«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 1(32), March 2013



Motor transport

The impact of the type of trials upon the temperature mode of non-ventilated and ventilated bus disk brakes

Authors: G. Gudz, I. Zahara, O. Klypko

Key technologies of intelligent transport cooperative systems

Authors: A. Ivanov, S. Shadrin

An electrical individual wheel drive - results of development and bench testing

Authors: K. Sidorov, V. Yutt, T. Golubchik

Transportation engineering

Continuously variator, equipped with variable pitch’s chain

Authors: V. Byakov, S. Kotovitch

Modeling of a functioning of a transport-technological system for snow removal

Authors: E. Telushkina

Axis symmetrical contact problem of streng-thening compressed materials during the in-teraction with elliptic surface of non movable flexible spin of a road roller

Authors: M. Dudkin, G. Kystarev, B. Abdeev

Longitudinal oscillations of a rod, loaded with the cavitating liquid

Authors: A. Neverov

Systematizing of information under existing combined road machines

Authors: N. Tagieva

Feasibility study of plants for recovery performance characteristics of working hydraulic fluid RBM

Authors: G. Guryanov

Economics and management

Innovations and innovative activity of the enterprise

Authors: V. Kruglov

The ways of image formation of a modern university

Authors: K. Zolotareva

Improvement of Methodology of the Assessment of the Social and Economic Damage from Road Accidents

Authors: E. Dinges, E. Serpik, V. Guseinaliev

Emulation as a strategy for modernisation

Authors: I. Kirova, A. Kozlov, T. Popova

Information technologies

Intellectual problems of traffic and SSSR-system

Authors: A. Provorov

Using data the navigation dispatch system for estimation of parameters of traffic flows

Authors: A. Ismailov, S. Filatov, K. Kuznecov, I. Komarov

Model data warehouse workflow production processes

Authors: Nguyen Duc Thanh

Concept of on-board telematics unit

Authors: A. Vorobyev, S. Pahomov, S. Izonov

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels

Methodical provision design of roundabouts

Authors: P. Pospelov, A. Sheviakov, B. Shchit

The basis ground of the scale of vehicles clustering for their account and adjustment to the design load on two-lane roads of Russia and China

Authors: M. Gorjachev, Ma Chao

Computing backwaters at bridges of the interacting condition

Authors: G. Fedotov, Mai Quang Huy

Motor transportation

Problems and ways decisions of potential using of Kazakhstan automobile transport

Authors: J. Janbirov, N. Amanov, D. Tusupov