«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 2(29), June 2012



Motor transport

Onboard information-diagnostic complex of the routing vehicle

Authors: V. Maksimov, V. Grebenyuk, R. Ismailov, A. Dunin, G. Knyazkov, S. Roshchak

Increasing the Accuracy of Operation of the System for Continuous Regulation of Toe-in of Vehicle in Motion

Authors: V. Rassokha, V. Isaychev, I. Yakubovich

The functioning problems of anti-lock braking system on vehicles, equipped with means of anti-sliping

Authors: S. Kristalniy, N. Popov, V. Fomitchev

Factors and the analysis of competitiveness of vehicles and services

Authors: K.Enikeev, I. Porvatov, V. Gaevskij

Transportation engineering 

Factors and the analysis of competitiveness of vehicles and services

Authors: V. Karagodin, V. Burenin, V. Polyansky, V. Borisevich, I. Panushkin

Factors and the analysis of competitiveness of vehicles and services

Authors: A. Narbut, V. Burenin, V. Karagodin, V. Polyansky, R. Salajov

Definition of technological efficiency of construction machines and the equipment

Authors: S. Golovin

Spare parts warehouse replenishment for maintenance and equipment examination industry

Authors: A. Khodina

Results of experimental researches of the tower equipped by the automatic loading in addition device

Authors: А. Velikanov, D. Likhovidov

Improvement of the snow removal strategy in Moscow

Authors: E. Telushkina

Alignment parameters of signals of primary transducers and verifications the results obtained in multipurpose diagnostic complex for the internal combustion engines

Authors: A. Alexandrov, I. Dolgov

Economics and management 

Government regulation and the odernization

Authors: I. Kirova, T. Popova

Dynamic model of regional transport system in the conditions of economic development

Authors: K. Tchumlyakof

Scientifically-methodical bases of a choice of sources of investments for updating of vehicles on passenger transport of the general using

Authors: O. Matantseva, I. Titov

Information technologies 

Inaccuracy of «the branch-and-bound» method in solving traveling salesman problem

Authors: E. Domke, S. Zhestkova, V. Akimova

Building robots: the reality and prospect

Authors: A. Waskovsky

The theoretical reasons for automation of the wheel disks foundry technologies

Authors: O. Maksimychev, A. Uzakov


Innovative activity in transport service of consumers of the goods and services

Authors: S. Dikolov

About teaching of studies course “Logistics” in managers preparation in technical specialties – business processes management

Authors: L. Mirotin

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels 

Risk evaluation of aviation incident according to a condition of a runway pavement

Authors: V. Andronov, V. Podoprigora

Environment safety 

Engineering of the mathematical model of a reactor for biomass gasification from forest wastes

Authors: A. Kozlov, A. Terenchenko, A. Livansky

The theoretical investigation of reactor for biomass gasification from forest wastes

Authors: A. Kozlov, A. Terenchenko, V. Borsch

Automation of the production processes 

Automation of management by process of formation of fractional structure of the large filler of concrete with use granulometr with the source of optical illumination

Authors: V. Vorobiyov, T. Tikhonenkova

Hardware and principles of construction of automated systems of commercial electricity accounting in the domestic sector

Authors: M. Mincaev, V. Pashaev, Z. Abdulaev

Features of a mathematical model of the structure of the compositions with elements of the spherical shape

Authors: A. Ilyuhin, V. Marsov, Y. Vasiliev, E. Bokarev