«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 1(28), March 2012



Motor transport

Methods and facilities for quantitative valuation level of cars passive safety

Authors: A. Ivanov, A. Adaev, A. Yrchevsky, V. Kondrat'ev

The reasons of water content increase in motor oil during of exploitation

Authors: E. Kuznetsov, A. Khaziev

Transportation engineering 

Definition of the optimal weight of crawler dozer

Authors: N. Seliverstov

Factors and the analysis of competitiveness of vehicles and services

Authors: N. Kirillov, V. Burenin, V. Pol'ansky, D. Dragun

Method of calculation of working process of the fuel equipment of the diesel engine completed with the stabilizing valve

Authors: V. Malchuk, S. Skorodelov, I. Ivanov, I. Alexeev, S. Bogdanov

The method and results of the combined ICE thermodynamic calculation

Authors: I. Ivanov, S. Bogdanov, I. Aleхeev

Factors and the analysis of competitiveness of vehicles and services

Authors: V. Borisevich, V. Burenin, V. Karagodin, G. Gladov

Justification of number of technological routes of the motor KamAZ-740 centralized repair on vehicle availability index

Authors: V. Karagodin

Optimization of a trajectory of moving of cargo by the lifting crane in of its configurations space taking into account obstacles

Authors: V. Shcerbakov, M. Korytov

Onboard effective torque estimation using incycle crankshaft angular speed variation

Authors: P. Safronov, E. Pershutin, I. Alexeev, I. Ivanov, S. Bogdanov

Advanced propulsion systems for electric and hybrid vehicles

Authors: V. Yutt, K. Sidorov, T. Golubchik

The reasons of water content increase in motor oil during of exploitation

Authors: A. Laushkin, A. Khaziev

Factors and the analysis of competitiveness of vehicles and services

Authors: V. Burenin, V. Borisevich, A. Narbut, G. Gladov

Technologies of thermo-chemical treatment of steels in multi-component atmospheres for surface hardening of machine parts and tools

Authors: L. Petrova, V. Aleksandrov

Ultrasonic dispergator for generating the diesel fuel emulsions

Authors: A. Dunin, R. Nigmetzyanov, D. Fatukhin, A. Dubinin, A. Livanskiy, V. Titkov

Economics and management 

The solution problems of search the best way in transport net with the taking account uncer-tainty of the time of moving

Authors: A. Zavorykin, V. Dronov

Changes of customs duties on vehicle within bounds of customs union

Authors: M. Ulitskiy, E. Chirikanova

Marketing in system of interrelation economic and engineering science

Authors: V. Kruglov

Recommendations about rational write-off of buses on the basis of the data of the uniform automated control system of financial and economic activity of state unitary enterprise Mosgortrans

Authors: V. Maksimov, E. Kuznetsov, V. Silkin, A. Nazarov, S. Osipova, S. Roshak

Ekvajringovye transport payment system

Authors: A. Postolit

Information technologies 

Automation of data analysis for decision making in real time in the automotive industry

Authors: Nguyen Duc Thanh

Mathematical approach to substantiation of driver informing system in ITS

Authors: А. Tur

Methods and models of formation of adaptive user interface systems in support of administrative decisions

Authors: E. Moskvichev, P. Timofeev, S. Satyshev, A. Solntsev

Performance evaluation of business process management

Authors: V. Bryl

Development of transportation management operative control module

Authors: A. Ivakhnenko, N. Krupenskiy

Automation of the production processes 

Connected components of concrete mix proportioning

Authors: A. Libenko, Y. Vasiliev, N. Mihailova, E. Bokarev

Safety of work 

Influence of mobbing-processes on safety of work in organization

Authors: O. Polikanova