«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 4(79), December 2024
Dmitrii V. Bol – postgraduate of the Department of Bridges SPTU, St. Petersburg, Russia, dvbol1240@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0009-0004-4656-2487
The article presents a study aimed at examining various methods for constructing limit state diagrams in reinforced concrete structures in order to identify the possibility of simplifying this process to improve the efficiency of design and construction. The study was conducted based on the analysis of foreign (ACI, fib) and domestic (SP 35) regulatory documents to identify the features of the methods for constructing limit state diagrams. To assess the accuracy and comparability of the results, numerical calculations are provided for various methods of constructing diagrams. The main features and differences between the methods for constructing limit state diagrams described in foreign and domestic regulatory documents are noted. A comparative analysis of the numerical values of limit state diagrams using various methods is given, which allows us to assess their accuracy and efficiency. The deviation of the numerical results of simplified limit state diagrams from detailed ones is no more than 12.5%. It is shown that different methods have their advantages and limitations, and the choice of a particular method should be justified and dependent on specific engineering tasks. The results of the described study allow engineers to choose the most appropriate method for constructing limit state diagrams depending on specific engineering tasks. This approach helps to increase the efficiency of designing and constructing reinforced concrete structures by simplifying the calculation process and increasing the accuracy of assessing the bearing capacity of elements.
Keywords: limit state diagrams, interaction diagrams, deformation model, calculation of reinforced concrete elements, regulatory requirements, Russian standards, American standards, nonlinear material diagrams, iterative calculations
- Bleyer J., Fam D. T., de Buhan P. Numerical Yield Design Analysis of High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Walls in Fire Conditions, Advances in Direct Methods for Materials and Structures, Cham, Springer, 2018, pp. 143-161, doi 10.1007/978-3-319-59810-9_9.
- Shet S., Shetti S., Shetti S. Analysis of Pu-Mu Interaction Diagram of C-Shaped Equal Legged RC Column Developed using ETABS and Analytical Method, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018, vol. 7(3.34), pp. 835-839.
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- Baji H., Hamid R. R. Statistical Analysis of the Concrete Rectangular Stress Block Parameters, The 2013 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics Korea, Jeju, Korea, Techno-Press, 2013, pp. 8-23.
- Radaykin O. V. Stroitel'stvo i rekonstruktsiya, 2020, no. 6 (92), pp. 26-42, doi 10.33979/2073-7416-2020-92-6-26-42.
- Ananyan A. M., Gorokhov M. Yu., Zlotnikov A. G., Steshov A. I. Avtomobil'nyye dorogi, 2021, no. 6, pp. 40-44.
- Ananyan A. M., Gorokhov M. Yu., Zlotnikov A. G., Steshov A. I. Avtomobil'nyye dorogi, 2022, no. 10, pp. 200-204.
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Sergey V. Kotovich – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tractor-truck and amphibious vehicles of MADI, Moscow, Russia, svtrack@mail.ru
In order to develop new economic zones rich in minerals, as well as to carry out logistics for the material support of navigation on the Northern Sea Route, the creators of new technology need to improve the supporting qualities of all-terrain vehicles created for the above purposes. To achieve this task, this article proposes for the first time the concept of “inertia (delay of response) of interacting material objects” as a working tool. Using this concept, the author introduces refinements to the hypothesis of a dynamic decrease in the value of the vehicle propeller subsidence, which is already known in scientific circles. The refined hypothesis considered in the article is fundamentally different (as a certain transition period with special parameters) from the generally accepted version of the physics of interaction between a wheeled or tracked propulsion device and a supporting surface. As a result, a slightly modified (compared to the generally accepted version of the calculation of a steady-state process) mathematical model appeared. In it, the degree of inertia of the interaction depends not on the speed of the vehicle as such, but on the duration of the contact of the propeller, which depends on the duration of its shift relative to the road surface. Slippage is determined by the type of propeller and the properties of the deformed soil, primarily determined by the angle of its internal friction.
Keywords: slippage of a vehicle's propeller, inertia of the properties of soil particles under dynamic impact on them, angle of internal friction of the soil
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- Vol'skaya N.S., Ageikin Y.S., Chichekin I.V., Shiryaev K.N. Zhurnal avtomobilnyh inzhenerov, 2013, no. 2(79), pp. 22-25.
- Keller A.V., Popov A.V. Tractory i sel'hozmachiny [Tractors and agricultural machines], 2023, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 505-514, doi 10.17816/0321-4443-568209.
