«Vestnik Moskovskogo avtomobilno-dorozhnogo gosudarstvennogo tehnicheskogo universiteta (MADI)» | Number 3(34), September 2013



Motor transport

Technique of the assessment of algorithms of management of the car in the automatic mode

Authors: A. Fadin, A. Ivanov, S. Shadrin

Justification of the usage of coefficient of correction on tire wear in the theory of wheel rolling

Authors: S. Medveditskov, V. Zadvornov 

Tire tester for the research of studded tires characteristics

Authors: S. Kristalniy, V. Zadvornov, N. Popov, V. Fomitchev, A. Shlyahtin

Transportation engineering 

Car cooling systems electrically driven water pump

Authors: O. Demidov, M. Lubovtsov, I. Minkin, M. Tsimbaliuk

The analysis of electromagnetic process, accompanied start of cage motors

Authors: V. Burenin, V. Polyansky, E. Ivanina, N. Kirillov

To a question of efficiency of road-building technology taking into account the probabilistic nature of the working situation

Authors: K. Shestopalov, E. Koroleva

Technique of definition the operational performance combined road machines

Authors: N. Tagieva

About the mechanism of degassing at high amplitude to ultrasonic liquid processing

Authors: V. Kazancev, D. Fatyukhin

Features design hydrodynamic  ma­chines and hydrodynamic transmissions

Authors: А. Narbut

Pulsing cavitation phenomena in a sinusoidal amplitude change of exciting force

Authors: А. Neverov

Economics and management

Grounding methods for the control and management of traffic flows on the basis of coordinated control (example of Penza)

Authors: O. Sorokina, Y. Sorokina

Increase of efficiency of freight traffic on the basis of creation of steady transportno-logistical system of high-speed processing and delivery of cargoes

Authors: L. Mirotin, A. Nekrasov, P. Stepanov, P. Tregubov

Improvement of the for transport cooperation in the CIS

Authors: P. Semin

Highways, bridges & transport tunnels

A cause analysis of the cryogenic effects on the Kolyma highway Р-504

Authors: S. Guly, N. Prell

Research of a method modelling technology erection objects road building

Authors: R. Razyapov

Designing vehicles for designing highways

Authors: J. Abdunazarov

Traffic safety

On some methods to improve the system of road traffic safety in the Russian Federation

Authors: N. Kuznetsov, V. Kulagin, D. Buravov, I. Grakovich

Optimization of the regional plans of measures on safety increase traffic

Authors: V. Guseinaliev

Motor transportation

Multimodal transport efficiency optimization in FMCG industry

Authors: J. Ovsyanikova

Environment safety 

Justification of need of development of bi­cycle movement in the large cities

Authors: A. Galyshev