«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 3(30), September 2012



Transportation engineering

Influence of distribution of weight of the wheel machine on axes on its draft dynamic properties at movement on elevating sites of mountain roads

Authors: J. Sharshembiev

Competing innovative mechanical system of compensation for vertical movement of the motor grader blade with an automatic control system of its working equipment

Authors: S. Illarionov

Some characteristic features of vibration diagnostics of machine units wear

Authors: V. Grib

Development of common rail control system components. Investigation of common rail Injection system equipped with electro-hydraulic injectors

Authors: L. Golubkov, N. Solenov, D. Mihalchenko, P. Dushkin

Economics and management

The optimization of cargo transportations

Authors: A. Zavorykin, V. Dronov

The basic principles for solving the current problems engineering in Russia as an example of the complex motor

Authors: O. Mukhanova

Resource management in integrated transport-logistic systems

Authors: A. Nekrasov

The current state and developmental prospect of the automotive group avtoprom of BRICS member countries

Authors: A. Strigin, Yu Yu

Information technologies 

Modeling integrated supply chain with the help of absorbing Markov chains

Authors: V. Korchagin, V. Suvorov, E. Chekryzhov

New directions in automation of the road building technologies

Authors: O. Maksimychev, A. Waskovsky

New approach and methods of definition of indices of importance of elements and minimal sections of breakdowns of compound system for purpose of it’s subsequent synthesis (optimal reservation)

Authors: S. Shcherbakov

An organization of automated dispatching control of urban passenger transport

Authors: V. Bogumil, D. Efimenko, F. Sidikov

Increase of efficiency of oil products transportation by motor transport

Authors: E. Domke, S. Zhestkova, S. Podshivalov

Automation of support management decisions warranties in the automotive industry

Authors: Nguyen Duc Thanh

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels

Perception of roughness of aerodrome pavement pilots of airlines

Authors: V. Andronov

Examination of the variation the bitumen share and modification of the strength of asphalt-concrete mixtures

Authors: M. Balantseva

Providing of road pavement smoothness and safety of traffic in the sites of highway bridges matching with the bulk

Authors: P. Pegin, A. Lapin

About experience of application of actions for precautionary repair of the asphalt coverings

Authors: V. Nosov, S. Frolkina

The pattern of the concept “functionality of nonrigid pavements properties, parameters, evaluation criteria

Authors: M. Gorjachev

Traffic safety

Future directions of development and improvement of the methodology of road safety in urban focus road accident and the aspects of practical application

Authors: D. Kapsky

Automation of the production processes

Improvement of methods of automation discrete technological processes

Authors: Yu. Vasil'ev, Yu. Borisov, V. Talalay, I. Sarychev