authors: A. Zavorykin, V. Dronov

Information technologies 

Tоtal criteria business process management production cycle of industrial enterprises

Authors: S. Katyrin, A. Solntsev, P. Timofeev, P. Yakunin

Information systems and their role in modern business on transport organization

Authors: N. Krupenskiy

Reliability assessment of technical means of recoverable automated systems of information processing and management with partial control of the equipment in the periodic prevention

Authors: А. Nadirov, K. Kononov

Fuzzy metods and models support managerial decisions of organizational structures industrial association

Authors: E. Moskvichev, M. Prikhodko, P. Timofeev, P. Yakunin

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels 

Рrobabilistic method normalization load of automobile load on the bridge in Vietnam

Authors: Nguyen Viet Phuong

Ways to improve working life of flexible pavement

Authors: V. Osinovskay

The account of brief and repeated character of appendix of moving load in the engineering methods of calculation of remaining deformations of soils and discrete materials of road structure

Authors: A. Aleksandrov, G. Dolgikh

Environment safety 

Unification of ecological information by creation of united Russian information system of ecological and nature-profection problems

Authors: I. Karpova

Optimization of the infrastructure of gathering and export of the firm household waste from territory municipal union

Authors: Е. Bondarenko, A. Zuyev, I. Lyubimov, K. Manaev, A. Melnikov

Automation of the production processes 

Cluster structure and theory percolation computer building composite materials

Authors: A. Iluhin, M. Chantieva, R. Gematudinov, V. Shuhin

Scientific bases of technical diagnostics of concrete factories

Authors: U. Vasil`ev, M. Alehina

Traffic safety 

Forming the system of continuous training of professional drivers

Authors: A. Masanov, V. Klepikov, A. Tsvetkov