- Kotlyarenko V.I., Barakhtanov L.V. Zhurnal avtomobilnyh inzhenerov, 2015, no. 6(95), pp. 64-67.
- Kotlyarenko V.I., Barakhtanov L.V. Zhurnal avtomobilnyh inzhenerov, 2016, no. 6(101), pp. 24-29.
- Markovnina A.I., Makarov V.S., Kapustin A.G., Vakhidov U.Sh., Belyakov V.V. Transportnye systemy, 2024, no. 2(32), pp. 4-10.
- Markovnina A.I., Makarov V.S., Papunin A.V., Belyakov V.V., Vakhidov U.Sh. Transportnye systemy, 2023, no. 1(23), pp. 4-11, doi 10.46960/2782-5477_2023_1_4.
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- Guskov V.V., Velev V.V., Atamanov Yu.A., Bocharov N.F., Ksenevich I.P., Solonsky A.S. Traktory. Teoriya (Tractors. Theory), Moscow, Mashinostroenie, 1988, 376 p.
- Genta G., Morello L. The Automotive Chassis: Volume 1: Components Design, Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2009, 650 p. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8674-8.
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- Wong J.Y. Theory of Ground Vehicles, 3rd edition, New York, John Wiley, 2001, 560 p. ISBN 0-471-35461-9.
Tatyana N. Egunova – postgraduate of the Department of Production and Repair of Automobiles and Road Machines MADI, Moscow, Russia, tanya.e.n5@yandex.ru
Viktor S. Kalenskii – Head of Engineering Support Section, POLYPLASTIC Group, Moscow, Russia, viktor.kalenskiy@polyplastic.ru
Nataliya I. Baurova – Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Road and Technological Machines MADI, Moscow, Russia, nbaurova@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9529-20
At present, there are many methods for repairing machine body parts, and each of them has a number of positive and negative properties. Having analyzed all repair methods and the possibility of their application in field conditions, a method using polymer composite materials was chosen. This is due to the possibility of modifying the properties of polymer materials when selecting a binder and fillers. Among all polymer materials, epoxy-sand composites are considered the most promising for repairing road construction equipment in field conditions. Their advantage is that they can be cured at room temperature (in the open air) and they provide good adhesive properties. The article presents the technological process of field repair of machine body parts using dispersion-filled composites. It is shown that the quality of the restored product depends on the exact observance of all stages of the technological repair process. Also, in order to ensure the required level of quality of repair work, it is necessary to ensure appropriate quality control at each stage of the technological process. The article provides recommendations for the implementation of quality control during repair work using epoxy-sand composites in the field.
Keywords: polymer composite materials, dispersed-filled composites, repair process, field repairs, quality control
- Panova L. G. Napolniteli dlya polimernyh kompozicionnyh materialov (Fillers for polymer composite materials), Saratov, Saratov State Technical University, 2010, 63 p. ISBN 978-5-7433-2287-9.
- Kosenko E. A., Baurova N. I., Zorin V. A. Prirodopodobnye materialy i konstruktsii v mashinostroenii (Nature-like materials and structures in mechanical engineering), Moscow, MADI, 2020, 304 p. ISBN 978-5-7962-0259-3.
- Karagodin V. I., Mitrokhin N. N. Remont avtomobiley i dvigateley (Car and engine repair), Moscow, Akademiya, 2013, 496 p. ISBN 978-5-7695-9912-5.
- Sinelnikov A. F. Organizatsiya tekhnicheskogo obsluzhivaniya i remonta putemno-transportnykh, stroitelnykh, dorozhnykh mashin i oborudovaniya v razlichnykh usloviyakh ekspluatatsii (Organization of maintenance and repair of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment in various operating conditions), Moscow, Akademiya, 2018, 336 p. ISBN 978-5-4468-3972-8.
- Mikhalchenkov A. M., Feskov S. A., Osipov A. A., Kononenko A. S. Klei. Germetiki. Tekhnologii, 2020, no. 1, pp. 45-48, doi 10.31044/1813-7008-2020-0-1-45-48.
- Egunova T. N., Baurova N. I. Tehnologiya metallov, 2023, no. 2, pp. 11-18, doi 10.31044/1684-2499-2023-0-2-11-18.
- Egunova T. N., Baurova N. I. Remont. Vosstanovlenie. Modernizatsiya, 2023, no. 4, pp. 36-40, doi 10.31044/1684-2561-2023-0-4-36-40.
- Kartashova V. V., Kosenko E. A. Remont. Vosstanovlenie. Modernizatsiya, 2020, no. 3, pp. 16-19, doi 10.31044/1684-2561-2020-0-3-16-19.
- Kosenko E. A. Remont. Vosstanovlenie. Modernizatsiya, 2020, no. 1, pp. 12-17, doi 10.31044/1684-2561-2020-0-1-12-17.
- Marycheva A. N., Guzeva T. A., Pe P P. M., Tun L. K., Malesheva G. V. Reinforcing Fillers for Polymer Composites Based on Organic Unwoven Materials, Polymer Science, Series D, 2019, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 170−173, doi 10.1134/S1995421219020138.
- Shtefan Yu. V., Zorin V. A., Baurova N. I. Upravlenie kachestvom mashin i tekhnologicheskikh protsessov (Quality management of machines and technological processes), Moscow, MADI, 2016, 120 p.
Mikhail P. Malinovsky – Candidate of Science (Technical), Associate Professor of the Department of Tractor-truck and amphibious vehicles MADI, Moscow, Russia, ntbmadi@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7812-5653
Dmitry V. Pan – postgraduate of the Department of Tractor-truck and amphibious vehicles MADI, Moscow, Russia, dima.pan2013@yandex.ru
Denis A. Dergachev – postgraduate of the Department of Tractor-truck and amphibious vehicles MADI, Moscow, Russia, dergdenand@gmail.com
Springs are used in mechanical engineering, experimental stands, power plants, transmissions, towing hitches, manipulators and vehicle suspension. Springs affect the formation of such operational properties as ride smoothness, controllability and stability. The article provides a classification of springs by the nature of their operation and perceived load, by design, material and cross-section profile. The authors note that during design and verification calculations of elastic suspension elements, there is an information deficit regarding the actual values of their stiffness. The methodology for theoretical calculation of spring stiffness contains such a parameter as the shear modulus, for the exact determination of which it is necessary to conduct experimental studies. In the course of the study, the authors compared the passport, experimental and calculated values of stiffness and shear modulus for automobile springs. The results of the comparative analysis showed that the actual shear modulus of the samples under study often differed from the confidence range given in the literature. Therefore, when calculating the vehicle suspension, a noticeable error may occur. A lower value of the shear modulus compared to the confidence range may be associated, first of all, with a change in the properties of the spring during operation.
Keywords: shear modulus; coil spring; BAJA SAE; Formula Student; information deficit; spring stiffness calculation
- Burenin V.V. Teplojenergetika, 1993, no. 12, pp. 66-70.
- Grishakin V.T. Trudy MAI, 2023, no. 130, doi 10.34759/trd-2023-130-03.
- Vihrov A.V. Nesushhie sistemy transportnyh sredstv special'nogo naznachenija (Load-bearing systems of special-purpose vehicles), Moscow, MADI, 2015, 112 p. ISBN 978-5-7962-0199-2.
- Nigmetzjanov R.I., Sundukov S.K., Fatjuhin D.S. Vestnik mashinostroenija, 2017, no. 9, pp. 43-46.
- Dunin A.Ju., Dushkin P.V. Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo tekhnicheskogo universiteta im. N.E. Baumana. Seriya Mashinostroyeniye, 2016, no. 1(106), pp. 80-88.
- Malahov A.Ju., Livanskij A.N., Karpov M.A. Problemy jekspertizy v avtomobil'no-dorozhnoj otrasli, 2021, no. 1(1), pp. 5-22.
- Gaevskij V.V., Havaev D.A., Murav'ev I.I. Gruzovik, 2019, no. 5, pp. 6-9.
- Feofanov S.A., Buhteev P.I., Denisov I.M. Eksperimental'nyye i teoreticheskiye issledo-vaniya v sovremennoy nauke, Sbornik statei, Novosibirsk, Assotsiatsiya nauchnykh sotrudnikov "Sibirskaya akademicheskaya kniga", 2017, vol. 1(1), pp. 76-83.
- Osipov V.I., Aleksandrov A.V., Sinel'nikov D.E., Shadrin S.S. Komp'juternye tehnologii pri proektirovanii i issledovanii krutil'nyh kolebanij sceplenija s dvuhmassovym mahovikom (Computer technologies in design and study of torsional vibrations of a dual mass flywheel clutch), Moscow, MADI, 2019, 96 p.
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- Sazonova Z.S., Arifullin I.V., Feofanova L.S., Scherbakova V.L. Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii, 2015, no. 11, pp. 114-118.
- Dolzhenkov V.A., Feofanova L.S., Merenkov E.A. REDS: Telekommunikacionnye ustroystva i sistemy, 2021, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 72-74.
- Dergachev D.A., Fursov K.S., Smolko E.S. Science Journal of Transportation, 2023, no. 3(15), pp. 57-62.
Sergey V. Kotovich – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Tractor-truck and amphibious vehicles of MADI, Moscow, Russia, svtrack@mail.ru
At present, in Russia, more and more attention is being paid to the creation of vehicles capable of intensive movement in difficult road conditions, typical for the revived navigation along the Northern Sea Route, during the development of hard-to-reach mineral deposits in order to ensure the mobility of special equipment in conditions of off-season thaw. The article proposes to consider the slippage of the vehicle from the standpoint of the inertia of the interaction process of the vehicle’s propeller with the supporting surface. It is shown that the concept of inertia of the process of interaction of objects, which, in particular, includes slippage, unites all three laws of dynamics of Isaac Newton into a system. The article explains why the traction force under the track’s support surface does not always increase. Several variants of theoretically substantiated formulas for determining the amount of slippage are proposed depending on the characteristics of the task set before the designers, as well as road conditions and driving parameters. Examples are proposed that confirm the significant impact on the total result of various degrees of slippage of the vehicle's propellers, on which its traction and coupling qualities depend, which ultimately determines the features of its design. The principle is clarified according to which the power of the power plant of the machine should be distributed between its propellers in the conditions of movement on a deformable soil surface.
Keywords: slippage of propellers, inertia of interaction of propellers with the supporting surface, connection of inertia of interaction with the laws of dynamics of I. Newton, combined propellers
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- Keller A.V., Popov A.V. Tractors and agricultural machines, 2023, vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 505-514, doi 10.17816/0321-4443-568209.
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- Markovnina A.I., Makarov V.S., Kapustin A.G., Vakhidov U.Sh., Belyakov V.V. Transport systems, 2024, no. 2(32), pp. 4-10.
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Vladimir A. Kupavtsev – postgraduate of Joint-Stock company “Scientific and Research Institute of Motor Transport”, Moscow, Russia, kupavtsev.v.a@bk.ru, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3964-0534
Vadim V. Donchenko – Candidate of Science (Technical), Senior Research, Deputy Director of the Center for Development of Public Transport at the RUT, Moscow, Russia, doncenko@niiat.ru, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0544-7608
Over the last five years, there has been a strong increase in the number of road traffic accidents (RTA) involving personal mobility equipment (PME), in particular electric scooters. Analysis of these types of accidents shows that most of them are related to collision with pedestrians, as a result of shared use of pedestrian infrastructure, such as sidewalks. In order to reduce this type of accidents it is necessary to carry out scientific research to justify the reduction of the speed of the considered devices - electric scooters. As a result of this research, the authors have developed a mathematical model for assessing the risk of collision of personal mobility devices with pedestrians when they share pedestrian infrastructure.
Keywords: personal mobility aids, traffic safety, pedestrian collision, risk, frequency, probability
- Bakanov K.S., Lyakhov P.V., Loparev E.A., Ermaganbetov A.S., Isaev M.M., Nikulin E.D., Sergunova A.S., Naumov S.B., Tsaregorodtseva E.A., Knyazev A.S. Dorozhno-transportnaya avariynost' v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2021 god (Road traffic accident rate in the Russian Federation for 2021), Moscow, Research Center for Road Traffic Safety Problems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2022, 126 p. ISBN 978-5-6046952-0-3.
- Bakanov K.S., Lyakhov P.V., Aysanov A.S., Isaev M.M., Nikulin E.D., Koblov P.S., Sergunova A.S., Selednikov N.V., Naumov S.B., Knyazev A.S. Dorozhno-transportnaya avariynost' v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2022 god (Road traffic accident rate in the Russian Federation for 2022) Moscow, Scientific Center for Road Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2023, 150 p. ISBN 978-5-6046952-7-2.
- Jung A. A., Shevtsova A. G. Modern Science, 2021, no. 2, pp. 31-36, doi 10.53039/2079-4401.2021.4.2.007.
- Kupavtsev V. A., Donchenko V. V. Materialy XVI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii "Avtomatizatsiya i energosberezheniye v mashi-nostroyenii, energetike i na transporte, Vologda Vologda State University, 2022, pp. 327-331.
- Yung A. A., Murzina I. S., Shevtsova A. G. Materialy XVI Mezhduna-rodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii "Aktual'nyye voprosy organizatsii avtomobil'nykh perevozok, bezopasnosti dvizheniya i ekspluatatsii transportnykh sredstv", Saratov, Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Y.A., 2021, pp. 23-28.
- Shevtsova A. G., Burlutskaya A. G., Yung A. A. Intelligence. Innovations. Investment, 2022, no. 1, pp. 126-134, doi 10.25198/2077-7175-2022-1-126.
- Novikov A. N., Shevtsova A. G. Bezopasnoye i effektivnoye upravleniye transportnymi potokami v gorodskoy transportnoy sisteme (Safe and efficient traffic flow management in the urban transportation system), Belgorod, BGTU, Orel, OGU, 2022, 204 p. ISBN 978-5-361-01115-5.
- Kiselenko, A. N., Sundukov E. Yu., Tarabukina N. A. Mir transporta, 2022, vol. 20, no. 3(100), pp. 40-49, doi 10.30932/1992-3252-2022-20-3-5.
Dmitry B. Efimenko – Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, Head of the Department of Legal and customs regulation of transport MADI, Moscow, Russia, ed2002@mail.ru
Alexey A. Burygin – Deputy General Director for Development of The Scientific and Production Organization GIDROPRIVOD-SPETSMASH LLC, expert of the Group of Experts of the Public Council under the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Moscow, Russia, burygin.madi@yandex.ru
Anton A. Shkiperov – the main expert of Export Control Department of the Russian FTEC Office for the Central Federal District, Moscow, Russia, a.shkiperov@yandex.ru
Yulia N. Zudina – assistant of the Department of Legal and customs regulation of transport, postgraduate, MADI, Moscow, Russia, julia_zudina00@mail.ru
In this article the authors investigate issues of improvement of technology of weight and dimensional control of motor vehicles as an integral element of transport support of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation. Every year new challenges arise in the transport system, which concern both the imperfect development of road complex systems and insufficient information component. One of such challenges is the issue related to the weight and size control of motor vehicles. The source of this challenge is related to the underdeveloped infrastructure of checkpoints where the main control takes place, and also, to a greater extent, to the non-compliance of vehicle loading with the required standards. More than 80% of vehicles travel on the route with excess weight. Based on the results of the analysis carried out by the authors, proposals were formulated for the implementation of a new system of weight and dimensional control of vehicles, based on a two-stage methodology for its implementation, including, among other things, the automatic formation of a “rating register” of carriers of goods as subjects of foreign economic activity within the framework of one information system. By improving the technology of weight and dimension control of motor vehicles, new opportunities are opening up for increasing the efficiency of organizing the process of transportation by motor vehicles in the field of logistics of international goods movement.
Keywords: weight and dimension control, transport control, motor vehicles, logistics of international goods movement, intelligent checkpoint, state border, international road transport
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Valentina V. Korchenenkova – Head of the laboratory of the Department of Road survey and design MADI, Moscow, Russia, FinistaIC@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0335-7550
Alexey P. Pavlov – Candidate of Sciences (Technical), Associate Professor of the Department of Manufacturing and repair of vehicles and road-construction machines MADI, Moscow, Russia, 89037628407@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0003-4557-4681
The presented article presents an analysis of the results of works on forecasting and identifying the physical essence of the "cold spraying" process in restoring the operability of worn engine parts of ground transport and technological vehicles (GTV). The use of the "cold spraying" method can be based directly on the application of the sprayed material both to the base material of the worn surface of the part and to a pre-applied substrate made of another material that provides a higher level of adhesion of the sprayed material. Therefore, it is very important to correctly develop the spraying technology to ensure the required level of its adhesion to the base material or substrate material. The study was conducted to assess the influence of the main technical parameters of both the sprayed particles themselves and the parameters of the technological process of organizing their application, taking into account a decrease in the degree of impact of the spraying process on changes in the physical and mechanical properties of the base material of the parts due to a decrease in the thermal effect. A general idea is given based on previously conducted studies of the processes occurring during the collision of sprayed particles with the base material or substrate material. It has been established that the process of particle fixation as a result of "cold spraying" can be of a threefold nature depending on the materials themselves and the modes of their application, from adhesive to cohesive and diffusion natures.
Keywords: adhesion, cohesion, diffusion, cold spraying, restoration of worn surfaces, restoration of operability, particles, physical and mechanical properties, thermal influence of processes, samples
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Denis V. Kapski – Doctor of Science (Technical), Professor, Vice-chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus, Professor of the Department «Transport Systems and Technologies» by the Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus, d.kapsky@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9300-3857
Sergey V. Bogdanovich – Candidate of Sciences (Technical), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department “Transport Systems and Technologies” by the Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, Belarus, bsw001@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6709-6786
The paper presents an innovative approach to road infrastructure safety assessment based on the integration of modern intelligent technologies and data analysis methods. A comprehensive Aggregate Road Safety Index (AR-SI) has been developed, combining static infrastructure characteristics, dynamic traffic flow parameters, and predictive risk assessments. The methodology is based on the application of big data technologies and machine learning algorithms for processing information received from a distributed network of sensors, video surveillance systems, and connected vehicles. The ARSI mathematical model accounts for the mutual influence of various safety factors and adapts to changing traffic conditions. The proposed approach creates a foundation for the development of intelligent road safety management systems and can be integrated into existing ITS platforms. The practical significance of the study is confirmed by the possibility of applying the developed methodology by road administrations to optimize road safety improvement measures.
Keywords: road infrastructure, road safety, intelligent transportation systems, machine learning, big data analysis, monitoring systems, risk prediction
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Vu Thi Van Anh – Candidate of Science (Technical), Lecturer, Faculty of traffic police, People's Police University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, anhvu7587@mail.ru
Xuan-Hien Nguyen – Candidate of Science (Technical), Lecturer, Faculty of Automotive technology, School of mechanical and automotive engineering, Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam, hien.nguyen15@haui.edu.vn
The article considers the possibility of solving the problem of congestion in the Moscow transport network using the joint work of the directive and indirect control subsystems that are part of the intelligent transport system (ITS). Statistical data describing the situation with the congestion of the city's roads are provided. Methods for increasing the efficiency of the existing ITS using rerouting of vehicle traffic in case of road accidents are also proposed. The purpose of this work is to determine the share of vehicle redirection in the network, traffic routes and the corresponding method of organizing traffic using traffic light control to minimize the costs of vehicle movement on the network. A method is proposed for solving the problem of congestion by redirecting vehicles from a congested road to other routes in a way that involves determining bypass routes with an optimal share of redirected vehicles taking into account the scale of the congestion situation. A mathematical model of the cost of a trip is given, which in this case is proposed to assess the effectiveness of the control action on re-routing on the road network. The proposed method will improve the efficiency of intelligent transport systems due to the joint use of directive and indirect traffic flow control systems.
Keywords: traffic management, intelligent transportation systems, traffic lights, variable-message sign, traffic flows
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Andrey I. Vorobyov – Candidate of Sciences (Technical), Associate Professor of the Department of “Road traffic management and safety, Intelligent transport systems” MADI, Moscow, Russia, andrey552@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1890-6033
George E. Golovashin – postgraduate MADI, Moscow, Russia, georgii.golovashin@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0001-1900-3397
The article provides an analysis of existing scientific papers that investigate the impact of highly automated vehicles (HAVs) on changing the main parameters of traffic flow and increasing road capacity in mixed traffic conditions. It also assesses changes in the configuration of street and road networks (SRN), transport infrastructure, transport demand, safety, environmental impact, and energy efficiency. The impact of HAVs on traffic throughput is evaluated in various operating conditions, such as driving in tunnels, at intersections, on highways, and in urban road networks. The article presents the concept of dividing traffic models into four levels of complexity: macroscopic, mesoscopic, microscopic, and nanoscopic. It indicates the main software products that can achieve each level of complexity. During the study, we found that many researchers do not take into account the movement of vehicles in a non-deterministic traffic flow. This raises doubts about the results obtained regarding the direct relationship between increasing road capacity and the introduction of variable speed limits. Therefore, a unified approach is necessary to predict and assess the implementation of variable speed limits on urban roads at different levels of modeling detail.
Keywords: highly automated vehicles (HAVs), capacity, traffic simulation, nanoscopic modeling, infrastructure
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